NMS Final Flashcards
What are the 2 types of episodic loss/lapse of consciousness?
Syncope and seizures.
What is the difference between syncope and seizures?
Syncope is due to global cerebral and or brainstem ischemia. Seizures are due to abnormal cerebral neuronal discharges.
What is the onset like for syncope and seizures?
Syncope is progressive onset of lightheadedness and in an upright posture usually. Seizures- sudden onset.
How will syncope and seizures end?
Syncope promt recovery. Seizure- postictal confusional state may follow.
Name some of the causes of seizures?
idiopathic (usually epilepsy), febrile convulsions (in kids with high body temps and are benign and haave no increase in risk of epilepsy, trauma, brain tumors, stroke, infections, metabolic.
What are the 2 general types of seizures?
Generalized and partial.
What are the generalized seizures like?
involve the entire brain, sudden onset and are usually bilateral and symmetrical. These have a high familial predisopistion and are usually benign.
What are partial seizures like?
Invovle a focal part of the brain, usually secondary to a disease or pathology and have a wide variety of symptoms.
What should be done with partial seizures?
They should be stereotyped.
What are the different types of generalized seizures?
- Tonic-clonic (grand mal). 2. Absence (petit mal). 3. Other (tonic, clonic, myoclonic, atonic- drop attacks).
What are tonic-clonic (gand mal) seizures like?
10-30 sec of tonic and then 30-60 sec of clonic (shaking) then 10-30 minutes of postictal confusional state.
What are absence (petit mal) seizures like?
loss of consciousness but not postural tone, momentary lapses of consiousness. They may become tonic-clonic.
What are the different types of partial seizures?
Simple and complex.
What are simple partial seizures like?
Similar to TIA. Consciousness is maintained and symptoms correlate to area of the brain seizing and can have motor, sensory, autonomic, psychic, auditory, olfactory, etc.
What are complex partial seizures like?
impairment of consciousness, but not loss. May have an aura that precedes it. Can have automatisms (involuntary motor activity like lip smacking or picking at a button).
What type of imaging should be done for someone with seizures?
MRI to find a treatable cause of the brain. EEG to look for classic abnormalities in brain.
What type of nutrition is recommended for someone with idiopathic generalized epilepsy?
no large meals, avoid alcohol and caffeine. Take vitamin E. Ketogenic diet.
What is a hydrocephalus?
An abnormal accumulation of CSF.
What are some causes of hydrocephalus?
may be idiopathic or secondary to meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or other pathologies.
What are the signs and symptoms of someone with hydrocephalus?
Weird, wet, wobbly. Dementia, slowing of movement, urinary incontinence, gait apraxia.
How will you diagnose hydrocuphalus?
MRI shows large ventricles without cortical atrophy. Lumbar puncture- may have normal or elevated opening pressure.
What are the signs and symptoms of a brain tumor?
Cognitive changes and HA are most common.
Name 2 hereditary causes of dementia?
Wilsons disease and huntingtons disease.
What is Wilson’s disease?
a disorder of copper metabolism which lets copper accumulate in the brain, basal ganglia, liver, cornea and kidney. IT IS THE ONLY DEMENTIA SEEN IN KIDS AND HAS AN ONSET OF AGE 11-19.
What is Huntington’s disease?
An autosomal dominant progressive dementia and chorea.
Name the 2 big types of HA we went over?
Pathological and Chronic/benign HA.
What % of HA are benign?
99.5% are benign. 1 out of 300 severe HA are pathologic.
What are the different types of pathologic HA?
brain tumor, CNS infection, subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma, temporal arteritis, glaucoma, stroke-hemorrhagic.
Name some of the red flags for pathological HA?
recent trauma, worst HA of life, over 50, HA worse in morning and improves when upright, vomiting without nausea, visual distrubances.
How will brain tumors present?
focal neurologic deficits, personality/behavior changes, HA that gets progressively worse without remission, partial (focal) seizures are common, sighns of increased intracranial pressure (papilledema).
What % of brain tumors will present with a HA?
60% will.
What are HA caused by brain tumors like?
50% have nausea/vomiting, vomiting may precede HA by days to weeks (bad sign), 2/3 have increaed ICP, 1/# have seizures. Not as severe as migrains.
Will a brain tumor more likely be from metastasis or primary?
Metastasis from lung, breast and melanoma.
What is the difference between a brain tumor and a cerebral abcess?
Similar clinical picture but a Pt with cerebral abscesses will have a history of illness or is currently ill.
What is a pseudotumor cerebri?
benign intracranial hypertension.
What are the signs and symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri?
HA that gets worse with straining, nausea/vomiting, papilledema, visual disturbances, NO MENTAL CHANGES OR FOCAL BRAIN SIGNS.
What is a HA caused by a subarachnoid hematoma like?
Sudden, explosive, severe onset. “worst HA of my life”
What is the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage?
Congenital (aneurysm) not traumatic.
What is a sentinel bleed?
minor leaks before rupture of a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
An aneurysm may be preceded by a HA and it may affect what CN?
Will there be focal neurological deficits seen with aneurysm rupturs?
Usually no.
What is a stroke?
hemorrhagic and ischemic loss of blood. Can be caused by an anyersm and atherosclerosis, HTN.
HA in combination with what will be classified as a stroke?
HA in combination with focal neurolgical deficits.
What are the ancillary tests to order for someone who might have a subarachnoid hemorrhage?
CT scan and if negative order lumbar puncture within 3 days or blood will be resorbed.
When would you take a MRI for subarachnoid hemorrhages?
To seen arteriovenous malformations.
How likely are people who have a sentinel bleed to have a rupture?
50% in one year.
What happens to people who have a rupture?
20% die before hospital, 25% die later from complications, 20% die from re-bleeding. Probability of death is correlated to the level of consciousness at the time of event.
What is Temporal arteritis (giant cell) like?
Rare before 50 years old. Risk of TIA or stroke of opthalmic artery and sudden blidness. 70% have tender temopral artery and 50% have jaw claudication. SED rate >50.
What is the HA like for someone with temporal arteritis?
dull boring with superimposed “ice-pcik jabs.
40-50% of people with temporal arteritis have what?
polymyalgia rheumatica.
What is glaucoma?
increased intra-occular pressure, vision loss.
What will glaucoma present like?
eye pain, HA, blurred vision, Halos, trigeminal division can have permanent vision loss.
What are cough HA like?
90% are benign and are HA caused by lifting, straining or cough.
How long will migraine attacks last?
4-72 hours.
What is the new theory on the mechanisms of migraines?
neuronal excitation phenomenon 2mm/min. Hypoperfusion to hyperemia over 6 min period. Role of seratonin.
What is a basilar migraine?
a migraine that is like a stroke and should have a full workup done on it.
What is a migraine equivalent?
a migraine without the HA, Pt has aura but no HA, more common in elderly, complete workup should be done to rule out TIA or stroke.
What type of diet can help with migraines?
magnesium, Riboflavin, Vitamin E, fish oil, antioxidant, feverfew.
What is the criteria for cluster HA?
severe pain lasting 15-180 minutes and has one of the following: conjunctival injection, lacrimatino, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, meiosis, ptosis, eyelid edema, forehead and facial sweating. Also has frequency of attacks from 1 every day to up to 8 per day.
What are the 2 patterns for cluster HA?
episodic and chronic.
Who is more likely to get cluster HA?
males 6:1. onset 20-50 years old.
Cervicogenic HA come from what?
the first three cervical nerves.
What is the criteria for cervicogenic HA’s?
pain localized to neck and occiput region and may project to the head, pain is precipitated or aggravated by special neck movments or sustained posture, one of the following: (resistance to passive neck movements, changes in neck muscle contour, texture, tone or response to stretching, abnormal tenderness to neck muscles).
What will radiologic examination reveal for cervicogenic HA’s?
movement abnormalities in flexion/extension, abnormal posture.
Will cervicogenic HA be uni or bi lateral?
What are tension-type HA’s?
HA lasting 30 minutes to 7 days, at least 2 of the following: (pressure/tightening quality, mild or moderate intensity, bilateral location, no aggravation by walking stairs), both no nausea or photophobia.
What are the causes of tension-type HA?
stress and muscle tension, long lasting muscular contraction, lack or rest/sleep.
What are post-traumatic HA like?
usually starts within a day of trauma and is dull achy constant bi-occipital pain and may throb and get worse with cough, vertigo and dizziness is common, concentration is difficult.
What is the natural history of post-traumatic HA?
85% recover in 3 years, 80% in 2 years, 70% in one year.
Most HA are what type?
Mixed HA.
The research shows that manipulation is _____ for chronic tension HA’s?
What is neuralgia?
pain in one or more nerves that ocurs without stimulation of pain receptor cells. A shooting/electrical nerve type pain.
what is the neuralgia that is maxillary and or mandibular pain 94% and 5% opthalmic pain?
trigmenial neuralgia aka tic douloureux.
Trigmeinal neuralgia is secondary to what?
focal demyelinating diease, MS in young people, cerebellopontine angel tumor.
What are the clinical features of trigeminal neuralgia?
unilateral face pain, lasting seconds and may recur in trains, triggers chew/talk/brush teeth, wind (light stimulation).
What is a neuro test like for someone with trigeminal neuralgai aka tic douloureux?
hyperalgesia and hyperestheisa. NO sensory loss is present.
What is herpes zoster of the face like?
usually unilateral itching/tingling/burning/aching 4-5 days before a rash and is a type of neuralgia. 25% will have it for > 1 year.
What is occipital neuralgia like?
C2 nerve root entrapment causing a lancinating “ice pick” pain in the scalp in the occipital area, paresthesia along the c2 dermatome, usually unilateral.
What is a glossopharyngeal neuralgia like?
usually unilateral and is uncommon, pain radiating up to ear and down throat to base of tongue, nocutranal attacks are common.
What is superior laryngeal neuralgia like?
a branch of the CN X, unilateral submandibular pain tirggered in the lateral neck above larynx by swallowing/strain of voice/head turn/ cough. May change voice.