Normal Hemostasis - Coagulation/Fibrinolysis Flashcards
1. Define the term “coagulation cascade”, and discuss how it enhances thrombin generation MKS1a/ knowledge 2. Describe the basis for the partial thromboplastin time and the prothrombin time, and which clotting factors contribute to these tests MKS1a/ knowledge 3. Understand the contribution of platelets in establishing the hemostatic plug (thrombus) MKS1a/ knowledge 4. Describe “microparticles” and how they contribute to thrombus formation. MKS1a/ knowledge 5. Identify the hemostati
<p>What is the definition of the hemostasis, primary hemostasis, and secondary hemostasis?</p>
<li><strong>Hemostasis</strong>: Prevention of hemorrhage following vascular injury</li>
<li><strong>Primary Hemostasis</strong>: Vasoconstriction and platelet plug formation</li>
<li><strong>Secondary Hemostasis</strong>: Fibrin formation</li>
<p>What are the major components involved in the clotting pathway?</p>
<li><strong>Vessel wall</strong>: endothelium, collagen</li>
<li>Platelets & their glycoprotein receptors; neutrophils, monocytes</li>
<li><strong>Clotting factors</strong> (fibrinogen, prothrombin, calcium, Factors V through XIII (but there is no VI)</li>
<li><strong>Fibrinolytic system</strong></li>
<p>Describe the activation of coagulation.</p>
<li><strong>Vessel injury</strong> provokes vasoconstriction (neural)</li>
<li>Endothelium releases <strong>endothelin</strong>, a vasoconstrictor, as well as <strong>P-selectin</strong> and <strong>von Willebrand factor</strong> from <strong>Weibel-Palade bodies</strong> (organelles in endothelial cells)</li>
<li><strong>von Willebrand factor</strong> is necessary for platelet adherence to the subendothelial connective tissue in high-shear vessels such as arteries and arterioles
<li>It binds to <u>collagen</u> and <u>platelet glycoprotein 1b</u>, and is degraded by <u>ADAMTS13</u>, a protease also released by the endothelium</li>
<li><strong>Collagen activates FXII</strong> and also <strong>binds glycoprotein VI</strong>, activating platelets</li>
<li><strong>P-selectin</strong> exposed by activated platelets binds neutrophil <strong>PSGL-1</strong>, activates neutrophils and promotes <strong>rolling of neutrophils</strong> and platelets on activated endothelium
<li>Also, activated neutrophils release <strong>neutrophil extracellular traps (NETS)</strong> that activate platelets and trap microorganisms</li>
<li><strong>Blebs</strong> form on leukocytes and are shed as microparticles bearing <strong>tissue factor</strong>, a glycoprotein
<li>These dock and fuse with activated platelets</li>
<li>In addition, <u>glycoprotein Ib-V-IX</u> on platelet surface binds <u>vWF/FVIII, FXI, & thrombin</u></li>
<li><u>Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa</u> binds <u>prothrombin</u> and <u>fibrinogen</u>, and FV and fibrinogen are released from <u>platelet α-granules</u> </li>
<li>Thus, all clotting factors are <strong>localized on platelet surface</strong> & can interact</li>
<p>Describe the coagulation cascade.</p>
<li>At each step of the cascade, an enzyme cleaves (by proteolysis) the next factor, activating it</li>
<li>The cleaved factor (a zymogen) becomes an enzyme (or cofactor for an enzyme) and works on the next step, activating more enzyme: <strong>a biological amplification process</strong></li>
<li>The glass test-tube activates <strong>factor XII</strong>, initiating clotting by the intrinsic pathway</li>
<li>However, in vivo, clotting is initiated by <strong>tissue factor</strong>, which forms a <strong>complex with FVII</strong></li>
<li>The tissue <strong>factor-FVIIa complex</strong> activates FIX as well as FX, so that both intrinsic & extrinsic pathways are in play</li>
<li>The integrity of the pathways is tested by the <strong>prothrombin time (PT) & activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)</strong></li>

<p>What is the principle of using the prothrombin time (PT) and the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)as a diagnostic test?</p>
<li><strong>Prothrombin Time (PT)</strong>
<li>Additionof a <u>high concentration of tissue factor</u> results in formation of <u>TF-VIIa complex which activates FX</u></li>
<li><strong></strong>FXa with FV & calcium, converts <u>prothrombin to thrombin</u>, & thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin (insoluble clot)</li>
<li>Note that the clotting time becomes <u>truly prolonged</u> when the concentration of one or more clotting factors (FV, VII, X, prothrombin) is <u>less than 30% of normal</u></li>
<li><strong>Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)</strong>
<li>Addition of a <u>silicate</u> activates FXII; provision of <u>phospholipid & calcium</u> accelerates the clotting time</li>
<li>As with the PT, the aPTT becomes <u>clearly prolonged</u> when the concentration of any of the clotting factors, except FVII, is less than <u>30% of normal</u></li>

<p>Deficiencies in which clotting factors with change the PT and aPTT? Which ones cause bleeding?</p>
<li>The classic cascade is helpful in determining which factors are deficient, based on whether the <strong>PT is prolonged</strong> (factors II, V, VII, X), the <strong>aPTT is prolonged</strong> (all but FVII), or <strong>both are prolonged</strong> (factors II, V, X, and fibrinogen)
<li><strong>FXII, FXI, PreKallikrein, & High Molecular Weight Kininogen</strong> were discovered because patients deficient in these factors had a prolonged aPTT</li>
<li>However, <u>only FXI deficiency is associated with a mild/moderate bleeding disorder</u></li>
<li>FXII, Prekallikrein,& HMWKininogen <strong>involved in complement cascade and bradykinin formation</strong></li>
<li>FXI binds to activated platelets, is activated by thrombin, and catalyzes the conversion of <strong>FIX to FIXa</strong> (but tissue factor-FVIIa complex also does this)
<li>Factor XI participates in <strong>thrombus formation</strong>; deficiency might <strong>protect against thrombosis</strong></li>
<p>What are the three phases of coagulation and what are the factors involved in each?</p>
<li>The 3 phases of coagulation are <strong>initiation, amplification, and propagation</strong>
<li>Tissue factor and FVII are involved in the <u>initiation phase</u></li>
<li>Factors V, VIII, and XI in the <u>amplification phase</u></li>
<li>FactorX and prothrombin in the <u>propagation phase</u></li>
<li><u></u>All the reactions occur on <strong>tissue factor bearing cells or microvesiclesand activated platelets</strong></li>

<p>What is the role of vitamin K in the clottin gcascade?</p>
<li>Vitamin K is the <strong>coenzyme for the carboxylase</strong> that attaches carboxyl groups to glutamic acid residues of clotting factors II,VII, IX, X and inhibitors proteins C, S, and Z</li>
<li>These <strong>negatively charged groups</strong> enable the clotting or inhibitor proteins to form <strong>Ca2+ bridges</strong> with negatively charged membrane phospholipids, an essential step for their activity</li>
<li>During the carboxylase reaction, vitamin K is <strong>oxidized</strong> but returned to its reduced form by the liver enzyme, <strong>Vitamin K Oxide Reductase Complex 1 or VKORC1</strong></li>
<p>What is the role of thrombin in the clotting cascade?</p>
<li>Thrombin binds to and cleaves <strong>Protease Activated Receptor 1 (PAR1)</strong> on the platelet surface</li>
<li><strong>PAR1 promotes platelet degranulation, changes in phospholipid composition, and activation of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa</strong></li>
<li>Thrombin releases <strong>FVIII from von Willebrand factor</strong> and activates it, FV, FXI, & FXIII</li>
<li>In the absence of FVIII or FIX (hemophilia), FVIIa, FXa and thrombin are <strong>rapidly inactivated by tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) & antithrombin</strong>, and fibrin formation is greatly attenuated</li>
<p>What is the structure of fibrinogen and what is its role in the clotting cascade?</p>
<li>It is a dimer of <strong>3 interwoven peptide chains</strong></li>
<li>When 2 small fibrinopeptides are cleaved from the Aα & Bß-chains by thrombin, the dimers aggregate by forming <strong>non-covalent bonds</strong> between <strong>terminal D-domains</strong> on one molecule and the <strong>central E-domain</strong> of a second molecule giving a pattern that looks like <strong>bricks in a wall</strong>
<li>There is also <strong>lateral (side-to-side) aggregation</strong></li>
<li>Thrombin-activated FXIII then catalyzes bond formation between <strong>glutamic acid of one D-domain and lysine of an adjacent D-domain</strong>
<li>This accounts for the <u>incredible strength</u> of the fibrin strand</li>

<p>What are some of the major coagulation cascade inhibitors?</p>
<li>Intact endothelium generates a variety of antithrombotic agents, including <strong>nitric oxide, prostacyclin, and ecto-ADPase</strong> that inhibit platelet aggregation
<li><u>Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)</u> that blocks the FVIIa-tissue factor complex</li>
<li><u>Thrombomodulin</u>that binds thrombin and activates protein C</li>
<li><u>Proteoglycans</u>that activate antithrombin</li>
<li><u>ADAMTS13</u> is present on the endothelial cell membrane and cleaves the highest molecular weight multimers of von Willebrand factor as they are released from the endothelial Weibel-Palade bodies</li>
<li><strong>Antithrombin</strong>: a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) that blocks thrombin and activated factors X, IX, XI, XII, and the tissue factor-VIIa complex</li>
<li>Activated <strong>protein C</strong>, with <strong>free protein S (PS)</strong>, inactivates FVa and FVIIIa, preventing continuing thrombosis
<li>Two-thirds of circulating PS is bound to the <em>complement-4B-binding protein (C4BP)</em>, one-third is free. PS levels <5% of normal associated with thrombosis</li>
<li><strong>Protein Z binds</strong> to Z protease inhibitor and the complex inhibits factor Xa
<li>It does not appear to play an important role in thrombosis</li>
<li><strong>Phospholipid-binding proteins</strong> include <strong>annexin V and beta2-glycoprotein-1 (β2GP1)</strong>, bind to phosphatidyl serine, preventing binding of the coagulation complexes
<li>Antibodies to β2GP1 associated with thrombosis in patients with lupus anticoagulant syndrome</li>

<p>Describe the process of fibrinolytic system.</p>
<li>Consists of <strong>plasminogen</strong>, which forms plasmin, the enzyme that lyses fibrin thrombi</li>
<li><strong>Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase</strong> convert plasminogen to plasmin, but this process is most effective when plasminogen is bound to lysine-binding sites on fibrin</li>
<li><strong>Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), lipoprotein(a), and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI)</strong> either bind to or degrade these lysine binding sites and thereby inhibit fibrinolysis</li>
<li><strong>Epsilon aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid</strong> are pharmacologic lysine-mimetics</li>
<li><strong>Antiplasmin</strong> directly inhibits plasmin</li>