Animal Cruelty Flashcards
Does “animal” in the cruelty article 18 include insects or reptiles?
Define “cruelty”
Negligently mistreating, injuring, killing without lawful justification or abandonment/failing to provide necessary sustenance to an animal
Define “lawful justification”
Humanely destroying a sick or injured animal or protecting a person/animal from death/injury d/t attack by another animal
What is the punishment for animal crelty?
How many cruelty convictions can a person accrue before the crime is upgraded to a 4th degree felony?
4 or more
What is considered extreme cruelty to animals?
Intentionally/maliciously torturing, mutilating, injuring, poisoning, or killing an animal
What is a person charged with when convicted of extreme cruelty to animals?
4th degree felony
Which practices are excluded from animal cruelty?
Veterinary medicine, rodent/pest control, game management (hunting/fishing/falconry)
Who determines if a practice in question is a commonly accepted animal husbandry practice or commonly accepted in rodeo practice?
NM Livestock board
Every act, omission, or neglect whereby unjustified physical pain and suffering or death is caused or permitted
How soon shall a court hearing occur after a warrant is issued for the seizure of a animal that is thought to be abused?
Within 30 days
If an animal has been seized and no owner is identified, how many days until the animal is deemed abandoned or relinquished?
15 days
Whoever commits unlawful disposition of an animal is guilty of what crime?
How long can a cow be detained for the purpose of milking (without the permission of the owner)?
2 hours
Whoever commits transportation of stolen livestock is guilty of what crime?
4th degree felony
A person who commits misrepresentation of pedigree is guilty of what crime?
What is the penalty for a person who kills or causes the killing, without bill or sale, cattle bearing the brand of another person?
Petty misdemeanor
What is the penalty for a person who causes, sponsors, arranges/holds, or participates in a dog or cock fight for the purpose of monetary gain or enteratinment?
Petty misdemeanor (1st)
Misdemeanor (2nd)
4th degree felony (3+ offenses)
Whoever commits unlawful tripping of an equine is guilty of what crime?
Misdemeanor; if horse is injured becomes 4th degree felony
Whoever commits injury to livestock is guilty of what crime?
4th degree felony
Whoever commits injury to a police/fire dog/horse shall be charged with what crime?
Petty misdemeanor; if injury causes significant damage or death to animal it becomes 4th degree felony (+ vet bills for treatment of condition and replacement if animal requires retirement or euthanasia)
Is it lawful to perform an intracardiac injection on a conscious animal?
Are coyote-killing contests legal?
Any person who organizes or participates in a coyote-killing contest is guilty of what crime?
Petty misdemeanor