Nose and Sinuses Flashcards
Projects from the face and Vary in size and shape bec of differences in nasal cartilage
Parts of external nose
1. Root 2] Apex 3] Nares 4] Alae 5] Nasal septum 6] Vestibule
superior angle of external nose
tip of external nose
has 2 piriform openings
lateral boundaries
middle struc w/c separates 2 nares
nasal septum
w/ stiff hairs
Skeletalpart of nose
Nasal bones
Frontal proc of maxillae
Nasal part of frontal bone
Cartilaginous Part
2 Lateral cartilage
2 Alar cartilage
1 Septal cartilage
Divides the chamber of the nose into 2 nasal cavities
Nasal Septum
Components of nasal septum
1] Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
2] Vomer
3] Septal cartilage
forms superior part of the nasal septum
1] Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
thin flat bone
2] Vome
articulates w/ bony septum
septal cartilage
Open posteriorly into the nasopharynx thru the choanae
Nasal cavity
Mucosa lines the NC except for vestibule
1] Olfactory area
2] Respiratory area
superior 1/3 AND contains organ of smell
1] Olfactory area
-inferior 2/3 where air is warmed and moistened before it goes to resp tract
2] Respiratory area
3 scroll-shaped elevations
Divide the nasal cavity into 4 passage
Nasal Concha
4 nasal passages of nasal cavity
1] Sphenoethmoidal recess
2] Superior meatus
3] Middle meatus
4] Inferior meatus
sphenoidal sinus
Sphenoethmoidal recess
-posterior ethmoidal sinus
Superior meatus
anterior/middle ethmoidal sinus
- frontal sinus
- maxillary sinus
Middle meatus
-nasolacrimal duct
Inferior meatus
Arterial Supply of the Nose
Branches of:
- Sphenopalatine artery
- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal a
- Greater palatine a
- Superior labial a
- Lateral nasal branches of facial a
anterior, where all arteries anastomose, where nose bleeding occurs
Kiesselbach’s area
Venous drainage of nose
Sphenopalatine,facial and ophthalmic veins
Nerve supply of Nasal septum
Nasopalatine n
Greater palatine n
Anterior ethmoidal n
Posterior ethmoidal n
Smell innervation
Olfactory n
Olfactory bulb -forebrain
Air-filled extensions of the respiratory part of the nasal cavity
the 4 paransal sinuses
Sinus Between outer and inner tables of frontal bone
Detectable by 7 yo
Frontal sinus
Drains thru frontonasal duct into infundibulum w/c opens into semilunar hiatus of middlemeatus
Frontal sinus
NS of frontal sinus
br of supraorbital nerve
Comprise several cavities-ethmoidal cells
At ethmoid bone
Ethmoid sinus
Parts of EThmoid sinus
Anterior–drain into middle meatus
Middle–form ethmoidal bulla,drain into middle meatus
Posterior-drain into superior meatus
NS of ethmoid sinus
Nasociliary n[CN V1
Unevenly divided
Body of sphenoid
Sphenoid sinus
What separates the sphenoid sinus
thin plates of bone from optic nerve and chiasma
pit’y gl
Where does sphenoid sinus open
sphenoethmoidal recess
NS of sphenoid sinus
posterior ethmoidal nerve
Pyramidal shaped sinus
Maxillary Sinus
Parts of Maxillary sinus
Parts: Apex-into zygomatic bone Base-part of nasal cavity Roof-formed by floor of orbit Floor-formed by alveolar part of maxilla
Where does maxillary sinus drain?
Drains via maxillary ostium into middlemeatus
NS of maxillary sinus
Superior alveolar nerves
Fibromuscular tube that extends from the base of the skull to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage
point pharynx becomes the esophagus
Cricoid cartilage
Portions of the pharynx lie posterior to:
nasal cavity (nasopharynx) oral cavity (oropharynx) larynx (laryngopharynx)
Behind nasal cavities, mouth, larynx
•Musculo membranous wall
Parts continuous with Mucous Membrane
nasal cavity, mouth, larynx and tympanic cavity
Lining epithelium of upper Pharynx
ciliated columnar epithelium
Lining epithelium of Lowerr Pharynx
stratified squamous epithelium
Fibrous layer of Pharynx that is thicker, stronger, connected to base of skull
Fribrous layer of Pharynx continuous with submucous coat of esophagus
The muscular walls of the pharynx are comprised of an outer layer made up of 3 circularly disposed muscles called
WHat are the constrictors?
Composition of the Muscular Layer of Pharynx
superior constrictors
middle constrictors
inferior constrictors
How are the fibers oriented in the muscular layer of pharynx
circular fashion composed of:
- stylopharyngeus ms.
- salpingopharyngeus ms.
Origin of Superior Constrictor Muscle
- medial pterygoid plate
- pterygoid hamulus
- pterygomandibular ligament
- mylohyoid line
Insertion of upper superior constrictor
pharygeal tubercle
Insertion of middle superior constrictor
median fibrous raphe
WHat muscle of pharynx contracts and pulls post pharyngeal wall forward during swallowing aid soft plate in closing off nasopharynx
Superior Constrictor Muscle
NS of superio constrictor
pharyngeal plexus
Originates from stylohyoid ligament and lesser and greater cornua of hyoid
Middle constrictor
WHere middle constrictor muscle inserts
median fibrous raphe
NS of middle constrictor mus
pharyngeal plexus
Action of middle constrictor
contracts and propels food bolus down into esophagus
Origin of Inferior constrictor
thyroid cartilage
cricoid cartilage
Insertion of Inferioir constrictor
superior fibers –MCM
lower fibers –esophagus
median fibrous raphe
propel bolus of food into esophagus cricopharyngeus muscle –sphincteric effect
Inferior constrictor