Nobel Prizes Flashcards
Which woman won the Economics Prize in 2009?
Elinor Ostrom
Which woman won the Economics Prize in 2019?
Esther Dufflo
Who was the second woman to win the Prize for Physics, in 1963?
Maria Goeppert Mayer (polish)
Who won the physics prize in 2018 “for their method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses”?
Donna Strickland-Dykaar (canada)
Which woman won the physics prize in 2020 “for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy”?
Andrea Mia Ghez
Who was the first woman to win the literature prize?
Who joint won the 1935 prize for chemistry?
Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie
Who was the first British recipient of a Nobel Prize, and what in?
Ronald Ross (1902)
transmission of malaria (Physiology of medicine)
Who won the Physiology prize in 1904, for research on digestion?
Ivan Pavlov
Who won the phisiology prize in 1905, for his theory of four postulates, discovering bacterial agents that cause TB, cholera and anthrax?
Robert Koch
Who won the phisiology prize in 1905, for his theory of four postulates, discovering bacterial agents that cause TB, cholera and anthrax?
Robert Koch
Paul Ehrlich won the physiology prize in what year, in the field of immunology?
Who performed ground-breaking work related to electrocardiography, inventing a device called the string galvanometer and has a namesake triangle?
Willem Einthoven (won in 1924)
Who is known as the “father of transfusions,” made important discoveries in the field of serology in the early 1900s, including the identification of the three major blood groups (A, B, and O) and first isolated the polio virus?
Karl Landsteiner (won in 1930)
Who conducted a series of experiments in his renowned “Fly Room” at Columbia University, discovering the basic mechanisms of genetic inheritance via his experiments on fruit flies, specifically the species Drosophila melanogaster?
Thomas Hunt Morgan (won in 1933)
Who won the physiology prize in 1945?
Flemming, Chain, Florey
Who won the physiology prize in 1983, describing the existence of transposons, also called “jumping genes,” from her observations that certain DNA sequences on the maize she was studying could change position on a chromosome?
Barbara McClintock (won in 1983)