Normal Physical Status Flashcards
Normal physical status
Good general condition, well developed and well-fed child. Temp=
2.) Skin
Clean, coloration and pigmentation is normal, turgor is normal. There is no jaundice, cyanosis, edema, and exanthema
3.) Mucosa
Normal coloration. Sclera is white.
4.) Lymphatic system
Abnormally enlarged lymph nodes are not palpable. (In occipital, retro-preauricular, submandibular, Supra and infraclavicular, jugular, ancillary, inguinal region)
5.) Mouth-throat-head
Nose and ear holes open and clean. Tongue is moist, not coated. Buccal muscosa is enanthema free and clear. Throat coloration is normal, tonsil’s size and coloration is normal. Teeth (number), intact.
6.) Skeletal system
Well-configured skull (fontanelle’s size). Proportional chest, spinal physiological curvatures are retained. Bones are functionally intact, their shapes are normal.
7.) Joints
The joints are passively and actively well moved; morphological differences could not be seen.
8.) Musculature
Normotensive and normotrophic throughout the body
9.) Lungs
Percussion is normal, border, and movement of diaphragm is normal in both sides. Normal and symmetric breathing sounds. No signs of dyspnea. (Resp. Rate x/min)
10.) Heart
Physiological border, heart sounds are rhythmic with normal intensity, no murmur or click. Good peripheral circulation, extremities are warm. HR=x/min, Bp=x Hgmm
11.) Abdomen
At the level of chest, soft, well palpable. No abnormal masses, tenderness, defense. Liver and spleen are not palpable. Bowel sounds can be heard. No tenderness in kidney region.
12.) Genitals
Intact, normal women/male genitals. Tanner: x. Testicles are in the scrotum.
13.) Nervous system
No meningeal signs. No paralysis, paresis, difference in cranial nerves. Motor system and coordination without any abnormalities. Eye movements are free, without nystagmus. Pupils are round, equal, with good reaction to light. The patient answers with adequate, long sentences, he cooperates with examination. His psychomotor development is age-appropriate