Confusion Matrices Flashcards
Fraction of data points correctly classified by a model;
Confusion matrix
Visualization of classification model performance.
Diagnostic odds ratio
Ratio of the odds that a data point in a certain category is correctly classified by a model, to the odds that a data point not in that category is incorrectly classified by the model; equal to
Fall out
Fraction of data points not in a certain category that are incorrectly classified by a model Also called false positive rate
False negative (FN)
Data point that a model incorrectly classifies as not being in a certain category. (“Negative” means the model classified it as not being in the category, and “False” means the model’s classification is incorrect.)
Sometimes abbreviated as “FN”.
False negative rate
Fraction of data points in a certain category that are incorrectly classified by a model;. Also called miss rate.
False positive (FP)
Data point that a model incorrectly classifies as being in a certain category. (“Positive” means the model classified it as being in the category, and “False” means the model’s classification is incorrect.) Sometimes abbreviated as “FP”.
False positive rate
Fraction of data points not in a certain category that are incorrectly classified by a model; equal to 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹
𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇+𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹. Also called fall out.
False omission rate
Fraction of data points the model classifies as not in a certain category, that are really in the category; equal to
Hit rate
Fraction of data points in a certain category that are correctly classified by a model; equal to also called the true positive rate, sensitivity, and recall.
Miss rate
Fraction of data points in a certain category that are incorrectly classified by a model; Also called false negative rate
Negative likelihood ratio
Ratio of the fraction of data points in a certain category that are misclassified as not in the category, to the fraction of data points not in the category that are correctly classified as not being in the category; equal to (1-sensitivity)/specificity
Negative predictive value
Fraction of data points classified as not in a certain category that are really not in that category; equal to
Positive likelihood ratio
Ratio of the fraction of data points in a certain category that are correctly classified as being in that category, to the fraction of data points not in the category that are incorrectly classified as being in the category; equal to sensitivity/(1-specificity)
Positive predictive value
Fraction of data points classified as being in a certain category that are really in that category; . Also called precision.
In analytics, the fraction of data points classified as being in a certain category that are really in that category. Also called positive predictive value.
Fraction of data points in a certain category that are correctly classified by a model also called the true positive rate, hit rate,and recall.
Fraction of data points not in a certain category that are correctly classified by a model also called the true negative rate.
True negative (TN)
Data point that a model correctly classifies as not being in a certain category. (“Negative” means the model classified it as not being in the category, and “True” means the model’s classification is correct.) Sometimes abbreviated as “TN”.
True negative rate
Fraction of data points not in a certain category that are correctly classified by a model; also called specificity.
True positive (TP)
Data point that a model correctly classifies as being in a certain category. (“Positive” means the model classified it as being in the category, and “True” means the model’s classification is correct.) Sometimes abbreviated as “TP”.
True positive rate
Fraction of data points in a certain category that are correctly classified by a model also called sensitivity, hit rate, and recall.