Non-communicable disease Flashcards
What bacteria causes TB
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
How does TB spread?
In air by droplets
Released when coughing or sneezing
Takes a period until it infects
Course of infection of TB?
Bacteria grows in upper region of lungs
Phagocyte ingest them
They would be encased in tubercles(nodule)
In healthy people immune system prevents TB in tubercles to develop
So inactive and not replicating
So when immunosuppresion, they activate and replicate
If replicating, it causes damages to alveoli and capillaries
Resulting in fibrosis and reducing of gas exchange
TB can also spread to body causing damage
Symptoms of TB?
Persistent cough
Breathing difficultie
Chest pain
Fatigue and loss in appetite leading to weight loss
Fever and night sweats
Prevention of TB?
They are resistant to antibiotics
Vaccination - BCG vaccine is made from weakened TB bacteria and around 75% effective to severe TB common in kids, but useless at one common in adults
Better education about TB - complete all dosage of medication
Isolate TB patients
Improve health facilities in developing countries
Better nutrition
Treatment of TB?
Antibiotic - usually rifampicin and isoniazid, long period treatment required
DOTS - patients monitored to complete dosage in hospital to prevent antibiotic resistance
Surgical treatment - if medication is ineffective, 1 to 2 ribs removed and a diseased lung or parts it’s removed
What is asthma?
When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their bronchioles muscle contract so become narrow
Lining also become inflamed and starts to swell
Lining over produces sticky mucus with also obstruct air flow
Asthma reduce the flow of air down and lower volume of o2 reaching alveoli
How is athsma treated?
Inhaler containing drug can be used during attack, causing muscle relax and widen
How does asthma differ from other diseases?
The surface area of alveoli and elasticity of lungs are not affected
Fibrosis due to scarring do not occur
What is symptoms of asthma?
Shortness of breath
Wheezing noise
Tightening of chest
What is plumonary fibrosis?
Arise from scarring of lung tissue as fibrous tissue due to disease or damage
It causes linig of alveoli to thicken
Lung become less elastic
What is symptoms of plumonary fibrosis?
Shortness of breath
Chronic dry cough
Pain and discomfort in the chest
Weakness and fatigue
What is emphysema?
Mainly caused by smoking and pollution
Its irreversible damage to lung
Progressive destruction of the walls of alveoli developing larger air spaces
So reduce surface area and increase diffusion distance
Loss in elasticity of lung as elastin is lost, so unable to force air out in expiration
Causing lack of o2 in body
What is symptoms of emphysema?
Shortness of breath
Chronic cough
Bluish skin coloration
How is emphysema diagnosed?
Made on basis of lung function test, x-ray, level of o2 and co2 in blood, examination of sputum and other test
How is emphysema treated?
Stopping smoking so no futher damage
Antibiotic to control infection
NIPPV providing higer atmospheric o2 conc
Drug to widen the bronchi
o2 therapy
Surgery removing worst affected parts
What is cancer?
Disease caused by uncontrolled growth and rapid division of cells, caused by damage on gene regulating mitosis and cell cycle
Causes group of abnormal cell called tumour
What is secondary tumour/metastases?
Tumour may break and move to other area such as blood or lymphatic system, spreading into body parts
What is benign tumours?
Glow slower than malignant tumours
Remain often differentiated
Nucleus relatively normal apparence
What is malignant tumour?
Glow faster than benign tumours
Cancerous - break off and spread
Often undifferentiated
Nucleus largert and darker
What is proto-oncogenes?
Stimulate cell division
Can cause cancer if become oncogene by mutation
What is tumour supressor gene?
Slow cell division
Mutation inactivating it increase cell division rate causing cancer