20 Flashcards
What must end 20 days before trial?
Start 120 days after Answer. End 20 days b/4 trial.
No later than
120 days after Def answers
20 days before trial.
What is triggered on Def by 20 days before trial?
Only for an amount that is under $100,000.
Start 120 days after Answer. End 20 days b/4 trial.
No later than
120 days after Def answers
20 days before trial.
Weirdness about timeline in accepting Offer of Jmt.
Can be made 20 days b/4 trial.
So can’t hold Def to 30 day acceptance rule.
If made less than 30 days b/4 trial, Def can accept b/4 trial.
What is critical deadline for LG, or else all was a waste.
E.D. ----------- What is the deadline for CR deposit? ----------- 20 days of Order of Taking. >>i tend to miss this one ----------- If miss, void ab initio w/ no ability for reinstatement.
How is 20 days significant initiating an ED Petition?
Def has 20 days to show cause.
How many times does CR have to publish for out-of-state Def?
1 time completed prior to 20 days before show cause.
Can Clerk include both, show cause deadline + Petition date, on summons?
Yes, but Def gets 20 days to show cause. Petition date is 1 day thereafter.
When can Petition date be held?
No earlier than 1 day after show cause.
How do summons for OUT-state Defs differ in Slow (73) & Quick (74)?
73: Publish 1 x per wk for 2 consec. wks.
74: Publish 1 x 20 days b/4 return date.
What must LG when validating it bond?
BONDS ----------- Publish notice of the bond validation hearing twice. 1 x wk for 2 consecutive weeks. 1st publication 20 days before hearing. ----------- How remember? show-cause is 2 words. 2 publications (1/wk x 2 wks) + 1st pub = 20 days
What 2 times does LG add 20% overhead to a project?
1) Wh/ project must be competitively bid under 255.20.
Amt overhead LG can pay itself if self-hire under 255.20.
Threshold: $300k incl: 1) OH @ 20% 2) Labor 3) Mats.
Self-hire: Get 20% admin
How is 20% significant to MBE?
May set up to 10% aside
Encourage 20% bond writing
Equal protection suit @ 30%
State 4 items in which 20 is significant.
A) 20 days to publish 1 quick take out-of-state
B) 20 days needs to be 1st of 2 publishes for bond validation.
C) E.D. Off of Jmt = 120 days aft Answer + 20 days b/4 trial.