Normal Peridontium Flashcards
What is the periodontium?
The periodontium is the supporting apparatus of the teeth, consisting of the gingiva, periodontal ligament, root cementum, and alveolar bone.
What is the clinical relevance (importance) of normal periodontium?
It attaches the tooth to the bone, provides structural support, and plays a role in maintaining oral health.
What is the gingival sulcus, and what is its normal depth?
The gingival sulcus is the shallow space around the tooth, with a clinical depth of 2-3 mm in normal conditions.
What is the attached gingiva?
The attached gingiva extends from the free gingival groove to the mucogingival junction and is firm, resilient, and stippled.
How does the attached gingiva differ from marginal gingiva?
Marginal gingiva forms the free soft tissue wall of the sulcus, while the attached gingiva is firmly bound to the underlying structures.
What is the interdental papilla?
The interdental papilla is the gingival tissue located between adjacent teeth, pyramidal in the anterior and more flattened in the posterior regions.
What is the junctional epithelium?
The junctional epithelium forms the attachment between the gingiva and the tooth surface, preventing bacterial colonization of the subgingival area.
How does junctional epithelium contribute to oral health?
It acts as a barrier against bacteria, allows access to immune cells, and exhibits rapid turnover to help repair damaged tissues.
What is gingival fluid, and when does its flow increase?
Gingival fluid seeps from the connective tissue into the sulcus, and its flow increases during inflammation.
What is continuous tooth eruption?
Continuous eruption involves an active phase, where teeth move occlusally, and a passive phase, where the gingiva migrates apically.
What is biological width, and why is it important?
Biological width refers to the supracrestal attached tissues (about 2 mm) needed for periodontal health, and infringement by restorations can lead to tissue inflammation.
How is the biological width measured?
It is measured by bone sounding in healthy gingiva to ensure the space for supracrestal attached tissues is adequate.
What are the components of sulcular fluid?u
Sulcular fluid contains desquamated epithelial cells, leukocytes, lysosomes, bacteria, electrolytes, and organic compounds.
What are the sources of blood supply to the gingiva?
The blood supply comes from supraperiosteal arterioles, periodontal ligament vessels, and arterioles from the ** interdental** septa.
Which tissue exhibits rapid turnover, and why is this important?
Junctional epithelium exhibits rapid turnover, which helps in maintaining the balance between host defense and bacterial presence.
What are the three parts of the gingiva?
The three parts are the free gingiva (marginal gingiva), attached gingiva, and interdental papilla.
What happens if restorative margins infringe on the biological width?
Infringement can cause inflammation, tissue loss, and eventual periodontal breakdown due to bacterial accumulation or material toxicity.
How does the width of the attached gingiva vary in the mouth?
The width is greatest in the incisor region and decreases in the posterior, with the least width found at the first premolar area.