NIPE Flashcards
What is the normal respiratory rate for a neonate?
40-60 breaths per minute.
What is the normal heart rate for a neonate?
What cardiac risk factors can affect the development of the fetal heart?
First degree family history of congenital heart disease
Fetal trisomy
Maternal exposure to viruses eg rubella during early pregnancy
Maternal type 1 diabetes
You feel a distinct strong grace when palpating over the point of maximum impulse with the side of your hand, what does this indicate?
Right ventricular hypertrophy
What cardiac condition can cause hepatomegaly?
Congestive heart failure
What would you do before carrying out the NIPE?
Introduce self to parents, explain the purpose, scope, and limitations of the NIPE and what it will involve
Obtain consent
Identify any risk factors
Ask parents if they have observed any episodes of the newborn becoming breathless or experiencing a colour change either at rest or when feeding.
ask parents if the neonate has normal feeding behaviours, level of alertness and muscle tone.
Decontaminate hands and apply PPE according to the risk assessment
Prepares a suitable environment for the examination and gather equipment.
What are you observing when looking at the heart on the NIPE?
Check for symmetrical movement of the chest
place hand over neonates chest to feel for the point of maximum impulse.
Palpates for the presence of thrills.
Place side of hand over PMI to asses for presence of heaves.
place paediatric stethoscope over the apex beat and count the heart rate for 1 minute while simultaneously palpating the brachial pulse
Auscultate aortic area for 30 seconds
Auscultate pulmonic area for 30 seconds
Auscultate the tricuspid area for 30
Auscultate the mitral area for 30 seconds
Auscultate the coarctation area for 30 seconds
Resp rate for one minute
Palpate both brachial pulses and check that they are in equal rhythm, rate or volume.
Palpate the left femoral and the right brachial pulses simultaneously to check that they are equal in rate, rhythm and volume.
Palpate the liver
What do you do after you’ve done the NIPE?
Document the outcome according to local policy and escalate any concerns
Explain the findings of the NIPE to the parents and explain that a second one will take place at 6-8wks
What does a heave feel like?
A lifting feeling or a kick under your hand
Place hand on its side
Indicates right ventricular hypertrophy
What does a thrill feel like?
Vibration - abnormally large beating of the heart
Indicates a heart murmur
Place hand flat
What is coarctation?
A birth defect in which a part of the aorta is narrower than usual.
What are heart murmurs caused by?
Narrow valve/vessel
Leaky valve
High flow of blood
What type of murmurs are common in newborns?
Systolic murmurs and continuous murmurs
Diastolic murmurs are not common in newborns
When should an infant with suspected heart abnormality be seen following the NIPE?
Seen by a paediatrician with expertise in cardiology in the early neonatal period, urgency depends on suspected condition and clinical condition of the baby.
Types of congenital heart defects?
Cyanotic - decreased pulmonary blood flow (atresia, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of fallot)
Acyanotic - increased pulmonary blood flow
PDA - patent ductus arteriosus
ASD - atrial septal defect
VSD - ventricular septal defect
Obstruction to outflow - coarctation of the aorta.