NLE p23-24 Flashcards
ad astra per aspera
To the stars through difficulties
ad hoc
for this particular purpose
ad infinitum
without limit
ad nauseam
to the point of being sick
alma mater
kindly mother
alter ego
a second self
ars longa, vita brevis
art is long, life is short
bona fide
carpe diem
seize the day
caveat emptor
buyer beware
de facto
in fact
E pluribus unum
of many, one
errare est humanum
to err is human
ex tempore
on the spur of the moment
in absentia
in one’s absence
in loco parentis
in the place of a parent
in memoriam
to the memory of
modus operandi
a particular way of doing something
non sequitur
an inference that does not follow logically from original statement
per annum
for each year
per capita
for each person
per diem
for each day
per se
by itself
persona non grata
person who is not acceptable
post mortem
after death
prima facie
on the surface
pro and con(tra)
for and against
quid pro quo
this for that
sine die
without appointing a date
sine qua non
something indispensable
status quo
existing state or arrangement
tempus fugit
time flies
terra firma
solid ground
word for word