NM: Tests Flashcards
Sensory Integrity:
Pain (superficial)
test sharp/dull sensation in response to sharp/dull stimuli with paper clip
Sensory Integrity:
Temperature (superficial)
test hot/cold sensation in response to hot/cold stimuli with test tubes filled with hot or cold water
Sensory Integrity:
Touch (superficial)
test touch/nontouch in response to slight touch stimulus (cotton ball) or no touch
Sensory Integrity:
Joint Position Sense (deep/proprioceptive)
test ability to perceive joint position at rest in response to your positioning the pt’s limb (up/down, in/out)
Sensory Integrity:
Kinesthesia (deep/proprioceptive)
test ability to perceive movement in response to your moving the pt’s limb; pt can duplicate movement with opposite limb or give verbal report
Sensory Integrity: Vibration sense (deep/proprioceptive)
test proprioceptive pathways by applying vibrating tuning fork or pressure only (sham vibration) on bony areas
Sensory Integrity:
Stereognosis (combined/cortical sensations)
test ability to identify familiar objects placed in the hand by manipulation and touch
*test a sample of these combined/cortical sensations
Sensory Integrity: Tactile localization (combined/cortical sensations)
test ability to identify location of a touch stimulus on the body by verbal report or pointing
*test a sample of these combined/cortical sensations
Sensory Integrity:
Two-point discrimination (combined/cortical sensations)
test ability to recognize one or two blunt points applied to the skin simultaneously; determine minimal distance on skin where two points can still be distinguished in mm using an aesthesiometer (two tips must be applied simultaneously)
*test a sample of these combined/cortical sensations
Sensory Integrity:
Barognosis (combined/cortical sensations)
test ability to identify similar size/shaped objects placed in the hand with different gradations of weight
*test a sample of these combined/cortical sensations
Sensory Integrity:
Graphesthesia (combined/cortical sensations)
test ability to identify numbers, letters, or symbols traced on the skin; typically the hand
*test a sample of these combined/cortical sensations
Sensory Integrity:
Bilateral simultaneous stimulation (combined/cortical sensations)
test ability to identify simultaneous touch on the two sides/segments of the body
*test a sample of these combined/cortical sensations