Non-Infectious Skin Lesions and Sports Dermatology -- not on exam 2 Flashcards
Blisters (3)
- If they are tense, they may need to be drained
- Need to be covered once they are open to reduce friction
- Prevention: Petroleum jelly on a “hot spot” can decrease the incidence of these blisters
Calluses and Corns (4)
- Very thickened stratum corneum
- Can occur on feet or hands depending on activity
- Response to friction so patient should avoid over trimming
- Can use pumice stone or file but should not share tools.
Jogger’s Nipples (3)
- Occurs in endurance athletes
- Cover nipples with Band-Aids
- Vaseline with loose clothing help to prevent chaffing
Abrasians (4)
- Turf burn, mat burn, road rash are all names
- Epidermis is scraped away
- Clean with soap and water
- Apply antibiotic ointment and cover
Black nails (5)
- Occurs in runners, cyclist and tennis players
- Repeated trauma of the nail against the show
- Subungal hematoma
- May need drainage by HCP if painful
- Prevention- Keep nails short cut and making sure the toe box is adequate; shoes must fit
Piezogenic Papules (5)
- Papules resolve when the patient is non-weight bearing
- Papules can usually be compressed
- They mostly occur over posterior and lateral border of the heels
- They are often bilateral
- No treatment is required.
Painful Piezogenic Papules (5)
- Restriction of weight-bearing exercise
- Weight loss
- Compression stockings
- Foam rubber foot pads, or foam-fitting plastic heel cups
- Consultation with orthopedist or podiatry
Acne Mechanica (3)
- Occlusion and pressure for the padding and face equipment in football, ice hockey, and field hockey
- Clean after work out with benzoyl peroxide wash or astringent
- Will improve once the adolescent is not longer wearing the face equipment
Pitted Keratolysis (5)
- Intense odor
- Pits in the epidermis on the feet
- Needs antibacterial soup
- Topical benzoyl period is helpful
- Topical antibiotic such as clindamycin or erythromycin.
Mastocytomas (6)
- Composed of Mast cells
- Red or red-brown nodules
- Multiple in urticarial pigmentosa
- May urticate or form a blister
- Avoid vigorous rubbing, hot baths, aspirin, alcohol, ibuprofen, and codeine
- Cyproheptadine (Periactin) for treatment if needed
Dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx) (4)
- Dyshidrotic eczema presents as very pruritic vesiculopapules on the palms, soles, and sides of the fingers.
- The vesicle fluid has been compared to tapioca pudding. - After healing, they often leave behind a mark with a mahogany color, called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
- Many patients have a history of atopic dermatitis, and many have coexisting tinea pedis
- The mainstay of treatment is potent topical steroids
Dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx) location cues to vesicles on feet (4)
- Dorsal foot: contact dermatitis, insect bites
- Sides of feet and toes: dyshidrotic eczema
- Soles: tinea pedis (often with scaling and interdigital maceration)
- Balls, heels: friction blisters
Lichen striatus (2)
- Rare, idiopathic popular eruption of childhood characterized by the sudden onset of flat‐topped, skincolored or hyperpigmented papules arranged in a linear configuration along the lines of Blaschko
- The eruption typically resolves spontaneously in a few months to four years. Histology reveals a lichenoid lymphocytic infiltrate with overlying acanthosis and dyskeratosis.
Herpes Simplex (7)
- Herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 cause painful, grouped vesicles on an erythematous base
- Vesicles may appear pustular (white to yellow)
- Tends to recur in the same place
- HSV 1 favors the mouth and nose
- HSV 2 favors the genitalia, buttocks, thighs
- Perianal erosions or ulcerations in immunosuppressed patients are usually HSV
- Often don’t see vesicles, just the erosions
- Look for bright red rim on erosion
- Pain and recurrence suggests HSV
Herpes simplex bathing suit distribution (4)
- Recurrent vesicles on genitalia, buttocks, or thighs, are HSV until proven otherwise
- HSV usually has bright red borders and may present as pustules, or erosions
- Severe perianal HSV may occur in HIV or other immunosuppression
- Single genital ulcers could be syphilis or chancroid as well
What Tests are used to confirm diagnosis of herpes simplex? (4)
- Tzanck prep can be used to confirm herpes family viruses, but it does not differentiate them from one another. It requires scraping the base of an active vesicle or erosion. Results are immediate.
- Viral culture can be performed when there is fluid present, but it is less helpful once crusts have formed. Results in 1-3 weeks. Not as helpful for VZV. The gold standard for HSV.
- Direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test can differentiate HSV 1 and 2, as well as VZV. Like Tzanck prep, scrape the base of a vesicle or erosion. Results in 48 hours.
- The HerpSelect test is a blood test, which uses IgG antibodies to differentiate past exposures to HSV 1 and 2 but not VZV. Results in days to weeks.
HSV Treatment (2)
- Acyclovir is a safe, cheap, and reliable treatment for HSV; Should be started immediately at first sign of recurrence
* Acyclovir can be used in pregnancy
* Intravenous acyclovir is available for generalized HSV or VZV in the immunocompromised - Famciclovir and valacyclovir are more expensive but have easier dosing
HSV Treatment for Recurrent Episodes
Mounting evidence shows that patientinitiated, oral antiviral therapy works best; Patients start taking at earliest sign of outbreak (burning, pain, itching, etc.)
Therapy regimens for HSV (3)
- Acyclovir 800 mg TID x 2 days
- Famciclovir 1 gram BID x 1 day (manufacture is pulling this drug off the market)
- Valacyclovir 2 grams BID x 1 day
Tinea Pedis (6)
- Tinea pedis may have fine scales on the sole and between toes
- Vesicles often appear on bottom of foot
- Scrape the roof of a vesicle to improve sensitivity of KOH exam
- Most common in adolescents and rare in prepubertal children
- Warm moist environment promotes it
- Transmitted on the floors of locker rooms, swimming pools and household contact
Types of Tinea Pedis (4)
- Moccasin: Diffuse erythema, scaling, and maceration on the plantar surface of the feet
- Interdigital: Most common and is erythema, scaling and maceration in web spaces
- Inflammatory: Acquired from animals, presents with vesicles, pustules, and blisters on feet
- Ulcerative: Interdigital distribution but with more erosions and ulcers
Treatment of Tinea Pedis (7)
- Counsel on foot care to prevent recurrence
- Keep feet dry; change absorbent socks daily
- Wear flip flops in locker rooms, pool decks, etc.
- Use antifungal powders in shoes
- Azoles (miconazole, clotrimazole) are fungistatic and must be used twice daily
- Allylamines (terbinafine, naftifine) and benzylamines (butenafine) are fungicidal
- Cure rates are better with fungicidal antifungals, but generic azoles are usually cheaper