Nomenclature Flashcards
3 types of mutation
Genome mutation (aneuploidy)
Chromosome mutation (translocation, duplication, inversion, deletion)
Gene mutation (SNV, indel)
Aneuploidy is more linked to ___ age
Aneuploidy is more linked to maternal age
Due to mitotic spindle arrest
SNVs are more linked to ___ age
SNVs are more linked to paternal age
Due to increased germ cell divisions
Single nucleotide polymorphism
By definition, common with a population prevalence of >1%
HGVS sequence type specification
” > “ in HGSV
Indicates a substitution at the DNA level
ie, c.76A>T
” _ “ in HGSV
Indicates a range of affected residues, specifying the first and last affected residue.
ie, c.76_78delACT
” del “ in HGSV
Indicates a single nucleotide deletion
ie, c.76delA
” dup “ in HGSV
Indicates a duplication.
ie, c.76dupA
” ins “ in HGSV
Indicates an insertion, specifying the residues in between where the insertion is located.
ie, c.76_77insG
” * “ in HGSV
Indicates a nonsense mutation.
ie, p.Trp26*
Combined insertion/deletions in HGSV
Describes the replacement of residues 4 and 5 with the nucleotides T and G
Translocation involving the centromere
Translocation not involving the centromere
What gene nomenclature system should you use?
So it’s ERBB2, not Her2
Rarely used, but this refers to an A at position -14 (14 bases prior to the first residue of the start codon) which has been changed to a T.
Rarely used, but this refers to a T at position +15 (15 bases after the last residue of the stop codon) which has been changed to a G.