Notes Ch: 29 - Infection Control Flashcards
What are the six points of the chain of infection?
- Infectious agent
- Reservoir
- Portal of exit
- Mode of Transmission
- Portal of entry
- Host
A reservoir is
a place where a pathogen can survive and multiply
List some examples of portals of exit
- Skin and mucous membranes
- Respiratory, GI, Urinary, and Reproductive tracts
- Blood transfusions/contact
Describe Vehicle contact.
- Contact with contaminated items
- ex. Water, Drugs, Solutions, Blood, Food
Describe Vector contact.
- Acquired from animals and bugs such as a: misquito, louse, flea, tick, etc
What is the contact category for measles, chickenpox (varicella), or tuberculosis?
What are the transmission precautions?
- Category = AIRBORNE
- Private Room
- negative pressure airflow w/ HEPA filtration
- PPE:
- mask or n95 respirator (pending condition)
- Gloves
- Gown
What is the contact category for diptheria, rubella, streptococcal pharyngitis, pneumonia, mumps, etc?
What are the transmission precautions?
- Category = Droplet
- Precautions = Private room or cohort patients
- PPE =
- mask or respirator (pending condition)
- Gloves
- Gown
What is the contact category for MRSA, herpes, scabies, etc?
What are the transmission precautions?
Category = Direct/Indirect Contact
- Private room or cohort patients
- Gloves
- Gowns
What are the precautions for those who require a protective environgment (are immunocomprimised)?
- Private room
- Positive airflow
- Hepa filtration
- Mask worn by patient when out of room
What are the four stages of the
Infectious Process
Briefly describe each.
- Incubation: Interval between entrance of pathogen into body and appearance of first symptoms
- Prodromal: Symptoms go from non-specific to specific (most contagious stage)
- Illness: Diagnosed and treated
- Convalescence: Recovery time w/ full course of medication
What is the normal range for WBCs?
Medical Asepsis is a _____ technique that _____ possibility of contamination.
clean, reduces
Surgical Asepsis is a _____ technique that _____ possibility of contamination.
sterile, prevents
What is the order of donning PPE?
- Cap
- Gown
- Mask
- Goggles
- Gloves
What is the order of removing PPE?
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Gown
- Mask
- Cap
What are the three Modes of Transmission
- Contact
- Vehicle
- Vector
What are the four methods of the Contact mode of transmission?
- Direct
- Indirect
- Droplet
- Airborne