Normal labor and delivery Flashcards
What is labor
uterine activity resulting in progressive dilation and effacement of the cervix
What is effacement
Thinning or shortening of the length of the cervix
normal= 2.5cm +
What is dilation
diameter of the cervical os in cm
complete is 10cm (100% effacement)
What is the presenting part
part of the baby coming through first in the birth canal
-vertex, breech, face, transverse, compound
What is station
degree of descent of the presenting part in the birth canal in relation to ischial spine the more (-), the further up in the uterus the more (+), the closer to the vaginal canal
What are the 3 P’s
Power: uterine contractions
Passenger: size, position, lie, attitude, and presentation of fetus
Pelvis/Passage: bony and soft tissue structures of moms pelvis
What is the First Stage of labor
Onset of labor to full dilation&effacement
What happens in the latent phase of the first stage of labor
first regular contractions to 3-4cm dilation
dilation is slow, <0.5 cm x hr
What happens during the active phase of the first stage of labor
3-4 cm to complete dilation (10 cm)
dilation increases to 1cm x hr
What happens in the second stage of labor
Complete dilation to delivery
where “PUSH” happens
What happens in the third stage of labor
Delivery of infant to placental delivery
usually <30 minutes from infant delivery
What are the cardinal movements of labor
Baby changes position to get ready for birth
engagement, descent, flexion, internal rotation, extension, external rotation, expulsion
What is acceleration
increase of 15 bpm above baseline, lasting 15 seconds
this increase in HR is a sign baby is doing well
What is deceleration
sign baby may be in trouble. HR decreases w/ contractions
Variable: 2/2 cord compression
Late: 2/2 fetal hypoxia, placenta insufficiency, maternal hypotension/hypoxia
Explain hypocontractile uterine activity and how do you treat
<3 contractions in 10 minutes, or contraction lasting <50 seconds
<200-250 MVU on IU pressure cath
-Tx: Augment with Pitocin
What abnormalities can occur in the “passenger”
Macrosomia Lie Presentation Position Attitude -if you can manage baby, you can still deliver vaginally. If it's not looking good, opt for C section
What is Cephalopelvic disproportion
a non-gynecoid pelvis (narrow, looks like a male pelvis)
may be 2/2 previous injury or illness causing a contracted pelvis
-Need C-section