Normal pregnancy care Flashcards
key points preconceptual counselling (9)
- previous pregs and implications
- assess CV health
- smear abnormalities (do smear 3m postnatally)
- Rubella status
- chronic condition check and control
- med check eg AED
- folic acid supplementation
- lifestyle
- education on diet eg 2500 cals, listeriosis
indications for 5mg folic acid (not 0.4) (4)
> 30 BMI
Sickle cell
indications for 25ug Vit d (not 10ug) (4)
> 30 BMI
PreE risk
afrocaribbean or S. Asian
mx if risk of PreE
75mg aspirin and increase BP monitoring
VTE risk mx
booking history key points
age <17, >35
hx preg
past ob hx: IUGR, SGA, prem, APH, PPH, Rh, PreE, GDM, congenital ab
past Gynae: surgery eg loop diathermy
PMHx incl psych
Fix: GDM increase if first degree released DM. also HTN, TE, preE and autoimmune
booking visit examination
baseline BP
From 12 weeks can auscultate FH
booking visit investigations
USS booked for 11-13+6 when also do combined test
Bloods: FBC, Anti-D antibodies (Rh), GTT if risk, stphillis, rubella immunity (vac offered postnatally), HIV and HepB screening offered
screen for chlamydia and BV
Urine MCandS, Urinalysis
what is screened for at 20 week scan?
anomaly scan, most structural defects
USS cervical length measured (give PG if short)
USS of uterine artery can be used as screening for IUGR or PreE
what is done at 28 weeks?
FBC and antibody assessment. repeat if tx for anaemia
?NIPT for Rh
what is measured at dating scan
crown-rump length dates preg (b4 14 weeks); site preg, multiple preg; combined or triple/quadruple if later
how many appointments does NICE recommend for uncomplex nulliparous and multiparous?
10 and 7
schedule of antenatal visits
- 10 weeks booking
- 11-13+6 dating scan and Chr testing
- 16 weeks: discuss results of booking bloods, Chu ab. triple test if missed combined
- 18-21 weeks: anomaly scan. if placenta low scan 32 weeks
- 25: nulliparous only. exclude PreE and do GTT if need
- 28: fundal height measured. FBC and antibodies checked. anti-D given to Rh neg women
- 31: fundal height in nulliparous
- 34: fundal height. FBC if Hb was low
- 36,38,40: fundal height, lie, presentation. refer for ECV if breech.
- 41: check above and offer sweep and IOL by 42 weeks
when is it done and what is miscarriage risk
- amniocentesis
Amniocentesis: 1%, 15 weeks
CVS: 1-2%, from 11 weeks
what can amniocentesis pick up?
infection (too, CMV), Chr. ab, inherited disorders eg CF, sickle cell, thalassaemia