Notices Flashcards
NOTICES ----------- FOR 50 ACRES + To Amend CP, i.e., (a) Actual uses in zoning category, or (b) Actual zoning map designation, what PHs & notice are required?
NOTICES ----------- PHS: 1. 2 PHs on wkdays 2. 1 PH @ 5 pm unless vote by maj + 1 (Marion) NOTICES: 3. Mail to Os. OR 4. 18 pt font w/ maps. (a) No map if changes actual use. (b) If map, incl on any online posting. (c) Not in legal section of newspaper.
Most Notices of Public Hearing
# hrgs, notice
Most Notices of Public Hearing:
1. 1 public hearing.
2. Notice in newspaper for at least 10 days.
3. No statutory requirement that notice be mailed or post signs. But most jurisdictions do. If you require it, you have to comply with it.
When are addtl notices of land use Public Hearings required?
NOTICES ----------- For Land Use Regulations that change: 1) Use in a zoning category. 2) Zoning category of 50+ acres. ---------- All PCP use w/i zone + map ----------- • Actual use of permitted, conditional or prohibited use in the zoning category or • Actual zoning of a particular parcel or parcels of lands of 50 contiguous acres or more
Results of failure to give notice of a Public Hearing?
Failure to give notice:
(1) Hearings and actions are void ab initio
(2) Citizen waives notice if appears but does not complain of lack of notice.
In theory, if they hadn’t come, it would be void ab initio.
What are 5 keys re: Local Process to appeal a Legis. decision based on CP?
LG can adopt ordinance:
1. Reqs mailing and posting w/i 10 days of app.
2. Notice states rt to request Q-J hearing.
3. Must be held b/4 special magistrate
4. Discovery + disclosure of wits & exhs.
5. Spec mag takes testimony, issues subpoenas.
How many days does FLUEDRA special magistrate have to hold hearing?
45 days for a hearing.
40 day advance notice given. WEIRD #
When know if you shd use the 2 PH notice process?
NOTICES ----------- Changes Actual PCP use w/i a zone or its Map. ----------- Ordinance changes actual: 1. Permitted, conditional, or prohibited uses within a zoning category, or 2. Zoning map 3. 50+ acres.
What notice is required for non-land use ordinances?
1 ad 10 days before hearing.
What notice is required for small scale CP amendment or zoning map change (note map change only, no text change)?
LG mails notice to Owners @ least 30 days before hearing.
Who sends notice in Way #2 - enactment & notice?
LG notices O.
O has 1 yr to apply for variance.
What if LG enacts but doesn’t send notice?
BERT HARRIS:: Way #3 - Enactment only.
(1) When O ascertains impact is clear & unequivocal, O notifies LG of this via certified mail & email (if avail).
(2) LG has 45 days via certified mail & email (if avail) to describe the limitations imposed by the enactment.
(3) O has 1 yr from receipt to file suit.
Who sends notice in Way #3 (enact-only)?
BERT HARRIS:: Way #3 - Enactment only. ----------- REMEMBER - in enact only, LG's look is cut in half ----------- O notices LG. LG has 45 days to describe limitations. O has 1 yr from receipt to file suit.
What is a second way a Bert Harris suit might initiate?
BERT HARRIS:: Way #2 - Enact-Notice BEGINNING
- LG enacts law or regulation.
- LG notifies title O (or registered agent)
What is significance of LG’s notice of enactment to O?
Impact is clear & unequivocal & restrictive of pre-enactment uses.
O now has 1 yr from receipt to pursue remedies, i.e. 1 yr to apply for development order or variance.
What is contained in LG’s notice to O when LG enacts-notices?
1) That enactment may impact O’s existing property rights.
2) That O has 1 yr from receipt to file suit.