Gynae Flashcards
4 causes of secondary amenorrhoea
Premature menopause
hypothalamic hypogonadism
treatment hyperprolactinemia
bromocriptine, cabergoline, surgery
causes of AUB (acronym)
Polyps Adenomyosis Leiomyoma Malignancy Coagulopathy Ovulatory dysfunction Endometrial Iatrogenic Not yet specified
indications for endometrial biopsy in women with menorrhagia or IMB
>40 with recent onset non responsive to tx endometrial thickness >10 polyps suspected with IMB RF for cancer (nulliparity, FHx, PCOS, obesity, DM)
Menorrhagia medical treatment
1st line
2nd line
3rd line
1st: IUS
2nd: tranexamic acid or mefanamic acid (NSAIDS), COC
3rd: progestogens, GnRH
menorrhagia surgical tx options
- polyp removal
- endometrial ablation techniques
- transcervical resection of fibroid
- myomectomy
- hysterectomy
- uterine artery ablation (for fibroids, avoid surgery)
- Hb
- smear
- ultrasound if <35 and not responded to treatment or >35
- endometriosis biopsy if meet criteria
ectropion tx
polyps causing IMB tx
avulsed and sent history
treatment precocious puberty
GnRH agonists to inhibit sex hormone secretion
what are common association with secondary dysmenorrhoea and what ix useful
deep dyspareunia, menorrhagia/oligomenorrhagia
ix: pelvic US and laparoscopy
ss difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea
primary coincides with menstruation and responds to NSAIDS or ovulation suppression
secondary pain precedes and can be relieved by menstruation
define precocious puberty
menstruation before 10 or secondary characteristics before 8
causes of precocious puberty
- most no cause found
- increased GnRH (central cause): men, encephalitis, hydrocephaly, CNS tumours, hypothyroidism (tx GnRH ag)
- increased oestrogen secretion: ovarian/adrenal tumours, McCune-Albright syndrome (tx anti-androgenic progesterone)
what is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
increased androgen function in a genetic female AR cortisol production defective as 21-hydroxylase deficiency. ACTH excess -> increased androgen ambiguous genitalia (large clitoris, amenorrhoea) glucocorticoid deficiency -> addisonian crisis tx = mineralocorticoid replacement
androgen insensitivity syndrome
reduced androgen function in a genetic male. converted to oestrogen. appear female. present when ‘she’ presents with amenorrhoea. uterus absent. rudimentary testes (need removal).
PMS key feature of SS
CYCLICAL (luteal phase). ss tension, irritable, breast pain, depression, loss control, aggression, GI
treatments for PMS
continuous oral contraceptive
HRT oestrogen patch
GnRH and add-back oestrogen (pseudomenopause, only in severe cases)
endometrial ablation (reduces hormones?)
?bilat oophorectomy but add back coc or HRT
supplements: evening primrose oil, pyridaxime (B6), Vitex Agnus, CBT
what are the ovaries attached to
ovarian fossa overlying ureters
attached to broad ligament by mesovarium
pelvic side wall by infundibulopelvic ligament
uterus by ovarian ligament
blood supply ovary
ovarian artery and anastomosis with branches of uterine artery in the broad ligament
outer layer of ovary is
germinal epithelium
what cells secrete oestrogen
theca cells and granulose cells of growing follicles in the cortex
most common cause of gonadal dysgenesis (one of the problems of gonadal development)
Turners syndrome
investigations for ovarian cyst
management ovarian cyst emergency
laparotomy (or laparoscopy)
fluid resus
if rupture, abscess or PID broad spec Abs
ovarian carcinoma with worst prog
clear cell carcinoma (type of epithelial)
types of ovarian cyst in
1) premonopausal
2) postmenopausal
1) GC tumours (do hCG, AFP), follicular, lutein, benign epi tumours, endometriosis
2) benign epi or malignancy
5 year survival for ovarian cancer