Norman England - Part Two - Life under the Normans Flashcards
William asserting his authority
- introduced after 1066
- william took land from anglo saxons - gave to loyal norman barons (everyone had to swear loaths of loyalty)
- king owned all land -> gave some to barrons (tenants in cheif) -> gave some land to knights (in return for military service) -> gave land to villeins (in return for crops)
- introduced primogeniture so land would not get so divided. (only the first born son gets the land + if no son land returns to william
Domesday Book
- established type of land, population, resources
- dec 1085
- commisioners sent around each shire
- established normans are legal owners of england
- sorted out legal disputes over land
- established possible military services
- saw the taxes possibles
Norman towns - changes + growth
- normans encouraged people to be attracted to markets -> increasing trade
- cathedrals + abbeys + castles attracted people
- towns grew around ports + important roads
- people moved to learn new skills
- ## at a certain size towns could apply for charters from the king to become independent -> govern themselves (e.g set own taxes and elect a mayor + concil)
guilds - joined together trades
Norman Villages - Changes and Differences
- 90% lived in country
- controlled by lord of the manor
- lived in cottages + grew crops + grazed animals
- central stone church
- open field system fields for crops divided in strips of land (not by hedges)
- peasants worked in the land - owned by landowner
- only main difference had a new norman land lord
Importance of Sheriffs
- directly choosen by the king
- controlled shires
- replaced anglo-saxon sheriffs
legal control:
- had their own courts for minor issues
- allowed royal court to only handle important matters
- allowed william to have trusted employees all across the country
- organized the fryd
- collected taxes
- gave william guarrenteed income from each area -> used in event of war
- also collected rents + debts _ fines
Changes to Keeping Law and Order
Shire Courts - divided into shires, met twice a year for land disputes + taxes + crime -> large A-S earldoms replaced with smaller norman earldoms
Hundred Courts: shires divided in 100rds (120 acres) courts sorted local issues (e.g. land) -> met more frequently than sire courts + run by sheriff deputy
Iheritance: common to deivide land amongst families in A-S -> primogentire
The oath system: A-S people made oath of allegince + whole family punished if they commited major crime -> Murdrum fines
Murdrum fines - fine for whole area is norman earl murdered
Law and Order - Ordeals + Punishments
Anglo-Saxon Law:
- blood feud
- trial by ordeal (gods test):
cold water - (men)
hot water - (men) hand into boiling water -> lift out object -> arm banaged -> innocent if in three days it was healing
trial by hot iron - (women)
Norman Law:
- kept trials
- intro duced trial by combat: if nobleman accused on crime hed fight the accuser + winner was right
- forest laws
- laws written in latin - easir to enforce