Non Currentassets Flashcards
What is s non- current asset
• A non-current asset is used in the business for greater than one accounting period. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
All costs directly attributable to bringing an asset to its intended location and condition necessary for it to operate may be capitalised. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
Subsequent expenditure that enhances the performance of an asset may be capitalised, all other expenditure (referred to as revenue expenditure) should be expensed (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• Assets are depreciated over their useful economic lives to reflect the consumption of economic benefits in each financial period and is an application of the accruals concept. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
Depreciation of assets
• Straight line depreciation is calculated as either
– (Initial cost – Residual value)/Useful life of asset in years
– Original cost × % (to reflect useful life) (D5b, D5f) (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
Reducing balance depreciation
• Reducing balance depreciation is calculated as (Original cost – Accumulated depreciation b/fwd) × % (to reflect useful life) ( (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
Journal for depreciation
• Journal to record depreciation: (D5d, D5g)
Depreciation expense (SPL)
Accumulated depreciation (SFP) (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
Profit or loss on disposal
• The profit or loss on disposal of a non-current asset is the difference between carrying value and any proceeds (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• Proceeds may either be in the form of cash or a ‘part exchange allowance’ (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• Businesses may choose to revalue a non-current asset where its carrying value is substantially different to its market value. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• Where an asset is re-valued subsequent depreciation is based on the revised value, divided by the remaining useful economic life. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• On a re-valued asset, the amount by which the new depreciation exceeds the old depreciation should be transferred to the revaluation surplus. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
What is an asset register
• A non-current asset register records details (cost and depreciation to date) for all assets held in the business and is periodically reconciled to the ledgers to identify errors. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• Regarding internally generated intangible assets, research expenditure is always expensed, development expenditure may be capitalised if the six criteria are all met. (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
• Intangible assets are amortised over their useful economic life on a systematic basis and recorded in the accounts as follows: (D6e, D6f)
Amortisation expense (SCI)
Accumulated amortisation (SFP) (LSBF)
LSBF. ACCA F3 Study Manual 2017/18. London School of Business and Finance, 20170501. VitalBook file.
Accounting for a revaluation gain
Must increase the asset value and create a revaluation surplus
Dr asset cost
Dr accumulated depreciation
Cr revaluation surplus
Intangible asset
Identifiable Controlled by the entity Non monetary Expected to generate economic benefit And cost reliably measured
Only externally purchased intangibles are allowed to be capitalised
Internally generated intangibles are not allowed to be capitalised except research and development
Internally generated intangibles
Research phase , no expectation of economic benefits : always expensed to sopl
Development phase, must capitalise if meets six criteria and amortised once in production
Sofp-> non current assets -> development costs
Intangibles are amortised over their useful lives
If indefinite usedul life then rewieved for impairment instead
Indefinite life assets
Assets that have a useful life of forever are not amortised
Subject to annual impairment review
Disclosure note
Useful life of the intangibles
Basis of amortisation( straight line/ reducing balance
Details of impaired assets
Reconciliation between opening and closing value
Proceeds from disposal
Is equal to nbv of disposed asset plus profits on disposal
After the revaluation the subsequent depreciation must be based on the revalued amounts over the remaining useful life or the revised useful life