Government (State and Local Accounting) Flashcards
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Describe reciprocal interfund activities
Reciprocal interfund activities are activities that affect two funds resulting from loans or services provided and received.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Describe non-reciprocal interfund activities
Nonreciprocal interfund activities consist of flows of assets without equivalent flows in return.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What do support services consist of in a nongovernmental not-for-profit entity consist of?
Supporting services expenses are separated into two categories:
- Management and general
- Fundraising
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What do program expenses in a nongovernmental not-for-profit entity consist of?
The costs incurred by the not-for-profit entity in carrying out its primary mission are considered program expenses.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define Encumbrances
Encumbrances are commitments related to unperformed (executory) contracts for goods and services. They are recorded in the General and other governmental funds for budgetary control purposes to prevent overspending and demonstrate compliance with legal requirements. An encumbrance does not represent either expenditures or liabilities—it represents the estimated amount of expenditure which will result if unperformed contracts (purchase orders) in process are completed. (GASB 1700.127)
A debit to Encumbrance is offset by a credit to Fund Balance: Reserve for Encumbrance. When the contract is completed (the goods or services have been received), the encumbrance entry is reversed and the expenditure is recorded. The encumbrance entry is also removed at year-end and a portion of the Fund Balance is labeled “committed” or “assigned” unless there is already a portion of the Fund Balance labeled “restricted” regarding the specific commitment represented by the original Encumbrance.
For budgetary control: Unencumbered appropriations = Appropriations - Expenditures - Encumbrances
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define governmental funds
Governmental funds: To finance and account for general government activities, such as police and fire protection, courts, inspection, and general administration. Most of their financial resources are budgeted and appropriated annually for specific general government uses (expenditures) by the legislative body. Governmental funds include the following:
(1) General fund
(2) Special revenue funds
(3) Capital projects funds
(4) Debt service funds
(5) Permanent funds
Greater Phoenix Swing Dance Competition
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
The economic resources measurement focus and the ACCRUAL basis of accounting are used for proprietary funds and fiduciary funds.
The economic resources measurement focus and the ACCRUAL basis of accounting are used for proprietary funds and fiduciary funds.
Proprietary funds
- Enterprise Funds
- Internal Service Funds
Fiduciary Fund
-Pension Trust Fund
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
The Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting are used for Governmental Funds
The current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting are used for governmental funds. The general fund, capital projects fund, special revenue fund, and debt service fund are all governmental funds.
Greater Phoenix Swing Dance Competition
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
A contribution to a not-for-profit restricted to long-term purposes like construction shall be reported as a cash flow from financing activities.
A contribution to a not-for-profit restricted to long-term purposes like construction shall be reported as a cash flow from financing activities. Cash flows received from investment income restricted by donor stipulation to the same purposes also are reported as financing activities, not as operating activities.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
Property tax revenues are recognized when they become available.
Property tax revenues are recognized when they become available.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define Appropriations
Appropriations is an account created as a restriction of revenues.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define Encumbrances
Encumbrances, similar to a purchase order, specifically designates funds for a specific future purchase of goods or services.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define Expenditures
Expenditures can be for capital or revenue items and means an outflow of resources, usually money.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are the following types of information would be included in total net assets in the statement of financial position for a nongovernmental not-for-profit organization?
Unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets
Government (State and Local Accounting)
How is an interfund transfer without requirement for repayment recorded in the financial statements?
An interfund transfer without requirement for repayment must be recorded as other financing uses (or sources to the recipient).
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define program revenues
Programs are financed with program revenues and general revenues. Program revenues are derived directly from the program itself or from parties outside the reporting government’s taxpayers or citizenry, as a whole; they reduce the net cost of the function to be financed from the government’s general revenues. Financing from outside parties that is restricted to a specific program or programs is considered program revenue.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
Capital assets are reported in governmental funds.
Capital assets are not reported in governmental funds, but they are reported in proprietary and fiduciary funds as well as in the government-wide or entity-wide financial statements. The term “capital assets” is used in governmental accounting for long-lived assets (generally longer than one year) rather than the terms “property, plant and equipment,” or “fixed assets.”
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Describe encumbrance accounting
Encumbrance accounting is a method of budgetary control for governmental funds, including the general fund. Encumbrances do not represent expenditures as they are a memorandum of commitments that will eventually lead to expenditures. They do not represent liabilities as the goods and services are yet to be delivered. Governmental intent to commit resources for specific uses in the future is indicated by an assignment of fund balance.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Which of the following financial categories are used in a nongovernmental not-for-profit entity’s statement of financial position?
Assets, liabilities, and net assets
The statement of financial position is the term for the balance sheet reported by private not-for-profit (NFP) entities. Balance sheets report the balances of permanent accounts on a specific date. Therefore, income, expenses, or changes in net asset categories are not reported. The FASB recommends that the financial statements of an NFP focus on the entity as a whole. The NFP account equation uses the term “net assets” for equity. Its accounting equation is assets equal liabilities plus net assets.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
Fiduciary fund information is included in a government’s entity-wide or government-wide financial statements.
Fiduciary fund information is not included in a government’s entity-wide or government-wide financial statements.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or Fasle
On the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues should be recognized when the underlying exchange has occurred and the resources are available.
On the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues should be recognized when the underlying exchange has occurred and the resources are available
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Nongovernmental not-for-profit entities (either voluntary health and welfare organizations or other not-for-profit organizations) are required to provide which of the following external financial statements?
Statement of financial position, statement of activities, statement of cash flows
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What is the definition of “Other Financing Sources” in Governmental Accounting?
Other financing sources are used to record operating transfers-in for governmental funds.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are the four different catagories of non-exchange revenues?
- Derived tax revenues (Income and sales taxes)
- imposed nonexchange revenues (Property taxes)
- government-mandated nonexchange transactions
- Voluntary nonexchange transactions.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or false
Decisions, resolutions, appropriations, etc. by directors, trustees, or managers do result in restrictions on assets.
Decisions, resolutions, appropriations, etc. by directors, trustees, or managers do not result in restrictions on assets.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Discrete vs. Blended Presentation
Blending of financial results is allowed as long as the two agencies are not separate legal entities
Discrete presentation is for affiliated entities whose resources are entirely for the benefit of the primary government.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Define Special Revenue Funds
In governmental accounting, special revenue funds are governmental funds used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than trusts for individuals, private organizations, or other governments or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. Special revenue funds are accounted for on the modified accrual basis.
Some special revenue funds are:
gasoline excise taxes to be used for street maintenance and
hotel/motel bed taxes to be used for industrial development or to be allocated to the arts.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Government-wide financial statements should be prepared using the modified accrual basis of accounting.
The government-wide financial statements consist of a statement of net position and a statement of activities. Those statements should “report information about the overall government without displaying individual funds or fund types” (GASB 2200.110). The statements should be prepared using the accrual basis of accounting and distinguish between governmental and business-type activities. Information about fiduciary funds should not be included in the statements.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
How is the adoption of the operating budget recorded in governmental accounting?
Adoption of the operating budget is recorded by debiting appropriate budgetary accounts for estimated inflows (“estimated revenues”) and crediting the appropriate budgetary accounts for estimated and approved outflows (“appropriations”). “Budgetary fund balance” is debited or credited for the difference.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
The acquisition of capital assets with general fund financial resources should be recorded as a capitalization of the assets that has to be depreciated
Government (State and Local Accounting)
The acquisition of capital assets with general fund financial resources should be recorded as a general fund expenditure.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are the basic financial statements for a not-for-profit entity?
The basic financial statements for a NOT-FOR-PROFIT entity are
- Statement of financial position (like a balance sheet)
- Statement of activities
- Statement of cash flows
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
A budgetary comparison statement is required only for the General Fund and for each major special revenue fund
A budgetary comparison statement is required only for the General Fund and for each major special revenue fund
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
A statement of functional expenses is required for voluntary health and welfare entities.
A statement of functional expenses is required for voluntary health and welfare entities.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
All taxes, even those levied for a specific purpose, are general revenues.
All taxes, even those levied for a specific purpose, are general revenues.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are the three conditions that make capitalization optional for government-wide reporting?
The three conditions that make capitalization optional for government-wide reporting
- It is to be held for public exhibition and not gain
- It is to be protected and preserved
- A policy is in place requiring proceeds from any potential sale to be used to acquire other collection items.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
Amounts expected to be collectible during the first 60 days of the following year can be recorded as revenues of the current year if they are legally usable to pay current liabilities of the current year; that is, if they are available.
Amounts expected to be collectible during the first 60 days of the following year can be recorded as revenues of the current year if they are legally usable to pay current liabilities of the current year; that is, if they are available.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are some of the required supplementary information for governments?
Required supplementary information for governments may include the following:
a. Budgetary comparison schedules for the general fund and major special revenue funds (if not presented as basic financial statements)
b. Information on infrastructure capital assets reported using the modified approach, described in section 2427.02
c. Schedules of funding progress and of employer contributions for pension plans and other postemployment benefit plans (discussed with fiduciary fund financial statements in section 2424.02)
Government (State and Local Accounting)
True or False
Inflows of assets from other funds without a requirement for repayment are considered interfund transfers.
Inflows of assets from other funds without a requirement for repayment are considered interfund transfers.
In proprietary funds (which include internal service funds), transfers should be reported separately after nonoperating revenues and expenses in the statement of revenues, expenses and changes in fund net position. An interfund transfer to/from a governmental fund should be reported as “other financing sources or uses” in the governmental fund.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are the three sections of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)?
The CAFR (comprehensive annual financial report) of a government includes three sections: Introductory, Financial, and Statistical.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
What are the three Governmental Accounting Fund Types?
- Governmental Funds
- Proprietary Funds
- Fiduciary Funds
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Describe Modified Accrual Accounting
- Current Financial Resources focus
- Revenues recognized when available and measureable.
Government (State and Local Accounting)
Describe the opening budgetary entry
Dr. Estimated Revenues Control
Cr. Appropriations Control
Dr./ Cr. Budgetary Fund Balance (plug)