NMB agents 1/9 Flashcards
order of muscles paralysis
rapid orbital muscles of eye>extremities>trunk>
recovery occurs in reverse order
depolarizing drug
more stable agonist than ACh undergoing slow inactivation and also metabolized by cholinesterase
much more prolonged duration of action than ACh
phase1 or depolarizing phase
fasciculations which can be prevented by pretreatment of small dose of non-depolarizing agent, but this will require adjustment of succs dose.
maintained depolarization will block action of ACh
phase2 or desensitization block
succs will desensitize muscle nicotinic receptors resulting in repolarization of muscle,but endplate remains blocked.
this is most likely due to succs blocking ion channel of muscle nicotinic receptor
picture of phase1 and 2 of succs
adverse reactions to succs
hyperkalemia:massive muscle nerve damage,burn pts.this can lead to cardiac arrest.Also don’t use in children due to undiagnosed cardiomyopathy
increased intraocular pressure(eye injury)
increased gastric pressure(variable)
malignant hyperthermia:AD polymorphism,most often in ryanodine receptor
hyperkalemia results from
release of K from the muscle via the nACHR where these receptors have been upregulated,following nerve injury or denervation
nerve activity regulates number of nACHR on muscle,normally keeping them at high density only at synapse
genetic variability of plasma cholinesterase
ability to hydrolyze succs or mivacurium varies.
in some homozygous individuals for this variant,these blockers may have greatly prolonged actions
other causes for lower plasma cholinesterase
pts with severe liver disease (plasma CHE comes from liver)
pts heterozygous for the genetic plasma CE variant
pts taking drugs with anti-plasma CE activity:pyridostigmine,esmolol,oral contraceptives
non-depolarizing blocker
act simply as competitive inhibitors for ACh at muscle nictotinic receptors
pharmacokinetics of NMB
poorly absorbed orally and must be given IV
some blockers eliminated or excreted by kidney–>longest 1/2 life and long duration of action.Even longer in kidney disease
some blocker are metabolized in liver–>shorter 1/2 life and shorter duration.longer in liver disease
some blockers hydrolyzed by plasma esterase and have shortest 1/2 lives and duration.plasma variants exist with poor hydrolysis activity prolonging 1/2 life of these blockers
assessment of NMJ block
using peripheral nerve stimulation in order to adjust dose
train-of-four:brief sequence of 4 stimulation or tetany(burst of high frequency stimulation) will display what is known as fade when a non-depolarizing block is occuring
fade often involves a presynaptic action of non-depolarizing blocker at nerve ending itself,but main point is that it’s diagnostic of block.it goes away with recovery
reversal of NMB
for all blockers except succs and mivacurium,use CE inhibitors (neostigmine)
increased ACh will compete away the blocker.to prevent excess ACh at muscarinic sites,use atropine or glycopyrrolate in order to prevent overshoot.
succs and mivacurium are used initially for rapid induction of paralysis and a long acting NMJ blocker is used to maintain paralysis.therefore succs is usually eliminated before reversal is initiated with neostigmine