NMR 2 Flashcards
The nuclei of many atoms have a quantity described as a spin. TRUE OR FALSE?
Carbon has a spin value of 0. TRUE OR FALSE?
Proton NMR is one of the most common nuclei in organic molecules and is NMR active. TFRUE OR FALSE?
Why does proton NMR require small sample?
Because it is the most abundant
Carbon NMR usually requires more time. TRUE OR FALSE?
NMR spectrometers are tuned to a certain frequency in radio wave region. TRUE OR FALSE?
When is a signal seen in NMR spectrometers?
-Whenever a transition between the lower and higher energy states is induced
Any spinning charged particle generates a magnetic field. TRUE OR FALSE?
Which is more favoured by an external magnetic field; alignment with field or alignment against field?
alignment with field
What type of hydrogen is obtained when hydrogens align against the applied magnetic field?
- B hydrogen
What type of hydrogen is obtained when hydrogens align with the applied magnetic field?
- a hydrogen
There is only a slight excess of a H because the difference between the two orientations (spin state) is small. TRUE OR FALSE?
Aligned with the field = High energy
Opposed to the field = Low energy
What does the strength of B0 determine?
The energy differences between the 2 spin states
In the absence of an applied magnetic field B0 = 0 and the nuclear spin states are of equal energy . TRUE OR FALSE?
What is chemical shift?
Term used for signal positions
How is Bi formed?
when applying an external magnetic field such as B0 , will cause the electrons in an atom or molecule to circulate within its regions of space so as to create an induced magnetic field Bi
Bi can oppose or add to the applied field B0 . TRUE OR FALSE?
Deshielded hydrogens are those that require B0 to be reduced due to the field induced by the electrons Bi. TRUE OR FALSE?
Why are deshielded Hydrogens deshielded?
Because Bi is adding onto B0
Where do deshielded Hydrogens appear on the ppm scale?
Appears down field, so have higher chemical shift value
Shielded hydrogens are occasionally seen, so therefore appear up field. TRUE OR FALSE?
What happens to B0 in shielded hydrogens?
B0 is opposed by the induced field
In shielded hydrogens, we need to apply more B0 to flip the nuclear spin. TRUE OR FALSE?
What is TMS and what is it used for?
Tetramethylsilane, used as a standard
TMS is the ideal reference as it is distant from most other H’s in the organic molecule. TRUE OR FALSE?
What is the chemical shift value of TMS?
Where do most alkanes and simple cycloalkanes appear?
Appear up field - to lower chemical value
What does integration allow us to do?
To measure the relative intensity of the signals in the spectrum
What will EWG’s do to the neighbouring H’s?
Reduce the electron density at the neighbouring H’s
When EWG’s reduce the electron density of neighbouring H’s what does this cause in terms of shielding and chemical shift of the neighbouring H’s?
- Reduces the ability of nearby electrons to shield the nucleus, therefore increasing the chemical shift so signals appear at lower fields. (true for alkanes)
The more electronegative groups in the neighbourhood of H, the greater the electron withdrawing effect, therefore the more deshielded and the further down field the resonance position shifts. TRUE OR FALSE?
The more electronegative groups in the neighbourhood of H, the greater the electron withdrawing effect, therefore the more deshielded and the further down field the resonance position shifts. Is this true for halogenated and oxygenated compounds?