Non-experimental methods Flashcards
Participant Observation
A research method where the researcher takes on the role of a participant whilst observing other participants’ behaviour around them.
Overt Observation
A research method where those being observed are aware of the fact.
Non-Participant Observation
A research method where the researcher watches and records participants’ behaviour without interfering in any way (from a distance).
Covert Observation
A research method where the researcher is “undercover”; the participants are unaware that they are being observed
Naturalistic observation
A research method where where behaviour is observed in real-world settings.
Controlled observation
A research method where researchers conduct observations of participants in a controlled environment.
Structured observation
A research method where researchers observe behaviour in a systematic way (behavioural categories/tally)
Unstructured observation
A research method where behaviour is observed more informally (no checklist)
A research method that includes a list of written questions, which generate closed and/or open answers. These can be used in person, on-line or through other methods
Structured interview
A research method that includes standardised questions (like in a questionnaire), which are known as an interview schedule, and are usually asked face to face.
Semi-structured interview
A research method which involves asking participants questions, usually face to face. These can be in the form of an interview schedule, but could also include follow up questions to expand on answers of the questions asked.
Unstructured interview
A research method which involves asking participants questions, usually face to face. This may start with an opening question, but the interviewer will pose further questions based on the response of the interviewee
Content analysis
A research method which involves exploration of behaviour to see what categories, codes or themes emerge, and tallying each time material fits a theme.
Case study
A method which involves an in-depth investigation of a phenomenon, which uses a descriptive analysis of a person, group or event. It is a holistic study through one or more methodologies that is usually longitudinal.
A method which involves a participant reporting on their own thoughts and feelings though methods such as interviews or questionnaires.
Co-variables indicate two or more quantities being measured in a correlation by the researcher that may or may not vary with each other.
A research method which involves a comparing two continuous variables (co-variables) to see if there is an association/relationship between them.
Open Question
Questions that require elaboration from the participant
Closed Question
Questions with a fixed response
Cross-sectional studies
A method which involves comparing one group of participants, representing a cross-section of society, against another at the same point in time.
Longitudinal studies
A method which involves conducting research over a long period of time in order to observe long-term effects of X on a specific behaviour. It may utilise a range of other methodologies such as case studies, interviews etc.