non surgical periodontal treatment 2 Flashcards
PCP vs WHO probe
WHO - ball at end (0.5mm) then 2 bands - 1st = 3.5-5.5mm , 2nd = 8.5-11.5mm
PCP doesnt have ball on end
what probe is used when assessing furcation involvement
nabers furcation probe
furcation involvement grades
1 - initial involvement - furcation felt but less than 1/3 tooth width
2 - partial involvement - exceeds 1/3 tooth width but not total
3 - through and through involvement , probe can pass through entire furcation
Grading Mobility
assessed using 2 instruments or a finger and instruments
grade 0 - physiological mobility (0.1-0.2mm)
grade 1 - 1mm horizontal movement of crown
grade 2 - visually increased horizontal movement of crown more than 1mm
grade 3 - severe mobility horizontally and vertically impinging tooth function
probing depth
gingival margin to the base of pocket
disclosing tablets
used to show where plaque is on teeth
darker colour = older plaque
good tool for oral hygiene instruction
what are single tufted brushed good for
good for maligned teeth, localised gingival recession , distal surfaces of molars
what should be used when cleaning interdental areas at sights with attachment loss
interdental brushes
when should chlorhexidine mouthwashes be used
in ptx in which pain limits their ability to mechanically brush
what type of mouthwashes are best for the majority of ptx
alcohol free and fluorodated
cavitation bubbles
form when using water coolant with powered scalers , collapsing bubbles cause cavitation and coolant acts to flush pocket
manual vs powered scalers
no difference in effectiveness
manual - no aerosols, greater tactile sensation
powered - quicker, easier, less fatigue
effect of scaling and RSD on microflora
significantly reduces levels and prevalence of pathogenic species e.g p.gingivalis
effect of scaling and RSD on hard and soft tissues
decreased inflammation
potential gingival recession
increased collagen fibres in junctional epithelium beneath pocket seeing increased attachment and therefore decreased pocket depth
plaque retentive factor examples
restorations - overhanging margins, overcontoured crown s, subgingival margins
RPDs - gingival coverage, trauma
Orthodontics - compromised interdental cleaning, bands close to gingival margin
what do attachment levels tell us pre and post treatment
pre treatment - measure tissue destruction
post treatment - extent of repair
why might periodontal treatment plans fail
inadequate ptx plaque control - lack of compliance or dexterity?
residual subgingival deposits - deep pockets, inexperienced operator/ rushed RSD, furcation lesions / root grooves etc
systemic risks e.g smoking/ uncontrolled diabetes