Notes Flashcards
Arms race
Struggle between nations to gain an advantage in weapons
Anti ballistic missile treaty (ABM)
Part of the SALT 1 agreement between the United States and the soviet union that prevented the development of weapons designed to shoot down nuclear missiles
Bay of pigs invasion
Failed secret untied states plan to overthrow Fidel Castro in 1961
Berlin airlift
Massive effort by western leaders to supply West Berlin which had been cut off from east Berlin by air in 1948
Boris Yeltsin
Leader of the republic of Russia who favorited even more radical changes for the Soviet Union than mikhail Gorbachev had proposed and did not want to see hard liners take over the Soviet Union
Cold War
Era if tension and hostility between Soviet Union and United States lasted between 1947-1991
The United States policy involved resisting Soviet aggression in order to contain the spread of communism
Cuban missile crisis
Confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962 after Russia had installed nuclear missiles in Cuba
1968 policy of Richard Nixon that had sought to reduce tension between the United States and the Soviet Union
The development of or mateniantce of military power to deter
Feidel Castro
Leader of Cuba during Cold War era and bay of pigs invasion and the Cuba missile crisis
Radical concept by mikhail Gorbachev that ment openness or williness to discuss the soviet unions problems
Hydrogen bomb
Bomb who’s violent explosive power is due to the sudden release of atomic energy Results in massive explosion
Iron curtain
Speech given by British prime minister Winston chuchill to describe the sharp division
John f Kennedy
President of the United States during the failed bay of pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis
Marshall plan
United States plan named after Secretary of State George Marshall to provide 13 billon for the rebuilding of Europe
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet leader who called for major reform of the Soviet Union
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) alliance made up of the United States Canada and the most Western European country’s designed to counter soviet power in Europe
Nikita Khrushchev
Soviet leader who wanted to de-Stalinize the Soviet Union as well as loosened some of the more drastic stallin era economic and political restrictions
Nonaligned nations
Nations refusing the help of the United States or the Soviet Union opting instead to use their combined strength to promote the interests of poorer country’s
Numburg trials
Millitary courts held in numburg Germany between 1945 and 1949 that tried more than two hundred nazi military officials
Radical concept
Richard Nixon
Salt 1