NML: The Precepts Flashcards
what is the key precept of NML
Aquinas in Summa Theologica ‘Good is to be done and evil is to be avoided’
what are the 5 primary precepts
5 precepts with the cHN they are derived from + supporting revelation
The 5 fundamental precepts are
1. Preservation of the self and the species ( Derived from CHN-we all have beating hearts, Revelation from the bible - ‘Do not kill’
2. To live in an Ordered society ( Human’s naturally gravitate towards living in groups: The bible reveals ethical standards such as do not steal, lie…)
3. Worship God ( Derived from CHN- having the ability to conceive of God; Revelations in the Bible- Love thy neighbour and love God)
4. Educate ( we have functioning brains, Jesus educated his disciples)
Reproduction (reproductive organs: Bible God commands Adan and Eve ~Go forth and multiply)
Fulfilling the primary precepts and secondary precepts ensures that ‘…..
This is known as the …..
‘Good is to be done and evil avoided’.
This is known as the Syneidesis Rule.
what is the Syneidesis Rule.
This is the Absolute Good which is decreed in the mind of God-
It is part of common human nature to innately seek the Good according to Aquinas.
Aquinas believed that humans have an obligation to
- Create human laws that reflect these moral goods
- Abide by these laws
secondary precepts for … educate…reproduction…. protection of innocent life
Primary precept: Education of children
Secondary precept: Education should be free to all/ Refusing to educate girls is wrong
Primary precept: Reproduction
Secondary precept: IVF should be permitted/masturbation is wrong because it does not pursue the primary precept of reproduction.
Primary precept: Protection of innocent life
Secondary precept: Transplant surgery should be permitted/ Suicide is morally wrong.
Primary precepts are … and secondary precepts are …
Primary precepts are descriptive and secondary precepts are prescriptive (they demand a response).
we are rational creatures therefore we have an inbuilt ability to understand
the principle of function, purpose and end and to work out how life is to be lived morally.
quote from aquinas to suggest that a moral life is lived according to reason
an immoral life is one against reason ‘to disparage the dictate of reason is equivalent to condemning the command of god’
this means that - Humans are destined towards eudaimonia and should live in accordance with their design - instead of leading a life of non-natural non-rational desires.
quote from aquinas to show that NML is universal
‘Natural Law is the same for all men… there is a single standard of truth and right for everyone…which is known by everyone’
quote from aquinas to suggest that the human nature is essentially good as natural law is within everyones CHN
‘no evil can be desirable, either by natural appetite or conscious will’ -
What is an apparent good
Something that does not conform to the 5 precepts
’ a fornicator seeks pleasure which involves him in moral guilt’ - therefore he has made an error in judgement as he is not abiding by what God has intended (reproduction)
what is a real good
when one uses correct reason in making ethical decisions
Therefore reason is needed to distinguish between real and apparent goods.
For Aquinas - Right reason making moral judgements is the conscience, one must educate the conscience with reason and allow virtues to become habitual
For Aquinas, both the intention and act are important.
what is a good exterior act
an act which looks good outwardly