Not for Profit Accounting Flashcards
Not For Profit Accounting
What are the statement requirements for non- governmental hospitals?
- Balance Sheet
- Statement of Operations
- Statement of Changes in Net Assets
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Financial Statement Notes
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
Discrete presentation should be used unless the financial activities of the two entities are so intertwined as to make them substantially the same entity.
Discrete presentation should be used unless the financial activities of the two entities are so intertwined as to make them substantially the same entity.
Not For Profit Accounting
According to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification, a full set of financial statements for a private not-for-profit college or university would include the following:
- Statement of financial position
- Statement of activities
- Statement of cash flows
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
the Statement of Activities for a not-for-profit entity shall report the amount of change in permanently restricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and unrestricted net assets for the period.
The Statement of Activities for a not-for-profit entity shall report the amount of change in permanently restricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and unrestricted net assets for the period.
Not For Profit Accounting
How are works of art and collections accounted for in a NFP entity?
If not capitalized, the acquisition or donation for collections and works of art in a NFP would be recorded by recognizing an expense within the government-wide statement of activities.
General government expense XXX
Grants and contributions XXX
Not For Profit Accounting
What are the natural/ functional classifications required for NFP entities?
Functional Classification (i.e., program services, management, fundraising, etc.)- required by all NFP entities including Voluntary Health and Welfare organizations.
Natural Classification- Only those not-for-profits that are VOLUNTARY HEALTH AND WELFARE entities must augment the FUNCTIONAL classification of expenses that appears in the statement of activities with a NATURAL classification of expenses.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
Charity care does not qualify for recognition as revenues in the financial statements.
Charity care does not qualify for recognition as revenues in the financial statements. These are services provided without expectation of payment.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
In an NFP, Temporarily restricted and permanently restricted net assets report revenues, reclassifications, and expenses.
Temporarily restricted and permanently restricted net assets report revenues and reclassifications, but not expenses.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
All expenses reported on the statement of activities by a not-for-profit are reported as decreases in unrestricted net assets
All expenses reported on the statement of activities by a not-for-profit are reported as decreases in unrestricted net assets
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
Investment gains and losses are reported as unrestricted revenues in the statement of activities unless the donor of the principal investment amount has explicitly instructed otherwise.
Investment gains and losses are reported as unrestricted revenues in the statement of activities unless the donor of the principal investment amount has explicitly instructed otherwise.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
A budgetary comparison statement is required only for the General Fund and for each major special revenue fund
A budgetary comparison statement is required only for the General Fund and for each major special revenue fund
Not For Profit Accounting
Cash flows related to revenues and expenses that are unrestricted should be reported where on the statement of cash flows?
Operating activities section
Not For Profit Accounting
Cash flows related to restricted contributions for long-term purposes should be reported where on the statement of cash flows?
Financing activities section
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
A Voluntary health and wealth welfare organization should prepare a statement of functional expenses.
A Voluntary health and wealth welfare organization should prepare a statement of functional expenses, IN addition to the following items
- Statement of financial position
- Statement of activities
- Statement of cash flows
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
An entity need not recognize the contributions of works of art and historical artifacts if the collection is held for public exhibition rather than financial profit, cared for and preserved, and ii sold, the proceeds are used to acquire other items for collection.
An entity need not recognize the contributions of works of art and historical artifacts if the collection is held for public exhibition rather than financial profit, cared for and preserved, and ii sold, the proceeds are used to acquire other items for collection.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
The change in net assets for each class must be reported in a Statement of Activities report.
The change in net assets for each class must be reported in a Statement of Activities report.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
All NFP organizations must classify expenses according to their function in either the financial statement or in the notes to the financial statements.
All NFP organizations must classify expenses according to their function in either the financial statement or in the notes to the financial statements.
Not For Profit Accounting
Describe quasi endowment funds
Quasi endowment funds are established by the governing board of an organization using unrestricted net assets.
Not For Profit Accounting
How should the receipt of cash from a donor to establish a permanent endowment be reported on the statement of cash flows?
Financing activity
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
Voluntary health and wealth organizations should provide a statement of functional expenses
Voluntary health and wealth organizations should provide a statement of functional expenses
Not For Profit Accounting
When are donations of services recognized on the statement of activities?
- The services create or enhance a nonfinancial asset
or - The services require specialized sills, are provided by individuals possessing those skills, and would typically need to be purchased if not provided by donation.
Not For Profit Accounting
Define contribution revenue
Contribution revenue is the amount given above the FMV.
Not For Profit Accounting
True or False
When a resource provider transfers assets to a non-profit entity and (1) does not grant the recipient organization variance power and (2) the recipient organization and the beneficiaries are not financially interrelated, the recipient entity should record an increase in assets and liabilities as a result of the donation
When a resource provider transfers assets to a non-profit entity and (1) does not grant the recipient organization variance power and (2) the recipient organization and the beneficiaries are not financially interrelated, the recipient entity should record an increase in assets and liabilities as a result of the donation
Not For Profit Accounting
Define capital additions in NFP accounting.
Capital additions include non-expendable gifts restricted to endowment, plant, or loan funds and the legally restricted investment income on investment in such funds.