Acquired Coagulopathies Flashcards
• List the various acquired defects leading to a coagulopathic state. (MKS 1b) • Understand the role of Vitamin K in coagulation, and how a deficiency in this vitamin could lead to a bleeding diathesis. (MKS 1a, 1b) • Understand the various effects liver disease has on hemostasis and thrombosis, and how various disturbances can predispose to abnormal hemostasis and/or inappropriate clot formation. (MKS 1b) • Understand the pathophysiology of acquired hemophilia, its clinical presentat
<p>What are the causes of acquired coagulopathy associated with bleeding?</p>
<li>Vitamin K deficiency</li>
<li>Liver disease</li>
<li>Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)</li>
<li>Drug induced (e.g., anticoagulants)</li>
<li>Inhibitors of coagulation factors (acquired hemophilia)</li>
<li>Abnormal fibrinolysis</li>
<li>Amyloidosis: factor X binding</li>
<li>Essential thrombocytosis</li>
<p>What are the acquired coagulopathies associated with clotting?</p>
<li>Antiphospholipid syndrome: associated with Lupus anticoagulant and/or Anticardiolipin antibodies</li>
<li>Nephrotic syndrome (loss of antithrombin III)</li>
<li>Liver disease</li>
<li>Disseminated intravascular coagulation</li>
<li>Essential thrombocytosis</li>
<li>Drug induced (heparin induced thrombocytopenia)</li>
<p>What are the sources of vitamin K and what role does it play in coagulation?</p>
<li><strong>Vitamin K sources</strong>
<li><u>Diet 1° source</u>
<li>Leafy green vegetables</li>
<li>Requirements: <em>~100-200 μg/day</em></li>
<li>Stores depleted in ~1 week in absence of adequate dietary intake</li>
<li><u>Intestinal bacteria</u>: produce Vitamin K2</li>
<li>Fat soluble</li>
<li><strong>Vitamin K in Coagulation</strong>
<li>Cofactor in enzymatic reaction involving <u>post-translational modification</u> of Factors II, VII, IX, X, Protein C & S</li>
<li>Turns N-termini glutamic acid residues of these proteins into γ-carboxyglutamic acids (G1a)</li>
<li>This then allows <u>binding to phospholipids/cell membranes</u> (Ca++ dependent)</li>
<p>What are the sequellae of deficiencies in vitamin K?</p>
<li><strong>Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn</strong>
<li>2° Vit K <u>poor nutritional state</u> in the mother during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy</li>
<li>This leads to <u>lack of bacterial colonization</u> of newborn GI tract, and with this low vitamin K production in the newborn</li>
<li><u>Breast feeding</u>: provides only 15 μg/L Vit K</li>
<li>This usually develops between <u>2-7 days of life</u>
<li><em>Symptoms</em>: skin, mucosal bleeding (circumcision), rarely internal (intracranial hemorrhage, retroperitoneal bleeding)</li>
<li>With labs, see <em>prolonged PT & PTT</em></li>
<li><em>Prophylaxis</em>: 100 μg-1mg given to all in-hospital births for the past 40+ years</li>
<li><em>Treatment</em>: Vit K 100 μg corrects (no repeat doses usually necessary)</li>
<li><strong>Acquired vitamin K deficiency</strong>
<li>Inadequate intake of Vit K is <u>rare</u>, and causes <u>mild deficiency</u>
<li>Usually <em>no clinical manifestations</em>, since GI production intact</li>
<li>Colonic bacteria produce functional forms Vit K</li>
<li>Malnutrition <em>plus antibiotics</em> (latter causing destruction of GI flora) can cause a deficiencey</li>
<li>Malabsorption syndromes (like cystic fibrosis)</li>
<li>Antagonists (warfarin)</li>
<li>Oral, subcutaneous, or IV <u>Vitamin K</u></li>
<li><u>Plasma products</u>: fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC)
<li>This is a poor treatment usually, since it wears off quickly</li>
<p>What is the normal physiology of the liver in regards to its role in hemostasis and thrombosis?</p>
<li>Synthesis of all <strong>coagulation factors</strong></li>
<li><strong>Factor VIII</strong>:
<li>Also synthesized in vascular endothelial cells, parenchymal cells in the kidney, spleen, lungs, brain</li>
<li><u>FVIII is unstable</u>; it requires von Willebrand’s factor for circulation</li>
<li><strong>Synthesis</strong> of inhibitors of coagulation factors
<li>Antithrombin (AT), Protein C, Protein S</li>
<li>Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI)</li>
<li>The liver <strong>clears</strong> activated hemostatic proteins & protein inhibitor complexes from circulation</li>
<li>Synthesizes <strong>thrombopoieten (TPO)</strong> to help with platelet production</li>
<p>What is the impact of liver disease on clotting factors?</p>
<li><strong>Decrease synthesis</strong> clotting factors</li>
<li><strong>Decrease absorption</strong> Vitamin K (due to ↓ bile salt production)</li>
<li>With <strong>acute liver failure</strong>, you have:
<li>High circulating inflammatory proteins/cytokines causing ↑ <u>tissue factor (TF)</u>, which in turn causes <u>activation of FII, V, VII, & X</u></li>
<li>The thrombin generated should be inhibited by <u>Antithrombin III (AT III)</u>
<li><em>Prevents</em> activation of FVIII, XI</li>
<li><em>Preserves</em> their levels</li>
<li><strong>Von Willebrand Factor</strong>: see elevated levels in liver failure</li>
<li>With <u>severe liver failure</u>, there is ↓ fibrinogen synthesis, causing ↓ levels</li>
<li><u>Dysfibrinogenemia</u>: different from simple decreased fibrinogen production
<li>The liver produces <em>normal levels</em>, but it is a qualitatively <em>abnormal protein</em> with a ↓ ability to clot</li>
<li>It is <em>2° increased activity</em> of sialyltransferase by immature hepatocytes</li>
<li>With labs, you see a <em>prolonged Thrombin Time</em> (TT)</li>
<li>Usually, there is <em>almost normal PT/PTT</em></li>
<li><em>Normal fibrinogen level</em>, but decreased activity (qualitative defect)</li>
<p>What is the impact of liver disease on anticoagulants and clotting factors?</p>
<li><strong>Anticoagulants</strong>: see decreased levels of AT III, protein C & Protein S, as these are normally produced in the liver</li>
<li><strong>Platelet abnormalities</strong> in liver disease
<li><u>Quantitative</u> platelet problems in liver disease
<li>Hypersplenism causes <em>platelet sequestration</em> (covered in Thrombocytopenia lecture as well)</li>
<li><em>Myelosuppression</em>: liver disease often can cause decreased bone marrow production for various reasons</li>
<li><em>Consumptive coagulopathy</em>: disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) can be seen in liver disease</li>
<li><em>Immune-mediated mechanisms</em>: patients with liver disease due to Hepatitis C are at higher risk for an autoimmune/ITP like process</li>
<li>Decreased production of <em>thrombopoieten</em></li>
<li><u>Qualitative</u> platelet problems in liver disease
<li><em>Decreased</em> platelet aggregation</li>
<li><em>Intrinsic</em> platelet defects</li>
<li><em>Multiple plasma factors</em> present in liver disease interfere with normal platelet function</li>
<p>What are some abnormalities of the fibrinolytic system in liver disease?</p>
<li><strong>Decreased levels of:</strong>
<li>α2-plasmin inhibitor</li>
<li>histidine rich glycoprotein</li>
<li>Factor XIII</li>
<li>Thrombin activatable fibrinolytic inhibitor (TAFI)</li>
<li>There is <strong>heightened fibrinolysis</strong> in chronic liver disease
<li><u>Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)</u> levels are increased (2° decreased clearance)</li>
<li><u>Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor</u> (PAI-1, which is a tPA inhibitor) is often normal or only slightly increased
<li>This imbalance of tPA and PAI-1 leads to <u>heightened fibrinolysis</u> as well</li>
<li><u>Reflected in labs</u>: you see a high D-Dimer, as well as Prothrombin fragments 1+2, Fibrin degradation products
<li>these are all <em>breakdown products</em> of a thrombin clot, released with clot breakdown through fibrinolysis</li>
<p>What is the impact of acute liver disease or acute cholestatic liver disease on coagulation?</p>
<li>Can have <strong>normal coagulation</strong>, or a <strong>hypercoagulable state</strong></li>
<li><strong>Increased PAI-1</strong> levels since it is an acute phase reactant</li>
<li><strong>Hypofibrinolysis</strong> can be seen depending on the PAI-1 levels</li>
<p>What are the ways of assessing risk for bleeding and clotting?</p>
<li><strong>Risk Assessment: Clotting</strong>
<li><u>Should not</u> view patients as being “autoanticoagulated” due to the hemostatic abnormalities in liver disease</li>
<li>The above is demonstrated by the fact that there are <u>high rates of portal vein thrombosis & hepatic vein thrombosis</u>
<li><u></u>the latter known as Budd-chiari syndrome</li>
<li>With liver disease, even with labs that look like the patient should be at high risk for bleeding: <u>low platelets, elevated PT/PTT</u></li>
<li><strong>Risk Assessment: Bleeding</strong>
<li>Link between hemostatic abnormalities and the bleeding risk is <u>unclear</u></li>
<li>Worsening coagulation studies may indicate <u>decreased liver function</u>, but this <u>does not necessarily mean</u> an increased bleed risk</li>
<p>In liver disease, what are the changes in hemostasis that favors bleeding?</p>
<li><strong>Decreased clotting factor synthesis</strong>
<li>FII, V, VII, IX, X, & XI</li>
<li><strong>Decreased fibrinolytic inhibitors</strong>: TAFI, α-2 plasmin inhibitor, histidine-rich glycoprotein</li>
<li>Qualitative and quantitative <strong>fibrinogen defects</strong></li>
<li>Imbalanced increase in <strong>tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)</strong> relative to smaller increase in <strong>plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1)</strong></li>
<li>Abnormalities in <strong>platelet aggregation</strong></li>
<li><strong>Nitrous oxide (NO) and prostacyclin</strong> mediated platelet inhibition</li>
<p>In liver disease, what are the changes to hemostasis that favors thrombosis?</p>
<li><strong>Increased levels</strong> of von Willebrands factor (vWF) & FVIII</li>
<li><strong>Decreased</strong> plasminogen</li>
<li><strong>Decreased anticoagulant levels</strong>: ATIII, Protein C, Prot S, α2 macroglobulin</li>
<li><strong>Decreased heparin cofactor II</strong> (heparin cofactor II inhibits thrombin)</li>
<p>What are some general features of pathologic inhibitors of coagulation (acquired hemophilia)?</p>
<li>In this disorder, circulating macromolecules (most are antibodies) <strong>directly inhibit</strong> clotting proteins or reactions leading to clot formation</li>
<li>This can <strong>arise in patients with a hereditary bleeding disorder</strong> (Hemophilia A or B) following use of plasma products, but it can also arise de novo</li>
<p>What are the usual settings that acquired FVIII inhibitors are seen?</p>
<li><strong>Alloantibody inhibitors</strong> in Hemophilia</li>
<li><strong>Post partum</strong> (approximately 13% of cases of acquired FVIII inhibitor)
<li>Usually after birth of 1st or 2nd child</li>
<li>Cause <u>unknown</u></li>
<li>~2-5 month delay in diagnosis</li>
<li><u>Variable course</u>: most disappear by 12-18 months</li>
<li>Related to various <strong>immunologic disorders</strong></li>
<li><strong>No associated disorder is found</strong> in approximately 50% of cases (ie, “idiopathic”)</li>
<p>What are some important characteristics of acquired Factor VIII inhibitors (acquired hemophilia A)? What are the properties of the inhibitor?</p>
<li><u>Rare</u> disorder, more common in <u>elderly</u> (~60% of cases occur in age >60)</li>
<li>♀ ≈ ♂</li>
<li><u>Spontaneous disappearance</u> of the inhibitor occurs in approximately 38% of cases</li>
<li><strong>Inhibitor properties</strong>
<li><u>IgG Antibody (Ab)</u>, frequent mixture of heavy chain subclasses</li>
<li>Directed to <u>specific epitopes</u> on the clotting factor</li>
<li><u>Specific for FVIII activity</u> (most do not interfere with von Willebrand’s factor)</li>
<li>Can be completely neutralized with <u>excess FVIII</u> if the amount/titer of the Ab is low enough</li>
<li><u>Low titers</u>: may be time and/or temperature dependent</li>
<li>Usually <u>interferes</u> w/ FIX, FX, vWF, or phospholipid interactions with FVIII</li>
<p>What is the presentation and diagnosis of acquired factor VIII inhibitors?</p>
<li>Spontaneous, massive <u>bruising</u></li>
<li><u>Hematomas</u>: large joints or muscles</li>
<li>Gastrointestinal or Genitourinary <u>bleeding</u></li>
<li><u>Prolonged PTT</u>, normal PT & TT</li>
<li>No correction with incubated mixing study
<li>Incubate at 37 C for 1-2° (some Ab time & temperature dependent)</li>
<li><u>Quantitative measurement</u>: Bethesda unit (BU)
<li>1 BU = amount of Ab that inhibits <em>50% of FVIII present in normal plasma</em> sample after incubation with equal volume of the patient’s plasma for 2 hours at 37 C</li>
<li>Low titer inhibitors defined as being <em><5 BU</em></li>
<p>What are the steps taken to treat acute bleeds in acquired FVIII inhibitors?</p>
<li><strong>Conservative measures</strong> (Immobilization, compression of sites of bleeding)</li>
<li><strong>Anti-fibrinolytics</strong> (Consideration of ε aminocaproic acid)</li>
<li><strong>DDAVP</strong> (Desmopressin): 0.3 mcg/kg trial can be used initially if very low level inhibitor is present (<3 BU)</li>
<li><strong>Factor VIII products</strong>: dose & efficacy depend on level of inhibitor
<li>More effective with <u>lower level inhibitors</u> (BU <5)</li>
<li>Need to give enough to <u>neutralize inhibitor</u>, as well as additional excess to give FVIII activity ≥ 30% (0.3 U/mL)</li>
<li><strong>Activated prothrombin complex concentrates</strong>
<li>Contain prothrombin, factors VIIa, IXa, and Xa</li>
<li>Risk of <u>thrombosis</u> (including MI)</li>
<li><strong>Recombinant Factor VIIa</strong>: bypasses the inhibitor action
<li>Acts with Tissue Factor (TF) to activate FX to active Xa form</li>
<li>Currently only FDA approved for inhibitors to coagulation proteins</li>
<li><strong>Plasmapharesis</strong>: attempted if patient not responding to other treatments
<li>Plasmapharesis circulates the patient’s blood through a <u>large centrifuge</u>, and the abnormal antibody/inhibitor is removed in the machine</li>
<p>What are the drugs to decrease inhibitor titer in acquired Factor VIII inhibitors?</p>
<li>Azathioprine (usually reserved when above measures fail)</li>
<li>Intravenous immunoglobulin</li>
<p>What is the course and prognosis of acquired Factor VIII inhibitors?</p>
<li><strong>High mortality rate</strong>: 22% in one series</li>
<li><strong>Adverse factors for course/prognosis</strong>:
<li>advanced age</li>
<li>concomitant malignancy</li>
<li>and poor therapy response</li>
<li><strong>Favorable risk factors</strong>:
<li>underlying autoimmune disease</li>
<li><strong>Spontaneous remission</strong> common (~1/3; spontaneous remission is more common if the disease is pregnancy-associated)</li>
<li><strong>Relapses</strong>: ~20% after first remission</li>
<p>What is role of phospholipids in normal coagulation? What is the nature of the antibodies that target these phospholipids in antiphospholipid syndrome?</p>
<li><strong>Normal physiology</strong>: phospholipids participate in coagulation at several steps
<li>Component of <u>prothrombinase complex</u></li>
<li><u>Tenase complex</u>: cofactor for factor VIIIa and factor IXa</li>
<li>Cofactor for activation of <u>FX by FVIIa</u></li>
<li><strong>Anti-phospholipid antibodies (Ab)</strong>: heterogeneous family of autoAb directed against anionic phospholipids and plasma proteins
<li>They include the lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin Ab, and beta 2 glycoprotein Ab</li>
<li>Originally felt to be <u>anticoagulants</u> due to their ability to <u>prolong phospholipid dependent coagulation test</u> in vitro (eg, presence of the lupus anticoagulant causes prolongation of the PTT test, seemingly indicating “thinner blood”)
<li>In fact, these antibodies do just the opposite: they <em>increase the risk for thrombosis</em></li>
<li>β2 glycoprotein 1 (B2GP1) believed to be <u>major target</u></li>
<li>In vivo/clinically, these Ab are associated with <u>thrombosis and recurrent fetal loss</u></li>
<li>Thrombosis can be either <u>arterial or venous, or both</u></li>
<p>Ab be found in <strong>isolation</strong> or in association with <strong>autoimmune diseases</strong></p>
<p>Describe the different types of antibodies found in antiphospholipid syndrome.</p>
<li><strong>Transient Ab</strong> can be detected under certain conditions & are of unclear signifigance:
<li>Viral/bacterial infections</li>
<li>Medications: Procainamide, Quinidine, chlorpromazine</li>
<li><strong>Anticardiolipin Ab</strong>
<li>Can be <u>IgG, IgM, or both</u></li>
<li>Low affinity monovalent Ab to β2GP1</li>
<li>Monovalent complexes bind weakly to anionic phospholipids</li>
<li>If antigen (Ag) density is high, this can lead to <u>bivalent complexes</u> to form, further resulting in <u>high affinity for phospholipid surfaces</u></li>
<li><strong>Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC)</strong>
<li>Reacts in coagulation assay systems containing <u>anionic phospholipids</u></li>
<li>β2-GPI and prothrombin <u>bind phopholipids tightly</u></li>
<li>It is possible that Ab directed against these targets also <u>interferes with phospholipid-dependent clotting reactions</u></li>
<li>These cause <u>in vitro “anticoagulant” effect</u>, as mentioned above</li>
<li>Tests to determine <u>presence of the antiphospholipid Ab</u>:
<li>Dilute activated PTT</li>
<li>Kaolin clotting time</li>
<li>Dilute Russell’s viper venom time</li>
<li>Adding phospholipid markedly <u>shortens the prolonged PTT</u></li>
<p>What is the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome?</p>
<li>Requires presence of <strong>at least one clinical criteria and at least one laboratory criteria</strong></li>
<li><strong>Clinical criteria</strong>
<li><u>Vascular thrombosis</u>: one or more clinical episodes of arterial, venous, or small vessel thrombosis occurring in any tissue or organ</li>
<li><u>Complications of pregnancy</u>
<li>One or more <em>unexplained death</em> of morphologically normal fetus after the 10th gestational week OR</li>
<li><em>Three or more premature births</em> of morphologically normal neonates at or before the 34th gestational week OR</li>
<li><em>Three or more unexplained consecutive spontaneous abortions</em> prior to the 10th gestational week</li>
<li><strong>Laboratory criteria</strong>
<li><u>Anticardiolipin Ab</u>: Presence of Anticardiolipin IgG or IgM at moderate-high levels on two or more occasions as measured by standard ELISA assay</li>
<li><u>Lupus anticoagulant</u>: Presence of LAC Ab on two or more occasions ≥6 weeks apart</li>
<li><strong>Catastrophic Antiphospholipid syndrome</strong>: thrombosis of multiple small blood vessels
<li>Dysfunction in ≥3 organs</li>
<li>High antibody titers</li>
<li>Life threatening</li>
<p>What is the treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome?</p>
<li><strong>Venous thrombosis</strong>: anticoagulation</li>
<li><strong>Arterial thrombosis</strong>: antiplatelet agents</li>
<li><strong>No history of thrombosis</strong>: low-dose aspirin may be helpful</li>
<li>Catastrophic antiphospholipid Ab syndrome can be treated with <strong>plasma exchange/plasmapharesis</strong>, using the same principles discussed in the pathologic inhibitors of coagulation</li>