Nomenclature Flashcards
Tjio and Levan in 1956
46 human chromosomes
Technology introduced in 1981 for study of chromosomes
High resolution banding karyotypes
Nomenclature for this testing in 1995
ISCN nomenclature for this testing in 2009
ISCN nomenclature for this testing in 2016
In the description of a karyotype, the first symbol recorded is the number of _______ structures with __________, including ___ __________________
sex chromosomes
The second symbols in the karyotype are the ____ ____________
sex chromosomes (XX, XY, X, XXX, XXYY)
___ or ____ signs are placed before a chromosome’s number to indicate an additional or missing whole chromosome.
+, -
A _____ is used to indicate uncertainty and is placed immediately before the symbol that is in question
A ___________ that is at the interface of two bands is designated by the band number of the band most distal to the centromere
Abnormalities in number and structural abnormalities are listed in numerical order of chromosome involved with _____ chromosomes first
________ - separates descriptive units
__________ - separates chromosomes and chromosome regions in structural rearrangements involving more than one chromosome
semicolon (;)
_______ indicates break
colon (:), single
________ indicates break/reunion
double colon ::
Turner syndrome
45, X
Klinefelter’s syndrome
47, XXY
Jacobs syndrome
47, XYY
Down syndrome
47, XX, +21
Edward’s syndrome
47, XX, +18
Patau syndrome
47, XX, +13
Trisomy 16
47, XX, +16
69, XXX
92, XXXX
Reciprocal translocation of chromosome 6 and 10 at p23 and q25
Reciprocal translocation of chromosome 6 and 10 at p23 and q25 with derivative chromosome 6
46, XY, der(6)t(6;10)(p23;q25)
_______ inversions involve the centromere
_______ inversions involve one arm chromosome arm only
Paricentric inversion of chromosome 3 at p13 and q21
Deletion of chromosome 5 between bands q13 and q33
Balanced Robertsonian translocation between chromosome 14 and 21 bands q10 and q10
Unbalanced Robertsonian translocation between chromosome 14 and 21 bands q10 and q10
47, XY,der(14;21)(q10;q10),+21
Balanced isochromosome 21 at q10
Isochromosome 21 at q10 with Down syndrome phenotype
Term for isodicentric chromosome with one inactive centromere
Mosaic karyotype with 15 cells of Turners syndrome, 10 cells of triple X and 23 cells of normal phenotype
_______ is the most basic clone of a tumor cell population while the ______ are the deviating subclones
stemline, sidelines
In cancer karyotypes the _______ ________ of the cancer presents the cell lines in order of increasing complexity
clonal evolution
Cancer preparations with a gain of X (hint: basic karyotype and not triple XXX)
47, XX, +X
Gain of chromosome 21 in cancer of someone with Down syndrome
47, XX, +21, +21c (one is constitutional and the other denotes neoplastic change)
CMA normal female and male
arr (X,1-22)x2 normal female
arr(X,Y)x1,(1-22)x2 normal male
Cytogenetics predominantly looks at chromosomes during __________ but FISH looks at chromosomes in _____________
Metaphase, interphase
_______ blood tubes are good for cytogenetics whereas ______ blood tubes are good for DNA extraction and molecular studies
Sodium heparin (green top) * not lithium heparin
EDTA (purple top)
Constitutional studies count and check the sex chromosomes for ______ metaphase spreads, and then fully analyze a minimum of_____ spreads to do the detailed comparison of each segment without any crossovers. The best examples are used to prepare a karyotype
20, 5 (spreads for detailed comparison)
Cartoon drawings of chromosomes are called __________
Bands per haploid set (BPH) depends on stage of _____________
Abbreviation for fragile site
Abbreviation for double minute chromosome
Deletion of 5p (p15) and syndrome?
46, XY, del(5p)(p15)
Cri du chat
Interstitial deletion of chromosome 22 q11.2q11.2
46, XY, del(22q)(q11.2q11.2)
Syndrome for 46,XX,rec(8)dup(8q)inv(8)(p23.1q22.1)?
San Luis Valley Syndrome