Notes chapter 19 Flashcards
MyPlate ?
-Divided into four different color section
-vegetables, fruit , grains,and protein
-increase intake of fruit ,vegetables and whole grains, and reduce amount sodium and sugary food diet
Dietary Guidelines For Americans ?
Current of these guidelines it focuses on healthy eating patterns as a whole rather than on individual nutrients or foods.
Dietary reference intake ( DRI )?
refers to a set of nutrient based values for evaluating and planning diets
A nutrient?
is a chemical compound or element necessary for good health that is found in food
Essential nutrients?
are nutrients that the body cannot make in the amounts essential for good health ; therefore it is necessary to obtain these nutrients through the diet or from other sources
There are six classes of essential nutrients *?
carbohydrates , fats , proteins , vitamins , minerals , and water .
Three major functions of nutrients include?
(1 ) providing energy , ( 2) building and repairing tissue , and ( 3) regulating body processes
Providing energy - A kilocalorie ( kcal )*?
is a measurement of energy , much as a pound is a measurement of weight
-a certain food has X number of kilocalories , it provides that amount of energy -more kilocalories a food has , the more energy it provides
Of the six essential nutrients *?
energy three provide energy : carbohydrates , fats , and proteins -Vitamins , minerals , and water do not provide but are nonetheless essential nutrients
(CHO) are organic compounds containing carbon , hydrogen , and oxygen
Carbohydrates are classified as either?
simple (monosaccharides,disaccharide) or complex (polysaccharide)according to the number of sugar units
Simple carbohydrates?-
Carbohydrates are made of molecular units called saccharides, or sugar units.
-include the monosaccharides and the disaccharides
-Monosaccharides have only one sugar unit -Glucose often is called “blood glucose “ because it is the major form of saccharides , or sugar , in the blood .
-Disaccharides are made up of two sugar units bonded together -are reduce by hydrolysis’ into monosaccharides before being absorbed
Complex carbohydrates?
Complex carbohydrates are termed polysaccharides because they are made of long chains of glucose (sugar) units
Simple Carbohydrates Monosaccharides food?
-Glucose Dextrose , corn syrup -Fructose Fruits , honey , high fructose corn syrup -Galactose Milk (only found in lactose)
Simple Carbohydrates Disaccharides food?
-Sucrose Table sugar , sugarcane , beet sugar , powdered and brown sugar , fruits
-Lactose milk
-Maltose malted grains products
Complex Carbohydrates food ?
Starch Grains and grain products (e.g., cereals , breads , crackers , pasta , rice , legumes , corn , potatoes , vegetables ) -Glycogen No significant dietary source ( storage form of carbohydrate in animal tissue )
-Dietary fiber Whole grains , legumes , fruits, vegetables , nuts, seeds
- also called animal starch, is the stored form of carbohydrates -is made from simple sugars and stored mainly in the liver and in muscles -is used when the body’s blood glucose level is low .
Dietary fiber? .
-refers to foods that humans cannot break down ( digest )
-Fiber does provide roughage , or bulk which is important for health maintenance
-It can lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels and assist in weight loss
Insoluble fiber is found in ? (Look pic)
-wheat bran, vegetables , whole grains, and some fibrous fruits.
-Insoluble fiber softens stools, speeds transit of foods through the digestive tract , and reduces pressure in the colon .-Thus it may help relieve constipation
Water-soluble fiber is found?
- in fruits, oats, barley , and legumes.
-It binds with bile acids and cholesterol in the digestive tract to prevent their absorption
-helps lower cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease .
-Soluble fiber attracts water
Lipids are?
organic substances of a fatty nature that are insoluble in water and necessary for good health
-Fats and cholesterol are lipids
Lipids perform many functions in the body?
they provide the most concentrated source of energy of all the nutrients
Dietary fat provides satiety ?
a feeling of fullness and satisfaction from food
Saturated fatty acids ?
saturated fatty acid is one whose chemical bonds are filled completely , or saturated , with hydrogen
-Saturated fats are generally of animal origin -increase blood cholesterol levels , thus increasing the risk for atherosclerosis ( the buildup of fatty deposits on the artery walls ) and heart disease
Unsaturated fatty acids?
An unsaturated fatty acid has places on its chemical chain in which hydrogen -mostly found plant
Hydrogenation is?
a process in which hydrogen is added to a fat of vegetable origin ( unsatu rated ) to make it more saturated or solid
Trans fatty acids are?
-unsaturated fatty acids that have been completely hydrogenated -trans fatty acids are found in smaller amounts in dairy products and some meats
Coconut, palm, and palm kernel ( tropical olls) Fat in and on meats and poultry Egg yolk Butter, cream , milk fat Cocoa butter Olive oil, olives?
Canola oil Peanuts and peanut oil Most other nuts Avocados?
Safflower oil Sunflower oil Cottonseed oil Soybean oil Corn oil Most fish oil ?
Partially hydrogenated plant and fish oils Stick margarines , shortening Commercial fats used for frying baking?
is a lipid belonging to a class of chemical substances called sterols.?
Cholesterol is a building block for cell membranes and for hormones such as ?
estrogen and testosterone -is synthesized in the liver and is found in foods of animal origin
Digestion and metabolism of fat?
- For fat to be digested it must be emulsified, or broken into smaller globules
-Bile, a secretion of the liver, is necessary to emulsify fat. -Bile is stored in the gallbladder
Lipoproteins are?
molecules made of lipids surrounded by protein
It appears that the cholesterol found in LDLs
Low-density lipoprotein ?
increases the risk of atherosclerosis by contributing to plaque buildup on the artery walls - “bad “ cholesterol ,
HDLs transport
High-density lipoprotein?
cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver to be degraded and excreted
-“good “ cholestero
Photo pg 530
Look photo
Protein is another nutrient vital to the human body Proteins provide?
- the building blocks for blood and bone and they are a structural part of every cell
-Collagen , a vital connective tissue , is made of protein
-Some hormones , including thyroxine and insulin are proteins -Enzymes are proteins produced by living cells
Soluble Fiber (select all apply )? Food
Oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds, citrus , apples , strawberries , and many vegetables
Insoluble Fiber?
Whole wheat and grains vegetables and wheat bran
Amino acids*?
- are the building blocks of protein
-Approximately 20 amino acids have been identified as important to the body’s metabolism
-but only 9 of them are considered indispensable (essential ) amino acids
A complete protein is?
one that contains all nine essential amino acids in sufficient quantity and ratio for the body’s needs
-Complete proteins are generally of animal origin and are found in foods such as meat , poultry , fish , milk , I cheese , eggs , and soy products
Incomplete proteins *?
-those that are lacking in one or more of the essential amino acids .
-Incomplete proteins are of plant origin
-This includes the protein in grains , legumes , nuts , and seeds
Vegetarian diets* ?
-people who choose to limit their intake of animal foods , obtaining sufficient amounts of protein may be challenging
-vegan diet exclude all animals product more planning -of vitamin in the d because
- vitamin B_{12} is found exclusively in animal foods.
Nitrogen balance , or nitrogen equilibrium , is achieved?
when the amount of nitrogen ( protein ) taken in is equal to the amount of nitrogen excreted in the urine