NLM Chapter 2 Flashcards
Process of planning, organizing, activating, and controlling the managerial function of nursing to determine and accomplish objectives of nursing care
Nursing Management
Who defined management as the process by which a cooperative group directs action towards common goals
Joseph Massie
What kind of management style is this?
Karl, the manager, gives specific advice, clarifies expectations when he puts you in charge on managing a project.
Directive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, or Coaching
What kind of management style is this?
Steve Jobs was known for his ability to make quick and decisive decisions independently and he had a clear vision of Apple products.
Directive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, or Coaching
What kind of management style is this?
Abi’s team starts a project, and she had to introduce a new software tool. John asks here how to open the application and use the 2FA in the middle of presentation. Abi stops and say: “Good question. Let’s take a look at this together later.”
Directive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, or Coaching
What kind of management style is this?
Bill Gates is known to take suggestions from colleagues and teams. He understands how imperative it is to value the knowledge and skills of team members
Directive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, or Coaching
What kind of management style is this?
Jay quickly pinpoints poor performers and demands more from them otherwise he replaces them with people who can comply to the deadlines
Directive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, or Coaching
What kind of management style is this?
Sarah engages her team members on a one-on-one conversations to identify their strengths, areas for improvement, and career aspirations
Directive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Participative, Pacesetting, or Coaching
This theory views an organization as a machine. It focuses on centralized authority, labor specialization, and incentives
profits to optimize productivity, and drive incentives
Classical Organization
Three Levels of Authority
- Business Leaders or Top-Level Management
- Middle Management
- Supervisors
Prioritizes employee’s physical and economical requirements over job satisfaction (financial rewards, wage hikes, and incentives)
Classical Theory (Organization)
Advantages of Classical Organization
- Allows focus on a specialized field of operation
- Clearly defined roles
- Better wages and incentives
- Quick-decision making accelerating workflow
Disadvantages of Classical Organization
- Limits creativity and innovation
- Neglect social needs
- Stressful and unhealthy work culture
Father of Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor
Explained that the optimization of work translated to productivity and efficiency
Frederick Taylor
Believed that organizational fucntion was optimal when designed to be highly specialized; taking advantage of a particular skill set
Frederick Taylor
Factory management technique that advocates for having multiple foremen in different, specialized roles
Concept of Functional Foremanship
Frederick Taylor applied principles of which resulted in decreased production costs and increased productivity (3 - OMSC-im)
- Observation
- Measurement
- Scientific Comparison
Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles (MMW)
- Managing Time
- Managing Materials
- Work Specialization
Disciple of Taylor who is also concerned with problems related to efficiency
Henry Gantt
Henry Gantt’s two key contributions
Gantt Chart & Task and Bonus System
A tool that provides a graphic representation of what occurs over the course of a project
Consist of a bar chart showing progression of time through phases of project
Gantt Chart
Parts of a Gantt Chart
- Sequential Performance
- Terminal Element
- Summary Element
Advantages of Gantt Chart
- Aids in breakdown of tasks into specific elements
- Allows monitoring of projected timelines
- Identifies independent and dependent tasks
Disadvantages of Gantt Chart
- Tedious to manage and update
- Represent only the time (not hours) of work
- Complex & Confusing
- Doesn’t designate priorities
A system that modified Taylor’s “A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work”
Task and Bonus System
Wage incentive method of rewarding an employee who outperform the expected set output by organization (benchmark against completion of a task)
Gantt Task Bonus Plan
In Task and Bonus System, what are the usual bonus percentage of employees?
10% or 20% of standard payment rate
Father of Modern Management
Henri Fayol
Revolve around business management along with overall management that aims to improve organization productivity seeking to enhance managerial performance instead of individual worker efficiency
General Administrative Theory (Henri Fayol)
He concluded that management is universal
In General Administrative Theory,
This relates to work of organizing and managing including:
- creating rules and regulations
- making decisions
- management of operations
- creating organization to direct activities towards achieving a common goal
In General Administrative Theory,
Manages overall affairs and the sole responsible for setting and developing main company’s policies and objectives.
They oversee entire departments, focus more on healthcare policy, protocol, and nursing.
In General Administrative Theory,
Process of dealing and controlling something in a way that is effective. Includes:
- Overseeing a team
- Solving problems
- Communication w/ colleagues
- Motivating employees
In General Administrative Theory,
Implements policies that administrators formulated. They work directly, guide, and monitor employees. Other fx:
- manage individual floors
- Work different shifts
- Focuses more on direct patient care, organization, and assignments during shift
Under 5 Functions of General Administrative Theory,
Anticipation of future events and the development of action to deal with it
Under 5 Functions of General Administrative Theory,
Organizing of people, work, and materials
Under 5 Functions of General Administrative Theory,
Implementing and commanding of activity among personnel and employees
Under 5 Functions of General Administrative Theory,
Coordinating the parts of the organization into a unified whole
Under 5 Functions of General Administrative Theory,
Controlling the organization through the application of rules and procedures
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
The goals are of paramount importance and take precedence over the individual’s particular needs
Under Prevoyance
Subordination of the Individual Interest to the Corporate Goods, Espirit de Corps, or Initiative
Subordination of the Individual Interest to the Corporate Goods
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Development of high morale is important, and it is the responsibility of the manager at the top to have a vision and to communicate it to the employees in a way that motivates them to achieve it
Under Prevoyance
Subordination of the Individual Interest to the Corporate Goods, Espirit de Corps, or Initiative
Espirit de Corps
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Employees should be able to develop and implement plans on their own
Under Prevoyance
Subordination of the Individual Interest to the Corporate Goods, Espirit de Corps, or Initiative
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
To increase worker’s efficiency levels
Under Organization
Division of Work or Order
Division of Work
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Employees and materials need to be at the right place and at the right time
Under Organization
Division of Work or Order
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Fayol advocated having only one manager with no conflicting line of command
Under Commanding
Unity of Command or Unity of Direction
Unity of Command
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
There must be one agreed-upon plan both up and down the hierarchy
Under Commanding
Unity of Command or Unity of Direction
Unity of Direction
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Decision made based on organizational needs
Under Coordination
Centralization / Decentralization or Stablity of Tenure of Personnel
Centralization / Decentralization
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
The more stable the personnel and managerial strcutures, the more successful the business
Under Coordination
Centralization / Decentralization or Stablity of Tenure of Personnel
Stability of Tenure of Personnel
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Gives the “right” to issue commands and includes responsibility for the consequences
Under Controlling
Authority, Discipline, Scalar Chain, Renumeration, or Equity
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization. Good discipline involves the judicious use of penalties for breaking the rules.
Under Controlling
Authority, Discipline, Scalar Chain, Renumeration, or Equity
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
The line of authority is drawn from highest management to lowest ranks, and communication moves up and down this line
Under Controlling
Authority, Discipline, Scalar Chain, Renumeration, or Equity
Scalar Chain
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Money is an important motivator, and a fair wage is to be paid for work performed
Under Controlling
Authority, Discipline, Scalar Chain, Renumeration, or Equity
Under 14 Principles of General Administrative Theory,
Justice and understanding are important to developing a fair and equitable system
Under Controlling
Authority, Discipline, Scalar Chain, Renumeration, or Equity
Theory that has 5 Functions and 14 Principles
General Administrative Theory
Father of Modern Sociology
Max Weber
This theory emphasized that rules and competence are the most efficient basis for organization; a structure of authority or hierarchy would facilitate accomplishment of the objectives
Ideal Bureaucracy
It is the legitimate forms of domination according to Max Weber
In types of authority, it is
Authority is inherited and grounded on dependent subordinates, legitimate
Traditional, Rational-Legal, or Charismatic
Traditional Authority
In types of authority, it is
Grounded on **normative procedures ** for job, chain of command, etc: set of uniform principles
Traditional, Rational-Legal, or Charismatic
Rational-Legal Authority
In types of authority, it is
The particular type, constructed on a “type of seduction” (dedication of followers)
Traditional, Rational-Legal, or Charismatic
Charismatic Authority
Six Principles of Ideal Bureaucracy (D-FAFIC)
- Divison of Labor
- Formal Rules and Regulation
- Authority Hierarchy
- Formal Selection
- Impersonality
- Career Orientation
According to him, worker’s satisfaction is necessary for productivity (including health working environment).
Elton Mayo
Effective and friendly supervision of employees has a significant role in employee morale & productivity
Human Relation Management (Elton Mayo)
He conducted Hawthorne Studies
Elton Mayo
Under Hawthorne Studies
It is the first experiment which aims to determine whether or not light bulbs affects worker’s productivity
Illumination Experiment, Mass Interviewing Program, Relay Assembly Test, Bank Wiring Observation
Illumination Experiment
Under Hawthorne Studies
Focuses on assessing employees’ human relations in the organization rather than their physical
Illumination Experiment, Mass Interviewing Program, Relay Assembly Test, Bank Wiring Observation
Mass Interviewing Program
Under Hawthorne Studies
The study was to find out whether or not changes in work conditions affect employees’ mental health and productivity
Illumination Experiment, Mass Interviewing Program, Relay Assembly Test, Bank Wiring Observation
Relay Assembly Test
Under Hawthorne Studies
Study aims to see the effect if their wage for hourly work is fixed based on average outputs and bonuses also on growth
Illumination Experiment, Mass Interviewing Program, Relay Assembly Test, Bank Wiring Observation
Bank Wiring Observation
Conclusion of Hawthorne Studies
- An organization should have a social way
- Managers should understand group practice as group efforts bring literally greater results than individual efforts
- Social considerations, praise, recognition, and other factors
- Manager’s supervision over their subordinates has a great impact on employee’s performance
- Proper communication in the organization
Founder of Modern Psychology
Kurt Lewin
Revived the study of group dynamics; his theory emphasized the importance of communication
Identified the fact that workers want to have a voice and provide input in their tasks
Kurt Lewin
Emphasized group control over output
Kurt Lewin
Type of Leadership Styles
Leader makes all the decision.
Do “x”
Type of Leadership Styles
Leader consider members before making decision
Which is better? X or Y?
Type of Leadership Styles
Limited input from the leader
Do X or Y as you see which is better
This proponents of this theory assumes leaders are MADE, not born
Behavioral Theory
Psychologist porposed a hierarchy of human needs building from basic needs at the base to higher needs at the top
Abraham Maslow (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs)
Physiological, Safety, Love / Belonging / Social, Esteem (Worthy & Respected(, and Self-Actualization (Work we like)
Categorized job factors into two groups: Hygiene and Motivational Factors
Herzberg’s Theory
Hygiene - Company Policies, Salaries, Working Conditions, Supervision
Motivational: Achievement, Growth, Responsibility, Recognition
Has two theories: X and Y
X - assumes employees dislike work and need to be controlled
Y - assumes employees find work natural and will be self-directed if commited to goals
Mcgregor’s Theory
X - motivated by fear and money
Y - motivated by variety of rewards
Under Likert’s Leadership Styles
Leader uses threats and fear to achieve conformance
Exploitative Authoritative, Benevolent Authoritative, Consultative Leader, Participative Leader
Exploitative Authoritative Style
Under Likert’s Leadership Styles
Leader shows concern but sugarcoats information and maintains control of decisions
Exploitative Authoritative, Benevolent Authoritative, Consultative Leader, Participative Leader
Benevolent Authoritative Style
Under Likert’s Leadership Styles
Listens to everyone but still makes the major decision
Exploitative Authoritative, Benevolent Authoritative, Consultative Leader, Participative Leader
Consultative Leader
Under Likert’s Leadership Styles
Increases blishe collaboration, and seeks to involve other workers in the process of decision making
Exploitative Authoritative, Benevolent Authoritative, Consultative Leader, Participative Leader
Participative Leader
Management Functions
Executive Coaching, Change Management, Leadership, Delegation & Empowerment
Top, Middle, or Low
Management Functions
Problem Solving, Team Building, Talent Development, Performance Management
Top, Middle, or Low
Management Functions
Emotional Intelligence & Coaching for Performance
Top, Middle, or Low
The Management Process is first identified by who? He also state that management is an acquired skill
Henri Fayol
Under Management Process Principles,
Output increases when workers specialize
Division of Work, Authority and Responsibility, Unity of Command, Discipline, Subordination of Individual to the General Interest
Division of Work
Managers and leaders delegate power
Division of Work, Authority and Responsibility, Unity of Command, Discipline, Subordination of Individual to the General Interest
Authority and Responsibility
Division of Work, Authority and Responsibility, Unity of Command, Discipline, Subordination of Individual to the General Interest
Unity of Command
Rules and regulations are utilized to increase effectiveness
Division of Work, Authority and Responsibility, Unity of Command, Discipline, Subordination of Individual to the General Interest
The interests of the organization as a whole is more important than the interest of one employee
Division of Work, Authority and Responsibility, Unity of Command, Discipline, Subordination of Individual to the General Interest
Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest
Span of Control
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
Scalar Chain
Workers are paid fairly for their services
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
Staff and resources must be at the right place at the right time
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
Fair and equitable manner
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
High Staff Turnover is inefficient
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
Stability of Personnel
Staff develop and carry out positive organization plans
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
Leaders promote team spirit to ensure that the organization works in harmony
Scalar chain, Renumeration, Order, Equity, Stablity of Personnel, Initiative, Espirit de Corps
Espirit de corps
5 Functions of Managers (POCCC)
- Planning
- Organizing
- Commanding
- Coordinating
- Controlling
These functions make up the management process
Under Functions of Managers
- Mission / philosophy
- Goals / objectives
- Policies / rules
- Procedures
- Scheduled Changes
- Fiscal / Budget Action
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Innovating
Under Functions of Managers
- Carry out plans
- Assign duties and responsibilities
- Group activities to meet goals
- Delegate authority
- Establish horizontal and vertical authority
- Work within the system
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Innovating
Under Functions of Managers
- Recruiting
- Interviewing
- Hiring
- Orientation
- Staff Development
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Innovating
Under Functions of Managers
- Motivate
- Manage Conflict
- Delegate
- Communicate
- Collaborate
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Innovating
Under Functions of Managers
- Establish standards for measuring work performance
- Measuring performance and comparing it with standards
- Identifying reasons for discrepancy between standard and performance
- Taking corrective action to ensure goals are attained
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Innovating
Under Functions of Managers
By Kannan; it involves proposals and suggestions
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Innovating