Normal Physiology - Lung Statics 1&2 Flashcards
How can we determine if someone has lung disease, broadly?
We need to compare it with what is expected, we need to be able to measure the lungs = Pulmonary Function Test
Explain Vt
Tidal volume (Vt) the volume of air that goes in and out in a normal breathing pattern
Explain VC
VC = vital capacity = the volume that you are able to get by forcing the exhalation at max and inhalation at max
explain RV
Residual volume = the volume of air that stays in your lung after you have exhale the more you can (the air that stays there so that you lungs dont collapse!)
Explain IC
Inspiratory capacity, so from base line of Vt and until the upper limit of TLC
Explain FRC
Functional residual capacity = the volume that stays in the lung after a normal exhale (so Vt baseline)
Explain IRV and ERV
IRV = Inspiratory Reserve Volume
ERV = Expiratory reserve volume
By what is innervated the diaphragm
by the phrenic nerve, that have root at C3-4-5
primary function of the diaphragm
primary inspiratory muscle
What are the normal inspiratory muscles used ?
External intercostals and parasternal intercostals
Accessory muscles
Why would someone use their accessory muscles when breathing?
If very big effort, like sport, or if respiratory distress
By what is mostly driven Expiration ?
normally quite passive, driven by the elastic recoil pressure of the lung (like inflating a balloon and letting it go)
What are the expiratory muscles used during exercise?
Abdominal muscles:
rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, internal/external oblique muscles
Thoracic muscles:
internal intercostal muscles
What happens with the diaphragm during the normal tidal inspiration
it contracts/flattens and creates a relative vacuum (negative pressure) in the pleural space
What happens with the alveolar pressure during inspiration
the alveolar pressure is less than atmospheric pressure (more negative) and creates the driving pressure for gas to move into the lungs
What two forces drive the normal expiration
elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall
what happens during inspiration with chest wall and lungs?
The alveolar pressure is positive with respect to atmospheric so this driving pressure moves gas out of the lungs
4 ways of measuring lung volumes
- spirometry
- gas dilution
- plethysmography (body box)
- Radiographic techniques (x ray, CT scan)
What measures the spirometer ?
Changes in lung volume - it measures subdivisions of vital capacity. it does NOT measure RV
Usefulness of spirometry
To diagnose lung disease in patients
To determine severity of disease
To evaluate the evolution of disease
To evaluate treatment effect
what is FEV1 and FVC with spinometry
FEV1 = volume (liters) of air that can forcibly expelled from maximum inspiration in the first second (the main parameter)
FVC = volume (liters) of air that can be forcibly expelled from maximum inspiration to maximum expiration
What information does the ratio FEV1/FVC gives?
Can detect disease, usually the ratio is almost 1
What is the PEF in spirometry
Maximum flow (liters/second) attained during forced expiratory maneuver
why is air flow (derivative of the volume-time curve) for expiration higher?
because during inhalation the diaphragm need to be assisted by other muscle
What would happened to FEV, PEF, FVC and FEV1/FVC in case of a pulmonary obstruction ?
↓ FEV1 and PEF are decreased
↓ FVC is decreased or unchanged
↓ FEV1/FVC is decreased (lower than 0.7)
What would happened to FEV, PEF, FVC and FEV1/FVC in case of a restrictive lung syndrome ?
FEV1 and FVC are proportionally decreased
FEV1/FVC normal or elevated
PEF can be normal or decreased
Can we measure TLC with spirometry
Nop, because you can’t measure RV
Formula to measure FRC or TLC by gas dilution
C1V1 = C2V2
what gas is usually use for the gas dilution method?
difference between gas dilution and the body box
the body box (plethysmography) measures the atmospheric pressure according to Boyle’s Law - P1V1 = P2V2. more acurate than he dilution (not supposed to know calculation of plethysmography for exam)
Define Pao, Pbs, Palv, Ppl, Pab
Pressure in ->
Pao : airway opening
Pbs: Body surface
Palv: alveolar
Ppl: intrapleural
Pab : abdominal
What guides the movement of air (pressure wise)
a differential in pressure (Pao, Pbs, Palv, Ppl, Pab)
trans-pulmonary pressure =
Trans-lung pressure =
Trans-chest wall pressure =
Ppl - Pbs
Trans-respiratory system pressure =
What is compliance
The relationship between pressure and volume - its a measure of stiffness
Stiff lungs have ___ compliance
Un-stiff lungs have ____ compliance
Explain why with high compliance the lungs are “loose”
With high compliance you only need a small amount of pressure to exert a big amount in the lung volume
C = deltaV/deltaP, if pressure decreases (loose lung) compliance increases
What really measure the transpulmonary pressure (Ptp)
The elastic recoil of the lungs and airways
define hysteresis
the difference between the transpulmonary pressure of inhalation (increasing volume) and the pressure of exhalation (decreasing volume).
What’s the logic behind hyteresis
You need less pressure to exhale than to inhale
Why inspiration needs more energy/pressure than expiration?
alveoli are recruited during inspiration (which needs energy) and collapsed during expiration
So almost flat curve at the beginning of the inspiration on the graph - need a lot of pressure and no chance in volume for the first few moments
According to this graph, what is the compliance of the lungs with emphysema?
Increased compliance
whats the technique to calculate de P-V curve (so the compliance)?
Insert an Esophageal balloon in the esophagus adjacent to pleura
3 determinants of compliance
- Tissue forces (lung)
- Surface tension
- Chest wall
What (histologically) gives rise to lung elasticity/force ?
the elastin-collagen-proteoglycan network of the lung tissue
whats the natural tendency of the lung?
to deflate
what happened to the tissue with emphysema?
the parenchymal architecture is destroyed so the elastic recoil provided by the elastin-collagen-proteoglycan network reduces
What happens to the tissue force histologically with fibrosis
tissue forces are increased, less elastic, more stiff, more tight
What is the surface tension?
Occurs at air-liquid interface in alveoli and it arises from the tendency of liquid molecules to stick together rather than associate with air molecules
How is the surface tension decreased in the alveoli (so that they dont colapse)
presence of pulmonary surfactant - small layer of phospholipid in the alveoli which decreases surface tension
What happens to compliance if you loose surface tension?
loss of compliance
What’s the law from which surface tension is derived?
Laplace’s law : P = 2T/r
The smaller your radius, the higher the pressure. The higher the tension, the higher the pression.
How to explain alveolar instability (in terms of surface tension)
If you compare 2 alveoli, for the same surface tension, the smaller alveolus (smaller radius) will have a higher intraalveolar pressure -> tendency of smaller alveolus to empty itself in the larger alveolus -> leading to collapse of the smaller alveolus
How can alveolar instabililty be resolved?
Pulmonary surfactant decreases surface tension -> decreases tendency of smaller alveoli to collapse -> improves alveolar stability and increases compliance
2 vital properties of pulmonary surfactant
- Lowers surface tension to make it easier to inflate and deflate the lungs with each breath (increases compliance of lung)
- Promotes alveolar stability, reducing the chance that smaller alveoli will collapse
What happens to the elastic recoil of the chest wall AND the elastic recoil of th pulmonary tissue at FRC
Perfect equilibrium: the outward elastic recoil of the chest wall is equal to the inward elastic recoil of the pulmonary tissue
What happens to the elastic recoil of the chest wall AND the elastic recoil of th pulmonary tissue at RV
the respiratory system wants to reinflate: the outward elastic recoil of the chest wall is stronger than the inward elastic recoil of the pulmonary tissue
What happens to the elastic recoil of the chest wall AND the elastic recoil of th pulmonary tissue at TLC
the respiratory system wants to deflate : both the chest wall and the pulmonary tissue present inward elastic recoil
What happens to 2 regions of the lungs (upper region and lower region) at FRC
you will need more pressure to increase lung volume in the upper part, and the lower zone will need less pressure to increase volume, so it will be ventilated before.
Determinants of RV
- limit of chest wall in youth
- premature airway closure in older adults
- limit of expiratory force (if your too weak, you can’t blow)
What happens to 2 regions of the lungs (upper region and lower region) at TLC
both lower and upper zones of lungs have large volumes, but they are at the flat part of the P/V curve -> low compliance, not easily ventilated
What happens to 2 regions of the lungs (upper region and lower region) at RV
both upper and lower zones have smaller volumes, they are at the steep part of the P/V curve (increased compliance) and are more easily ventilated