Nose anatomy Flashcards
Paranasal sinus
- List the types
- Frontal
- Ethmoidal
- Sphenoid
- Maxillary
All paranasal sinuses are lined by…
Respiratory epithelium
- Mucous and ciliated epithelium
Frontal sinus
- Locatation and structure
- Drainage
Inferior forehead, inside frontal bone
- Paired traingular sinuses
Drains into middle meatus of the lateral nose wall via the frontonasal duct.
Blood supply and innervation of the frontal sinus
Blood supply
- Anterior ethmoidal arteries (from opthalmic, of ICA)
- Supra-orbital branch of the opthalmic nerve (CNV1)
Ethmoidal cells
- Struture
- Drainage
Composed of a pair of three cells
- Anterior, middle and posterior
- Opens into ethmoidal infundibulum/ frontonasal duct
- Opens into ethmoidal bulla
- Lateral wall, superior nasal meatus.
Blood supply and innervation of the ethmoidal cells
Blood supply from the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries (opthlamic branches, from ICA)
- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal branches of the nasociliary nerve (opthalmic nerve, CNV1)
- Orbital branches from the pteryhopalantine ganglion of the maxillary nerve (CNV2)
Maxillary sinuses
- Structure
- Drainage/ opening
Largest, paired sinuses, located in the maxillae.
Pyramidal shape
- Base formed of maxillae, inferior concha and palantine bone, next to lateral nose
Opens in the centre of the semilunar haitus, which grooves the middle nasal meatus.
Maxillary sinuses
- Blood supply
- Innervation
Blood supply from the infra-orbital and superior alveolar branches of the maxillary arteries.
Innervated by the infra-orbital and alveolar branches of the maxillary nerve (CNV2)
Sphenoid sinus
- Structure/ location
- Opening
Two cavities located within the sphenoid bone
- Posterior and superior to the nasal cavity
- Inferior to the cranial cavity, pituitary gland and optic chiasm
- Medial to cavernous sinuses
Opens into the roof of the nasal cavity via an aperture in the spehno-ethmoidal recess
Blood supply and innervation of the sphenoidal sinuses
Blood is supplied by the pharyngeal arteries from the maxillary arteries.
- Posterior ethmoidal branch of the ophthalmic nerve (CNV1)
- Orbital branches of the pterygopalantine ganglion of CNV2 (maxillary)