NM Conditions Flashcards
Autosomal Recessive
Mutation in the GAN gene that encodes for Gigaxonin (involved in cross-linking of intermediate filaments)
Path: Large focal AXONAL swelling that tightly packed disorganized neurofilaments
Giant Axonal Neuropathy
Sensorimotor neuropathy with corticospinal involvement + UMN signs
Optic atrophy => Vision loss
Hallmarks: Walking on the inner edges of the feet, tightly curled hair
Giant Axonal Neuropathy
Autosomal Dominant
Peroxismal disorder that results from a defect in an enzyme involved in fatty acid metabolism, leading to accumulation of Phytanic Acid.
Refsum’s Disease
Retinitis Pigmentosa (Night blindness, visual field constriction)
Skin changes
Neuropathy: Large sensorimotor neuropathy
Hearing Loss
Anosmia, Ataxia, Cerebellar signs
Refsum Disease
Mutation in Thymidine Phosphorylase Gene
Retinitis Pigmentosa, Demyelinating neuropathy
Intestinal Pseudoobstruction
Myoneurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy (MNGIE)
Autosomal Recessive
Defective triglyceride transport => Abnormal low-density lipoprotein secretion
Fat malabsorption results in vitamin deficiencies
DX: Low levels of serum beta lipoprotein & vitamin E + Peripheral smear showing acanthocytes
Bassen-Kornzweig Syndrome
Autosomal Dominant
Mutation in Transthyretin (plasma protein that transports thyroxine & other proteins)
Presents in the 3rd/4th decade of life
Both small and large nerve fibers are affected
Pronounced loss of pain and temperature sensation - sparing posterior columns
Lancinating pains and dysesthesias, Autonomic dysfunction.
Nerve/Rectal/Fat pad biopsy will show congo red staining & apple-green birefringence on polarized light
Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy 1
Autosomal Dominant
4th/5th decade of life
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Slow progressive polyneuropathy - NO AUTONOMIC FEATURES
Familial Amyloid Neuropathy 2
Autosomal Dominant: Duplication of PMP22
First two decades of life
Progressive weakness, Muscle atrophy, Kyphosis, sensory loss
Hammer toes, high arched feet, Palpably enlarged nerves due to peripheral nerve hypertrophy, Pes cavus
Autosomal Dominant
Mutation in the Myelin Protein 0
Mutation in Connexin 32 gene
Males more severely affected
Autosomal Dominant
Optic Atrophy
Foot ulcerations
Vocal cord paralysis, Intercostal + Diaphragmatic weakness
Presents in infancy
Proximal weakness, Absent DTRs, Hypertrophy of peripheral nerves, Prominent sensory symptoms
Dejerine-Sottas Syndrome
Hypertrophic Neuropathy of Infancy
Autosomal Dominant
Deletion of PMPP22
Recurrent episodes of focal mononeuropathies or plexopathies
Weakness not preceded by/accompanied by pain
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies (HNPP)
Autosomal Recessive
Mutation in the Adenosine Triphosphate Cassette Transporter Protein: ABCA1 gene 9q31.
Low serum HDL & LDL and elevated Triglyceride
Deposition of triglycerides in reticuloendothelial system: Fat-laden Macrophages
Deposition of triglycerides in the tonsils = yellow-orange appearance of the tonsils
Tangier’s Disease
Purely motor demyelinating neuropathy.
Asymmetric weakness from involvement of individual peripheral nerves + hypo-/areflexia + NO SENSORY MANIFESTATIONS.
CSF: Normal protein
Anti-GM1 Antibodies
NCS/EMG: Conduction Block
T/M: IVIG or Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide
Note: Not responsive to steroids or PLEX
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) with Conduction Block
All recessive forms of CMT
Demyelinating & axon loss forms
Vision loss, severe scoliosis, Hearing loss
Preceded by significant weight loss.
Deep pain with superimposed lancinating sensation
Atrophy of pelvic girdle & thigh muscles
Patellar reflex absent
Diabetic Amyotrophy