Noise and Vibration Flashcards
What are some engineering methods for reducing noise?
Control at the source, along the path, or at the ear. Dampeners, coverings, containers, sound shields/barriers, sound absorbing materials, PPE
Why is noise bad?
- It can cause hearing loss.
- Affects performance and productivity
- Can be annoying
- Can interfere with spoken communication
What kind of scale is the decibel measure?
Logarithmic scale
What are the 2 main branches of ergonomics and the three underlying disciplines that ergonomics is based on
branches: Man as machine and Man as info processor. Disciplines: Anatomy, physiology, psychology
How is ergonomics different from studying basic & medical sciences such as anthropology, cognitive science, psychology?
Because ergo is about designing around human behaviour, not to just understand
What problems led to the invention of the “pilot’s control stick”
More pilots killed in training than war activities
Provide 2 important emerging areas in ergonomics around the around from the 1996 International Ergonomics Association Survey.
Cognitive ergonomics and organizational issues (change management?)
What are 5 things to consider when designing to make system safer
1 Task Allocation btwn man/machine. Hazards?
2 Poor posture conditions(comfort as well as convenience)
3 Ambient environment (light, noise, vibration, temp)
4 Organizational factors: allocation of responsibility, autonomy, comm. policies
5 Machine Design (better controls/display)
According to Miles & Swift 1998, why is it not a good idea to “do ergonomics later”?
It costs a lot more to implement changes, even conceptually, at later stages in design process
Provide 5 obstacles encountered by design and production engineers when trying to integrate ergonomics into their work
- No tradition for doing it
- Management not committed
- Not req’d by authority
- Lack of time
- Lack of ergo knowledge
Explain/compare Conductive vs. Neural hearing loss
Conductive: Mechanical rupture of eardrum/bones in middle ear. Due to sudden intense pressure wave. May be partial loss, total temporary, or permanent
Neural: Through prolonged noise exposure, cause nerve damage
dep. on intens, frew, duration exposure
Types of Sound Analyses? (2)
Octave Band: noise measured at each octave, divide audible range into 10 bands at certain freqs
Third octave band: one measure for every 3rd octave
Describe 2 ways of measuring noise
Dosimeter: measures a workers daily dose. Summarizes noise over a day
Sound Level meter: Measures sound readings of noise produced by machines worker exposed to. Can be set to different freqs.
Describe 5 costs occurring as a result of poor human factors considerations
- Reduced productivity
- absenteeism and sickness
- Reduced quality
- Reduced business Flexibility
- Hiring costs
- Training costs
- Cost of lost knowledge
Why is it so difficult to come up with a theory relating noise and performance?
Many different types of noise and many different types of tasks make it difficult to peg a generally applicable theory. Noise: intermittent to continuous of all kinds.
Tasks: skill based, rule-based, knowledge based
Name two types of hearing protection
Earbuds and earmuffs. (Cotton does nothing)
Yerkes-Dodson’s law. What conclusions does the figure provide in terms of effect of noise on performance?
Some noise can be good, with diminishing returns up to an optimum performance at which point more noise becomes a bad thing. The optimum level is different fro skill vs. task based work
What are Preferred Noise Criteria (PNC) Curves?
The curves tell you, based on measurements, how good the conditions are for listening/verbal communication.
The lines show that lower frequency sounds can occur at higher volumes than higher freq sounds, and be at the same listening level.
How does the PSIL (Preffered speech interference level) work?
Value taken by avg’ing decibel evels of bands at 500, 1000, 2000Hz. Good approx when real noise situation isnt wide spectrum
Knowing the distance btwn people, and the avg decibel value, one determines what level of effort would be required from a speaker for the other to hear them. (Throat stress)
What are the 2 kinds of vibration that cause health hazard?
Whole Body Vibration- As transmitted through a seat
Hand Vibration- As from using power tools
Why does vibration cause discomfort?
Diff body parts have different resonant frequencies
What are physiological effects of vibration exposure?
Increased heart rate, reduced visual acuity, incr. blood pressure
What are Reynauds disease and Darts disease?
Reynauds: as a result of 50-500Hz hand vibration, fingers become white. Nerves and blood vessels are permanently damaged. Stiffness and numbness, gradual loss of muscle control. Accelerated by cold weather and smoking
Darts disease: Less common, occurs at around 100Hz. Blood pools in hands. They swell and become blue. Painful. Use vibration attenuating handle to avoid (mere softness wont do much)