Mann-Whitney test
Nonparametric test to determine whether medians of two independent or unpaired samples (possibly of different size) are the same. Also called Wilcoxon sum rank test.
McNemar’s test
Nonparametric test for comparing paired samples where the output is yes/no (or A/B, or 0/1, etc.).
Nonparametric test
Statistical test that makes no assumptions about the population distribution from which the data is sampled. Nonparametric tests often focus on the median.
Paired samples
Data with two different outcomes for each data point. Often helpful for comparing the method that generated outcome #1 with the method that generated outcome #2 to see which is better
Parametric test
Statistical test that assumes the data being tested is sampled from a distribution governed by certain parameter(s). Parametric tests often focus on the mean.
Wilcoxon signed rank test
one sample) / (paired samples
Nonparametric test for a single response, to determining whether the median is different from a specific value. comparing medians of paired samples where the output is quantitative