Notatki Danniego part 8 Flashcards
What can change H.W?
4) Negative assortative mating (unlike for like)
- Hermaphrodite flowers
-> may not self fertile a x ab fails
-> self incompatibility mechanism -> b x ab fails
c x ab succeeds
-> plant with d is advantageous as can mate with any of the others
-> but will they become more prevalant (?) and become less advantageous
-> anti-inbreeding mechanism
- female mouse will terminate a pregnancy and absorb the foetus from a male mouse that has same antigen and she smells the scent of a male from another lineage
- > ensures genetic diversity
Odorant receptor
- single largest gene family
- > 1/6 genes are to do with scent in humans
- > most are matured (?) oral have no effect now
- another religous-wolate group
- higher chance for couplers to marry people that were less (genetically) like them
- spontaneous abortion prevelant in women that had babies with genetically similar males
- > possible anti-inbreeding mechanism
What can change H.W?
5) Mutation
There is always input from mutation
What can change H.W?
6) Natural selection
frequencies before selection:
AA Aa aa Total freq a
Gen 0 p^2 2pq q^2 1 q
Assume aa is lethal:
sel. value l l 0
p^2 2pq 0
p^2 + 2pq = p( p+2q) = p( 1+q)
since p + q = 1 =>/
AA Aa aa Rel freq p^2/(p(1+q)) 2pq/(p(1+q)) 0 after selection
= p/(1+q) 2q/(1+q) ->
-> so that a= q/(1+q)
- The more common the lethal allele, the faster it is removed from the population
- > It is in heterozygotes
Mutagens include
- atomic bomb
- types of meat? (?)
- cigarettes take 20 years to show mutagenic effects. Some can take a long time to show
- even bacteria can be a mutagen
- > helicobacter pyroli infects lower par of stomach (antrum) causing peptic ulcar disease (?) - some genes predispose to somatic mutation
- > BRCAI -? breast cancer gene - old age
- > linked to mutations
- > maybe mutations cause old age
Hugo de Vries
Dutch geneticist
- worked on Oenothera lamarckiana (?) red(?)/white flowers, wrinkled/smooth flowers
- very variable plant
- realised change was due to mutations - made the name
- these plants shatter (?) and rejoin their chromosomes
C-14 dating average age of human body cell - … ……
- skin cells - …. ….
- RBC - … …..
Brain/heart/liver …….
- 10 years
- 2 weeks
- 4 months
very slow replacement
Cells that replace quickly are more likely to have mutations and cause cancer
heart cell is very rare
Early somatic mutation leads to more cells showing the mutated characteristic as more cells grow from mutated one by mitosis
Proteus syndrome -
bare one growth from somatic mutation
Drosophila mutation
loss/gain of functions -> loss of red pigment / -> extra thorax - 2 extra wings / -> legs replace anernae (?) L-> homeotic mutants
Loss of function mutation tends to be recessive
-> first few generation of mutants will not show phenotype as hidden in heterozygotes
Deteering bacterial mutations:
1) Bacteria spread on original plate
2) Grows into colonies
3) Stamped onto penicillin - containing place using helmet pad (?)
4) Only resistant colonies survived with new mutation
- This experiment showed that mutations were spontaneous - not caused by the penicillin
Mutations in Maize
- Every corn normal is a seed
-> Endosperm
-> Triploid - 2 female + 1 male
CC x cc
Purple white
should be Ccc - all purple
The presence of a white normal shows mutation
Mutations in Mice
aa bb cc ++ ++ X ++ ++ ++ dd ee
f1: all a+ b+ c+ d+ e+
If mutation at locus C
a+ b+ cc d+ e+
= mouse with cc coat colour
- Used to test effect of mutagens today
- Can find patches of mutant coat colour on mice
Work on mutation rates by looking at (?) pedigrees and working out number of new mutations
~ 60 new mutations in every child from parents
Direct detection mutations in a tumour using FISH
Genetic heterogeneity - polydactyl
- > extra fingers
- > most similar looking mu(?) but don’t count
Phoemela (?)
- cleft hand mutation
- environmentally induced
- Phenocopy - copies a genetic mutation
Barbara Malintock -
- Showed particular genes that were harmless in one line, caused mutations in another line
9/16 A- D- black; D+ has no effect on A
3/16 A- dd black
3/16 aa D- dotted: D+ allele mutates a
1/16 aa dd white
-Dotted locus was moving around
Genomic instability - damages other genes
-> intrinsic
Variation in per-base (?) mutation rates
Higher rate in bigger genomes
Higher Eukaryotes - 10^-11 - 10^-9
Prokaryotes 10^-10 - 10^-8
RNA virus 10^-5 - 10^-4
Up to 500,000 DNA modification per day
-> We have repair enzymes to fix these
Warner Syndrome
promature ageing due to DNA repair failure
more common in Asia
Ionising radiation:
UV, X-Ray, Gamma