Normal Development Notes (0-18 mo) Flashcards
Give the 3 theories of human development.
1) Neuromaturational View
2) Dynamic Systems
3) Neuronal Group Selection Theory.
Which of the 3 theories of human development says that variation and variability are the keys to development and that while the sequence uses multiple systems the CNS is best?
Which theory states that the CNS only determines the sequence of development?
Which system has more grey areas with development and says that multiple systems are equivalent to the CNS in determining the sequence of development?
Dynamic Systems
Describe the general changes happening during each of the trimesters or pregnancy.
1) First: By 7 weeks you have a full baby who kicks and moves.
2) Second: There are no new movements and by the end the gross motor skills are decreased.
3) Third: Fine motor skills increase (things like sucking, hand to hand, etc)
What are the 6 directions in development?
1) Cephalic control before caudal
2) Extensor antigravity control before flexor antigravity control
3) WB on flexed extremities before extended extremities
4) Gross motor before fine motor
5) Proximal before distal control
6) Reflex before cortical control
Name the progression for an infant starting with prone.
Prone, supine, rolling, sitting, WB
Describe the how you would find a newborn-1 month old in prone.
1) Physiological flexion
2) Neck: flexion and full cervical rotation
3) UE: hand nuzzles mouth
4) LE: Triple flex (DF =70 with foot hitting tibia)
5) Movement: Caudally up
6) Wt Shift: backwards to lift up head
Prone Progression for the 2 month old.
1) Asymmetry
2) Neck: 45 ext 45 Rotation
3) UE: Still flexed and elbows behind shoulders
4) LE: less flexed and in a frog leg position
What is the 3 month old Prone Progression?
1) Symmetry
2) Neck: 90 ext and full rotation from horizontal
3) UE: elbows underneath shoulders, shoulder girdle very active, still on forearms. Hands are still fisted with some opening and closing.
4) LE
5) Movement
Give the 4 month old prone progression.
1) Strong symmetry
2) Neck: 90 ext and bilat. 90 rotation
3) UE: on forearms working towards extending arm
4) LE: still in frog leg position
5) Weight shift: towards face side or toy/object
What would you see from a 5 month old in prone?
1) Neck: 90 ext. with a good chin tuck; can coordinate flexion/extension in prone
2) UE: ext with open hands, elbows in front of shoulders, grasping and releasing.
3) LE: still in frog leg with some dissociation between the LE
4) Wt. Shift: Lateral wt shift with reaching.
5) Swimming: trunk on ground with UE and LE off.
* *Getting ready to pivot in this stage**
What is the 6 month old model in prone?
1) Neck: all controlled at this point
2) UE: ext with mature wt shift without collapsing.
3) LE: similar to 5 mo, not stuck in frog leg
4) Movement: pivoting
Describe the 7 month old prone progression
1) UE: ext and reaching in all positions
2) LE: WB through knees
3) Transitions: sit prone, prone quad
4) Movement: not quite creeping but rocking a lot in quad
What is the prone progression for 8+ months?
1) Transitions: in and out of side sit bilat.
2) Plantigrade: UE and LE ext (down dog in yoga)
3) Creeping: This should be happening.
Give the 1 month old supine progression.
1) Physiological flexion
2) Neck: not in midline with some rotation
3) UE: Scapulas retracted back with flexion
4) LE: flexed with some frog leg
5) Movements: variable kicking and reciprocal sweeping
What is the supine progression for a 2 month old?
1) Asymmetry: ATNR
2) Neck: Can’t stay in midline for very long
3) UE: can’t do hand to mouth
4) LE: frog leg position, legs do some extension
Describe how you would find a 3 month old in supine.
1) Shift to symmetry
2) Neck: learn to track 180, neutral midline
3) UE: can bring hands to chest to play with toy
4) LE: Kicking reciprocally and increased foot-foot play
What is the supine progression for a 4 month old?
1) Neck: head at midline always with a nice chin tuck
2) UE: off chest and can bat at toys above them
3) LE: antigravity control increases in LE and abs
4) Mirroring: LE mirroring (sometimes with UE too)
Describe the position of a supine 5 month old
1) UE: reaching is bilat. and symmetrical
2) LE: decreased mirroring between the UE and LE; LE stay flexed when reaching
3) Movements: Alternate bridging and pulling into full flexion
4) Happy Baby: grabs underside of same side foot, this works abs and is when they find their feet and try to eat their toes.
Give the supine progression for a 6 month old.
1) Increased UE and LE dissociation
2) UE: can transfer toys between hands
3) Trunk: controls sway of legs and can stop roll if they want to
4) LE: dissociation happening; can put foot on opposite knee
5) Rolling starts
What is the 7 month old supine progression?
1) NOT HAPPY IN SUPINE; start fighting diaper changes
2) Neck: full flexion in antigravity
3) Movement: roll to prone
* *If the baby still likes supine at this age there may be something wrong**
Give the general characteristics and red flags for a newborn/1 month old.
1) General characteristics: Physiological flexion of all extremities in all positions and swiping movements of extremities.
2) Red Flags: Extended posture, no flexor recoil, absent primitive reflexes