NLE p18-19 Flashcards
(1200 BC) arrived in Tiber valley with Trojan refugees
753 BC
founding of Rome
Founder of Rome and first king
Tarquinius Superbus
Last king of Rome (expelled 509 BC)
Roman soldier who delayed attacking Etruscans on bridge
Mucius Scaevola
Roman who thrust his right hand in fire instead of betraying Rome
509 BC
Republic established
Roman farmer requested by Senate to become dictator and fight Gauls; when defeated, returned to farm
won battle against Rome but so costly that he made peace
Punic Wars (264 - 146 BC)
wars against Carthage (Roman victory)
Roman envoy bribed by Pyrrhus but turned down
Captured by Carthaginians and released to persuade Roman Senate to release Carthaginian prisoners; told not to release and faced death in Carthage
Roman speaker who ended every speech with “Carthage must be destroyed)
Scipio Africanus
Roman general who defeated Hannibal at Zama
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
Brothers who wanted to help poor and assassinated for stealing from rich (mother - Cornelia)
Marius and Sulla
Roman generals who became foes in first century BC
Gaius Julius Caesar
Conquered Gaul and became dictator for life; assassinated in 44 BC
Caesar’s rival
Marcus Antonius
Led fight against Caesar’s assassins with Octavian; defeated by Octavian at sea battle of Actium
Caesar’s adopted son who became first Roman Emperor in 27 BC (name change - Augustus)