Non-ST Elevation MI Flashcards
Aetiology of NSTEMI
-Age (increasing- 70+)
-Lifestyle factors: smoking, diet, exercise
-Family history (genetic- younger than 50 heart attack)
-Other risk factors: HTN, DM, High cholesterol, CKD
Pathophysiology of NSTEMI
=Plaque erosion with overlying thrombosis
=Inflammation in plaque disruption
=Platelet aggregation and activation on exposed thrombogenic surface of rupture plaque
=Release mitogenic substances that disrupts endothelium
=Narrowing of lumen
NSTEMI symptoms
-Pain= chest (80%), upper abdomen, back, jaw
-Nausea, vomiting
-Dyspnoea (heart failure)
Clinical signs of NSTEMI
-Levine’s sign (fist over chest- in pain, heavy central tightness)
-Rhythm disturbance- Tachycardia, bradycardia (inferior infarct AV node)
-Pulmonary oedema (usually STEMI)
-BP- hypertensive, hypotensive
-Diaphoresis (sweating)
NSTEMI Investigations
-Basic observations (BP)
-Bloods: troponin
GRACE score
Diagnostic criteria of NSTEMI
Cardiac biomarkers> 99th percentile ±
1- Symptoms relating to Ischaemia
2- ECG: new/ presumed new ECG changes
3- Q waves on ECG
4- Imaging: new RWMA abnormality
NSTEMI treatment
-Anti-platelets: Aspirin 300mg, Ticagrelor (conservative management), Clopidogrel, Prasugrel
-Anticoagulation (unfractionated Heparin) if immediate angiography planned or creatinine >265/ fondaparinux not high risk of bleeding and not having angiography immediately
-ACEi/ beta blockers/ statin
-Anti-anginal: calcium channel blockers, ISMN
-Oxygen (if sats<90%)
-Percutaneous coronary intervention within 72 hours of presentation
Prognosis of NSTEMI
-Heart Failure
-Valve disease
-Aneurysm of ventricle
-Dressler’s syndrome
Long-term care NSTEMI
-Secondary prevention: cholesterol, BP, BM
-Lifestyle advice: diet, weight, smoking
-Cardiac rehabilitation
Which patients with NSTEMI/unstable angina should have coronary angiography (with follow-on PCI if necessary)?
-immediate: patient who are clinically unstable (e.g. hypotensive)
-within 72 hours: patients with a GRACE score > 3% i.e. those at intermediate, high or highest risk
-coronary angiography should also be considered for patients if ischaemia is subsequently experienced after admission
Percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with NSTEMI/unstable angina
-unfractionated heparin should be given regardless of whether the patient has had fondaparinux or not
-further antiplatelet (‘dual antiplatelet therapy’, i.e. aspirin + another drug) prior to PCI
=if the patient is not taking an oral anticoagulant: prasugrel or ticagrelor
=if taking an oral anticoagulant: clopidogrel
Conservative management for patients with NSTEMI/unstable angina
-further antiplatelet (‘dual antiplatelet therapy’, i.e. aspirin + another drug)
=if the patient is not at a high risk of bleeding: ticagrelor
=if the patient is at a high risk of bleeding: clopidogrel
GRACE score
The Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) is the most widely used tool for risk assessment. It can be calculated using online tools and takes into account the following factors:
heart rate, blood pressure
cardiac (Killip class) and renal function (serum creatinine)
cardiac arrest on presentation
ECG findings
troponin levels
Which patients with NSTEMI/unstable angina should have coronary angiography (with follow-on PCI if necessary)?
immediate: patient who are clinically unstable (e.g. hypotensive)
within 72 hours: patients with a GRACE score > 3% i.e. those at intermediate, high or highest risk
coronary angiography should also be considered for patients if ischaemia is subsequently experienced after admission
Drugs for PCI
Further drug therapy
unfractionated heparin should be given regardless of whether the patient has had fondaparinux or not
further antiplatelet (‘dual antiplatelet therapy’, i.e. aspirin + another drug) prior to PCI
if the patient is not taking an oral anticoagulant: prasugrel or ticagrelor
if taking an oral anticoagulant: clopidogrel
Conservative management drugs
further antiplatelet (‘dual antiplatelet therapy’, i.e. aspirin + another drug)
if the patient is not at a high risk of bleeding: ticagrelor
if the patient is at a high risk of bleeding: clopidogrel