NMSVE Flashcards
How many members are on the vet tech committee?
5: 2 vets, 1 board member, 2 RVTs
What happens if a board member does not attend meetings?
Removal from office after 3 missed meetings
How are board members paid?
Per diem and mileage; exclusively from fees
How many board members must vote to revoke or suspend a license?
How long are board members’ terms of appointment?
4 years, staggered, no more than 2 expire July 1st
What does the board consist of?
7 members: 5 vets, 2 general public
Who appoints board members?
The governor by recommendation of the NMVA
What qualifies vets to be board members?
Licensed in the state 5 yr prior to first appointment
How many members are on the veterinary board?
7: 5 vets, 2 general public
Define direct supervision
Vet is on the premises and has established VPCR
Define a valid client patient relationship
Vet assumes responsibility for care; client agrees to follow instructions; vet available for follow-up; adequate knowledge of animal via exam
What is the impaired vet committee?
A diversion program for vets
How many members are on the sheltering committee?
How long does one have to reinstate and expired license?
5 yr (provided they pay current renewal and delinquent late fees)
Does the board mail notice of license expiration?
Yes, within 30d of expiry date
Name 3 things a technician cannot do
Diagnose, prescribe, surgery
Can a temporary permit be revoked without a hearing?
Yes, by majority vote
How many temporary permits is a person allowed during a calendar year?
How long is a temporary permit good for?
60 days
Can a qualified applicant for a license pending examination be excepted from working under direct supervision?
Yes, if written request is submitted to and approved by the board
What is the purpose of the sheltering committee?
Est. spay/neuter program, recommend disbursement of funds
Can a CE extension be granted?
Yes, but CE must be completed within 6 months
How long does proof of CE need to be maintained?
4 years
When can CE be accumulated?
Annually w/in 12mo prior to license renewal