NMS Lumbars Flashcards
Strait Leg Raiser
Supine, Dr. Passively raises painful leg
1st 30 degrees- SOL
30-45- sciatica
60-lumbosacral lesion
Antalgic Side
Leaning away- P and L disc bulge
Leaning towards pain - P central
done on pain leg
move leg down to where patient doesn’t feel pain, quick dorsiflexion.
Sciatica, spinal nerve traction
Well Leg Raiser
Dr. passively lifts good leg
Radiating pain down bad leg means P M disc
Quick dorsiflexion on well leg raiser
means P M disc
Slump Test
Seated, Patient slumps Dr. moves leg up then dorsiflexes foot.
Radiating pain in P butt and leg suggests nerve traction
Supine, knee and hip at 90 d. dr. passively extends leg
Finding signs of nerve traction and sciatica
Bechterew’s Test
Seated, extend leg one at a time so both are extended.
Dr. applies downward pressure prox. to the knee
Nerve traction associated with sciatica
Cox Sign
During SLR, lifts hip off of table to decrease pain,
Possible prolapsed disc, severe sciatica
Linder’s sign
Seated or supine, dr. passively flexes head to chest.
Positive with lumbar pain
Ely’s Test
prone, leg to opposite butt cheek
positive- A. thigh pain
Tests nerve roots - L2-L4
Femoral nerve Traction Test
Laying on side, dr. abducts thigh, then extends thigh, then flexes knee
Pain down A. thigh is positive
Tests L2-L4
Heel/Toe Walk Test
Unable to heel walk- L5 nerve root L4 disc herniation or peroneal nerve compression.
Unable to toe walk- S1 nerve root L5 HNP disc
testing ankle muscles
Kemp’s Test
Seated, rotate patient around then lean them back and laterally and put pressure on the ip. back
Localized lumbar facet pain, radiating pain HNP
Milgram’s Test
Supine, Patient raises legs 6 inches off table and holds for 30 seconds
Unable to do so due to pain- subarachnoid pressure or SOL
No pain but still can’t- weak abs
Minor’s sign
Attempts to stand from seated,
could mean- SI SX., lumbosacral sprain/strain, lumbar HNP, Fractures
Nachla’s Test
Prone, flex knee to same side butt cheek
positive- pain in SI or lumbosacral area or if pain radiates down thigh or leg.
Bilateral Leg Lowering Test
Supine, Dr. moves legs up to 90 d. of hip flexion. Patient then lowers legs slowly to 45 d. angle.
If legs drop, suggests mechanical lumbopelvic problem, disc lesion
Quick Test
Patient squats
no pain relatively free from disease
assessing joints