North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Capability Flashcards
Primary Purpose of Developing NWs
deterrence, regional context, relations with USA and SK
Effects of the Korean War
1950-53: conflict led to long-lasting tensions between NK and USA partly due to nuclear threats made by USA’s General Douglas MacArthur and when Eisenhower tried to break deadlock thru nuclear threats, led to negotiation of an armistice in Jul 1963 between NK and SK where they agreed not to attack e/o
Mutual Defense Treaty
Oct 1, 1953: agreement between USA and SK which committed to defending SK thru installation of American troops along the border and transfer of tactical weapons
Events after the Korean War
as a result of deployment of American troops and weapons and nuclear threats, Kim Il-Sung of NK began considering a NP, NK signed the NPT in 1985, USA became suspicious that NK was proceeding with a secret NP in the 1990s, NK was signalling that it would withdraw from the NPT which prompted USA to begin negotiations to prevent it from becoming a NWS
US-North Korean Agreed Framework (Geneva)
Oct 21, 1994: signed by Clinton and Kim Jong-Il
in an effort to normalize US-NK relations and achieve peace and security in a NW-free Korea, USA would supply NK with peaceful reactors in return for NK dismantling its NP, two sides agreed to move towards and support non-proliferation, seen as a breakthrough
“Axis of Evil” Speech
Jan 2002: after 9/11, Pres Bush alleged that NK wasn’t living to terms of agreement and became more sus of NK’s pursuit of nuclear capability, alledged that axis of evil included Iraq, Iran, and NK were seeking weapons of mass destruction and threatening peace, said that the USA would do anything to ensure security
National Security Strategy
Sep 2002: USA’s new strategy document which indicated that USA would pre-emptively attack against any terrorist group or rogue states (Iraq and NK) before they are able to threaten or use NWs against USA, this strat and Bush’s speech made Kim Jong-Il decide to restart NK’s nuclear program
NK’s Decision to Restart NP
NK withdrew from NPT due to USA’s threats and hostility and belief in pre-emptive strike in Jan 2003, invasion of Iraq made NK wary, USA declared that NK was developing NWs in 2005
6 Tests at the Punggye-ri Test Site
Oct 9, 2006: first nuclear test, underground, 1 kiloton; Feb 2013: third nuclear test, 10 kilotons; Sep 3, 2017: largest thermonuclear test, 250 kilotons, more tests occurred in 2009, Jan 2016, and Sep 2016
Missile Tests
NK has been testing many missiles of all ranges, the most recent being Nov 18, 2022, and US and SK’s joint military exercises are met with NK’s negative responses