NINJA MCQs - Gov't Acctg Flashcards
What is included in Estimated Revenues and Other Financing Sources?
Estimated Revs include property taxes, licenses, permits, and inter-governmental revenues
Other Financing Sources include transfers in from other funds
Which of the following would decrease in a general fund when it accounts for debt? Interest expenditures, interest expense, interest payable, or fund balance?
The use of a debt service fund to account for the payment of bond interest may be required by law.
Otherwise, the general fund is used for transactions not required to be reported in another fund.
In this case, state law allows the interest payment to be recorded in the general fund.
Paying interest would increase, not decrease, expenditures, so interest expenditures is not correct.
In a governmental fund, the interest would not have been accrued, so the payable would not be decreased, and interest payable would not be correct.
In a governmental fund, expense (the expiration of resources matched to the earning of revenue) is not measured, so interest expense would not be correct.
Answer: fund balance, which would be decreased when expenditures, a temporary account, is closed at the end of the period
How would a municipality that uses modified accrual and encumbrance accounting record the transaction of property taxes collected in advance?
In order to prevent property taxes collected in advance from increasing the fund balance in a period before the related assets can legally be expended,
Cash (Debit) Deferred Revenue (Credit, liability like Unearned Rev)
In which of the following funds should the debt service transactions of a special assessment issue for which the government is not obligated in any manner be reported?
Agency Fund (to reflect that working as an agent for the bondholders, assessed property owners etc)
Revenues in Capital Projects fund are…
defined as inflows of financial resources from other than issuance of debt, interfund reimbursement and interfund transfers.
Grants would be recorded as revenues or deferred revenue (if liability hasn’t been spent according to grant guidelines)
Proceeds from bond issue and interfund transfer are “other financing sources”
Which of the following accounts of a governmental unit is credited when taxpayers are billed for property taxes?
Taxes Receivable (Debit) Revenues (Credit)
Property taxes of a governmental unit can be accrued and recorded as a receivable and revenue when the property taxes are measurable and available. These revenues are considered measurable at the time the levy is approved by the legislative body. (The billing may occur immediately upon approval of the levy.)
Does a fiduciary funds have income determination or what focus?
Measurement focus of trust funds, including fiduciary funds, is economic resources
The purpose of measurement is change in trust net position reported as additions and deductions
Measurement focus of Governmental type funds (What 2 focuses) & Proprietary funds
The measurement focus of governmental type funds is on both:
The changes in financial position and
financial position.
The flow of financial resources refers to the changes in financial position from the sources and uses of financial resources
By contrast, the measurement focus of a proprietary fund is on determining “operating income, changes in net position (or cost recovery), financial position, and cash flows”—similar to a commercial entity.
Purchase order approved (J/E Entries)
Purchase order is paid (J/E Entries)
For purchase order approved, estimated entry:
Encumbrance (Debit)
Fund balance - reserved for encumbrances (Credit)
When purchase order is paid, reverse the entry,
Fund balance - reserved for encumbrances (Debit)
Encumbrance (Credit
The actual amount of expenditures may be more or less than the estimated amount, but that does not affect the amount by which the encumbrance or the Budgetary Fund Balance—Reserved for Encumbrances are reversed
What are appropriations, expenditures, encumbrances, and vouchers payable?
Appropriations - Adopted budget of general fund represent maximum authorized expenditure during the period
Expenditures - amount expended
Encumbrances or Committed - amount committed
Vouchers payable - past expenditures waiting only for cash payment
Gov’t Wide F/S - Programs, Program Revenue, General Revenue
Programs are financed with program revenues and general revenues.
Program revenues are derived directly from the program itself or from parties outside the reporting government’s taxpayers or citizenry, as a whole; they reduce the net cost of the function to be financed from the government’s general revenues. Financing from outside parties that is restricted to a specific program or programs is considered program revenue.
Taxes are always general revenues, even if restricted to a particular program
All revenues are general revenues unless specified for a specific program.
Which funds will show in gov’t wide statement of cash flows?
The fund financial statements include statements of cash flows for proprietary funds but not for governmental funds. The proprietary funds, except for the internal service funds, make up the business-type operations of a government. A city-owned utility is a prototypical example of a business-type activity that would be recorded in a proprietary fund. In contrast, construction of a city hall building is a general government operation that would be recorded in a governmental fund.
Basic government-wide financial statements include
Statement of net position and the statement of activities, but not a cash flow statement
In general fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, which of the following has an effect on the excess of revenues over expenditures?
Purchase of fixed assets is an example of an expenditure and reduces the excess of revenues over expenditures.
Transfers between funds are recorded as “other financing sources and uses.”
Proceeds from the sale of capital assets is an example of a special item. Special items are shown on the statement after the excess of revenue over expenditures.
Private-purpose trust funds represent
resources held in trust for the benefit of parties that are not a part of the government, rather than for the benefit of government programs
Government Wide Statements, which funds are included in governmental activities section?
How are enterprise funds reported?
How are fiduciary funds reported?
Net position of internal service funds are reported with governmental activities in government-wide statements because the activities accounted for in them are usually more governmental than business-type in nature
If enterprise funds are the predominant or only participants in an internal service fund, then the internal service fund would be reported along with the enterprise funds. Enterprise funds are reported as business-type activities in government-wide statements.
Fiduciary funds (the pension fund) are not reported in the government-wide statements.
Fines and forfeitures are included
in charges for services. They result from direct charges to those who are directly affected by a program or service, even though they receive no benefit.
Chargers for services - ALWAYS included in program revenues
The lease meets the criteria for a capital lease. In which financial statement should the noncurrent portion of the lease be reported?
The noncurrent portion of general government capital leases are reported as a general long-term liability. General long-term liabilities should be reported in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position. They should not be reported as liabilities in governmental funds.
Gov’t Wide - Notes to Financial Statements
With the exception of the general fund or its equivalent, the descriptions should be specific to the particular government, rather than general definitions that could describe any government
include a note that summarizes the accounting policies related to the specific statements presented. The notes are considered an integral part of the statements.
Although unnecessary and immaterial items should not be included, the extensive list of items a government should address in the notes of its financial statements covers material additional to “required supplementary information
MD&A is…
Required Supplementary Info