Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person 2 Flashcards
Key Legislation for Assault, Battery and ABH?
Offences Against the Person.
Criminal Justice Act
Charge for Common Assault and Battery?
Max 6 months
S39 of CJA 1988
Charge for Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH):
5 Years
s47 of Offences Against the Person Act.
Actus Reus for Common Assault:
Causing V to apprehend imminent unlawful force.
Words can constitute a common assault:
R v Ireland, how fear was created is immaterial.
Words indicating there will be no violence may prevent assault charge:
Tubervine v Savage
Mens Rea for Common Assault:
Intention to cause the victim to apprehend imminent unlawful force OR recklessness as to whether such apprehension is caused.
Venna 1975
Mens Rea for Battery:
Same as Common Assault.
Assault occasioning ABH?
Common assault/ battery which causes victim to suffer ABH
Actus reus for ABH:
An injury which is calculated to interfere with health and comfort of V.
Psychiatric injury and ABH:
Must be recognized medical condition. Expert evidence is required.
What does occasioning mean?
Cause. Prosecution must prove Ds technical assault/ battery caused V to suffer ABH.
Test for Causation in ABH:
Proper test is:
Whether the injury was something that could reasonably have been foreseen as a consequence of what D was saying or doing.
Mens Rea for ABH:
Same as Common Assault
Consent and ABH:
Only available to D if he honestly believes V consented, even if they did not.
R v Ireland [1998]
Homeboi in this case made a bunch of silent phone calls smh. Words can constitute a common assault.
R v Burstow
This dude also made silent phone calls. Psychiatric impact of such calls can be classified as ABH.
R v Venna [1975]
Bunch of ‘yutes’ were causing a disturbance and struggled upon arrest.
After appeal, it was held that that a reckless use of force was sufficient to satisfy the element of mens rea in a criminal assault.
R v Spratt [1991]
In every offence against the person, recklessness is to be given the subjective Cunningham meaning.
R v Jones
Consent if in the public interest (not in R v Brown sense). Kid got injured in park but appeal was allowed because kid consented to horseplay.