Normal Lab Values & Contraindications Flashcards
Creatine Kinase
Cardiac serum marker
51 - 294u/L
non specific
Creatine Kinase- MB
Cardiac serum marker
(myocardial band)
<5.5 ng/mL
relatively specific, but small amounts are normally in blood
Cardiac-specific Troponin T and I
Cardiac serum marker
best measure of MI
greater than/equal to 0.45 gn/mL
Cardiac serum marker
nonspecific, but great for ruling out.
Heart Failure Marker (secreted by ventricles with pressure changes that occur when failure develops or worsens)
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
HF very unlikely
100-400 pg/mL –> intermediate likelihood
>400 pg/mL –> heart failure very likely
*can help with COPD pts. SOB from lungs or heart??
Do you treat a pt with cardiac serum levels that rule in MI?
don’t exercise them until the levels start coming down. don’t have to be normal values, but they need to be trending down.
What’s in a complete blood count?
Hgb, Hct, WBCs, Plts
Part of CBC
Men = 13-18 g/dL
women = 12 - 16 g/dL
Part of CBC
<30% is a contraindication to exercise in patient with CAD due to risk of coronary ischemia.
Part of CBC
high value, fever exercise okay
high value, fever >/= 101–>exercise contraindicated in pt with CAD due to risk of coronary ischemia.
low –> reverse isolation
Part of CBC 165-415 x10^3 cells/uL decreased value --> risk of bleed increased value --> clotting risk Chest PT contraindicated <5K)
Blood Coagulation Test
Prothrombin Time
11- 13 seconds = normal
1.5 - 2.5 = therapeutic values
low values –> therapy NOT contraindicated
High value –> pt at increased risk of spontaneous bleeding. consult physician
Blood Coagulation Test International Normalized Ratio 2-3.0= DVT prohylaxis 2.5-3.5= mechanical heart valve high values = increased risk for spontaneous bleed --> consult physician about therapy.
Chem 7
sodium, potassium, chloride, carbon dioxide, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, blood glucose
136-146 mmol/L
low–> intracellular fluid shift (brain cell swelling)
high –> extracelluar fluid shift (intracranial hemorrhage)
Both –> decreased mental status
5.1 is contraindication for exercise.
risk of cardiac dysrhythmias
Carbon Dioxide
aka bicarbonate (venous) 22-30 mmol/L low values (uncompensated) --> may cause a decrease in mental status limiting the pt's ability to participate in therapy.
Renal Function Test
blood urea nitrogen
high levels DO NOT contraindicate exercise, but may need to back off of intensity bc pts with renal failure may also be anemic
Creatinine (Cr)
Renal Function Test
high levels DO NOT contraindicate exercse, but may but may need to back off of intensity bc pts with renal failure may also be anemic
Blood Glucose
fasting BG
75-100 mg/dL
300 = CONTRAINDICATION to exercise for all type I & type II diabetics who are symptomatic or with known ketones in urine.
Glycoslyated hemoglobin (control over 6 to 12 weeks) /= 6.5%= consistent with Dx of DM
goal for diabetic is <7
hypo & hyper can be life threatening. back off of exercise especially if they have a history of arrythmia.