notes part 2 Flashcards
Discuss the ventilation differences between different lung regions
At apex: the intrapleural pressure is more -ve than the base less air is moved into & out of alveoli during inspiration.
So, ventilation at base is higher than apex of the lung
Discuss the perfusion differences between different lung regions.
Due to gravity,: blood flow to the base of the lungs is more than apex in upright posture
→ more perfusion to base
In supine position: blood flow to posterior part of lung is more than anterior parts
In exercise : ↑ apical & basal blood flow
In Hemorrhage → underperfusion of the apex
Describe the consequences of the physiological mismatching between ventilation and perfusion at the lung apex and at the lung base
Lung apex: - High VA/ Q ratio - ↑ O2 & ↓CO2 - Wasted ventilation (physiological dead space) Lung base: - Low VA/ Q ratio - ↓ O2 & ↑CO2 - Wasted blood (venous admixture) (physiological shunt)
Give an account on the physiologic dead space.
Definition; wasted ventilation
(air doesn’t share in gas exchange)
= Anatomical + Alveolar dead space
in upright posture (↓ blood flow to upper parts of lungs)
Give an account on the physiologic shunt (venous admixture)
wasted perfusion
blood leaves the lungs without oxygenation
Discuss the physiologic compensatory mechanisms that minimize the ventilation/perfusion mismatching
1- Higher VA/ Q ratio (More air than blood)
- ↑ local alveolar PO2→vasodilatation of pulmonary vessels → ↑ blood flow
- ↓local alveolar PCO2→ bronchoconstriction → local ↓ in ventilation
2- Low VA/ Q ratio(More blood than air)
- ↓ local alveolar PO2→ vasoconstriction of pulmonary vessels → ↓ blood flow
- ↑local alveolar PCO2→ bronchodilatation → local ↑ in ventilation
List the pressure differences responsible for oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusion in the body
1- O2 diffusion:
by down pressure gradient , From alveolar air (PO2 = 100 mmHg) to pulmonary capillary blood (PO2 = 40mmHg)
2- CO2 diffusion:
by down pressure gradient, From pulmonary capillary blood (PCO2 46mmHg) to alveolar air (PCO2 40mmHg)
Alveolar PO2 remains constant because:
New O2 arrives to the alveoli is EQUAL to O2 leaves the alveoli into the blood
Gas exchange between alveolar air (air) & pulmonary capillaries (blood) occurs by…………………………………………
simple diffusion
from areas of high partial pressure to areas with low partial pressure
Mention the layers and the characters of the respiratory membrane
اسكيمة ال 6 ليرز F , 2A , IF , 2C 1) Fluid lining alveoli & surfactant 2) Alveolar epithelium 3) Alveolar basement membrane 4) Interstitial space &fluid 5) Capillary basement membrane 6) Capillary endothelium Thickness = 0.5 u Surface area = 50-100 m2
Describe the factors affecting diffusion of gases through the respiratory membrane.
1) Pressure gradient
2) Surface area of the pulmonary membrane
3) Thickness of the respiratory system
4) Diffusion coefficient of the gas
the diffusion rate of CO2 is 20 times faster than
O2 because………………
The solubility of CO2 is much more than O2 by 24 times
Respiratory diseases affect …………diffusion more than ………………..diffusion
O2 diffusion more than CO2 diffusion
Define the diffusion capacity. List the values of O2 and CO2 diffusion capacity during rest and during exercise.
Definition: the volume of a gas diffusion from alveoli to pulmonary capillary blood through the respiratory
membrane/ min/ 1 mmHg pressure difference
1- O2 diffusion capacity At rest : 20mL/ min/ 1 mmHg In exercise: 60-70mL/ min/ 1 mmHg
2- CO2 diffusion capacity At rest : 400 mL/min/ 1 mmHg In exercise: 1600 mL/min/ 1 mmHg
Outline the factors affecting diffusion capacity
- ↑ in exercise due to: ↑ Number of opened capillaries & ↑ alveolar expansion → ↑ surface area & ↓ thickness - ↓ in ↑ Thickness of respiratory membrane ↓ surface area of respiratory membrane
Mention the conditions that increase Thickness of respiratory membrane
- Fibrosis
- Oedema
Mention the conditions that decrease surface area of respiratory membrane
- Collapse
- Emphysema
- VA/Q imbalance
Describe the methods of O2 transport in blood.
O2 in blood transported in 2 forms:
1- In physical solution 1.5%
-Dissolved in water of plasma & RBCs
- It cannot satisfy the demands of tissues
2- In chemical combination 98.5%
- Binds to the ferrous iron of heme of hemoglobin
- Tissues depend on it
Define: O2 content, O2 carrying capacity, and the % saturation of hemoglobin with O2
O2 content:-
- Total O2 carried in blood
O2 carrying capacity of blood:-
- Maximal O2 carried by Hb when Hb is fully saturated with O2.
% saturation of Hb with O2:-
- It is a measure of the extent of Hb combination with O2
Define O2-hemoglobin curve. Discuss its physiological importance.
A curve showing the relation between PO2 & % saturation of Hb
- Sigmoid (S-Shaped) has 2 parts:
1) Steep part (at low PO2)
Represent what happens at tissues
It is important for normal adequate supply of O2 to tissues in normal conditions & in exercises
2) Plateau part (at high PO2)
Represents what happens in the lungs
This part of the curve is a safety factor against changes in PO2
. List the factors that cause right shift of O2- hemoglobin curve = ↓ affinity of Hb to O2 & ↑ O2release
لما التيشو يكون محتاج اكسجين اكتر ↑ PCO2 (Bohr effect) ↑ temperature ↑ H+(↓ pH = acidosis) ↑ 2.3 DPG ↓ PO2
List the factors that cause left shift of O2- hemoglobin curve.= ↑ affinity of Hb to O2 & ↓ O2 release
↓ PCO2 ↓ temperature ↓ H+(↑ pH = alkalosis) ↓2.3 DPG ↑ PO2
Define P50 and mention its importance.
PO2 at which 50% of Hb saturated with O2
Normal: P50 =27 mmHg
- It is an index of Hb affinity to O2
- P50 is inversely related to Hb affinity to O2
Describe the Bohr’s effect on O2-Hb curve at the tissues and at the lungs.
At tissues: -↑ PCO2 & H+ → shift to right - O2 release from Hb At lungs: - ↓ PCO2 & H+ → shift to left - O2 uptake by Hb
Give an account on CO poisoning
CO Binds to Hb at the same O2 binding site → carboxy Hb (COHb) [or carbon monoxyHb]
explain why Very small amount of CO Bind to a large amount of Hb ( Interfere with O2 binding to Hb)
Affinity of Hb to CO is 240 times more than its affinity to O2
2,3 DBG can not act on fetal Hb because………………………………………….
it normally acts on B chains , and fetal Hb contains 2 Alpha and 2 Gamma ( no Beta )
One myoglobin molecule carries one O2 only
because ……………………………….
it has only one ferrous
Myoglobin acts as O2 store, it releases its O2 to
muscles only in ………………………….
serve exercise (marked ↓ in PO2)
Mean pulmonary arterial pressure =